Applications for the Rome MUN 2016

Applications for the Rome MUN 2016

Applications open for the Rome Model United Nations 2016-the biggest United Nations simulation in Europe for college-level studentsApplications open for the Rome Model United Nations 2016-the biggest United Nations simulation in Europe for college-level students.

The Rome Model United Nations is the biggest diplomatic simulation of the United Nations for college-level students in Europe and one of the biggest in the world, this year the seventh edition will take place in the Rome the eternal city. 2000 delegates coming from all over the world, 7 committees, special guests, an innovative approach to favor a closer relationship between the civil society and the international institutions will make youth the focus of RomeMUN debate. With the main them “YOUTH AND FUTURE GLOBAL CHALLENGES”, young people, their ideas, their job perspectives in a globalized world will be the focus of the event.


The RomeMUN is a learning by doing project which let participants acquire many practical competencies: public speaking thanks to the delegates’ public speeches, how to write an official document of the UN, delegates write position papers and resolutions, team building as participants need to work along with other delegates in order to find a common solutions to the agenda topics, leadership as each state try to led a group of nations toward a certain proposal, adaptation of a multicultural environment thanks to the involvement of students coming from 100 countries worldwide.

The event has the patronage of eminent international and national institutions like the specialized agencies of the UN World Food Programme and IFAD, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission. The event has the patronage of eminent international and national institutions like the specialized agencies of the UN World Food Programme and IFAD, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission.

If “the young generations are the leaders, not only the leaders of tomorrow of the leaders of today”, as the UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon sayed during a meeting at EXPO Milano with a delegation of RomeMUN staff , the Rome Model United Nations has the goal of living young people the right tools to turn this world into reality.

Applications open -100 scholarships available for the most deserving candidates.

Simulation is open to students and recent graduates who pass the selection process and register by December 19th.

The Rome Model United Nations this year is one of the project of the Rome International Careers Festival ( the first event entirely dedicated to young people looking for job and study opportunities, in Italy and abroad, will take place. The Festival will involve 30.000 participants coming from 100 countries around the world with 650 scholarships available for 5 projects. Multiculturalism, employment, internationalization and study are the keywords which will make the Rome International Careers Festival a precious opportunity for meeting people and exchanging experiences, dreams and knowledge. RomeMUN participants will have also the opportunity to attend workshops and roundtables in order to acquire soft skills and to understand how to start their careers in the United Nations system.


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