Miras University Model United Nations conference 2017

Miras University Model United Nations conference 2017

Dear MUN Delegates!

The MUIMUN team are pleased to announce that the conference is set to take place from October 28 to 29, 2017 in Shymkent, Kazakhstan.

Prior to the conference we are planning to hold a 2-day international seminar "Soft Power of Public Diplomacy", aimed at mastering tools for developing public diplomacy between countries and strengthening international youth cooperation to address a number of global problems facing the world. The event is organized by youth association of Access alumni ASAA.

The number of participants is limited (to 20).

The venue for the seminar "Soft Power of Public Diplomacy": South Kazakhstan State University

The address: Tauke han st, building 5, Shymkent, Kz

Date:  October 26-27, 2017. Time: 08:30

We welcome young people from Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, and other countries to take part in the seminar "Soft power of public diplomacy" and then in MUIMUN conference.


MUIMUN conference will focus on the following issues in 4 committees:

General Assembly (the working language - English):

“Education is the source of equality, social opportunities and economic stability”

 “Preservation of the intangible cultural heritage”

Security Council (the working language - English):

“Miscommunication is the biggest threat to the peaceful resolution of tension”

 “The tension created by North Korea”

The Economic and Social Council (the working language - English):  

“Economic solutions to the problems of unemployment of young people and their impact on economic growth”

“Participation of local community in effective water resources management”

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (the working language - Russian):

“Участие молодежи в социальном развитии общества”

“Обеспечение качества образования”

The number of participants is limited (to 150).


The MUIMUN conference venue: Miras University

The address is: 1st of May str, building 10, Shymkent, Kz

Date:  October 28-29, 2017. Time: 08:3o

Deadline for Position papers: October 22, 2017


We aim for all delegates to improve their debate and public speaking skills, to be active in debating and to gain first-hand experience of negotiating processes by playing the role of diplomats for a period of three days.

MUIMUN is not just an educational event, it is also a great opportunity to meet MUN peers and spend time together.

Do not hesitate and send your application as soon as possible.

Registration for MUIMUN 2017 is open!

If you want to participate, you should:

  • Choose the language, in order to prepare for the Model and to use it during the sessions of the committees;
  • Choose the committee and agenda you want to participate in; 
  • Report on the agenda of your chosen committee;
  • Fill in the registration form


Details: Participants (university students) are expected to pay the registration fee 1000 KZT.

Only payments from pre-registered delegates will be accepted. After we confirm your pre-registration, MUIMUN Secretariat will send you a conference invoice with payment details. 

The registration fee covers a delegate’s kit, participation to all conference sessions, coffee breaks, and a certificate of participation.

Please, remember that while social events are open to all delegates and staff of MUIMUN, the cost is at the expense of the participant.


We look forward to hearing from you soon!


For any questions, please contact:

+77088488008 (Shakhnoza)

+77024460811 (Zhasurbek) 

+77025889997 (Danara)

+77017130144 (coordinator)

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