Educational and extracurricular work with students is an integral part of the specialist training process and is carried out with the aim of creating a system of tools and actions that are responsible for solving urgent problems of education, creating favorable conditions for the personal and professional formation of all college graduates combining deep professional knowledge and skills, high moral and patriotic qualities with a legal and communicative culture, capable of creative expression and occupying active citizenship. Having passed the school of public organizations, associations, creative groups, the school of volunteer movement, the student acquires solid life guidelines, organizational and leadership skills, personal qualities needed by a scientist, leader, public figure. Effective educational work solves the problem of forming the intellectual and creative potential of the individual, allows you to create all the conditions for self-development and self-affirmation of the individual, improving the abilities of all students.
The Youth Committee of the Miras College is a voluntary association of college students and is intended to facilitate the implementation of youth policy and the development of measures for its full implementation; to participate in the organization and improvement of the educational process in college, departments, groups; Form in the student groups an atmosphere of mutual assistance and creativity.
1. Tasks of the KDM
- organizational activities
- maintaining discipline in college, increasing attendance and student performance;
- increasing civil-patriotic, legal education;
- spiritual education
- environmental education
- assistance in organizing leisure and recreation for students;
- promotion of a healthy lifestyle for students;
- education of tolerance among college students;
- development of intellectual and communicative culture;
- cultural, aesthetic and intercultural education;
- participation in volunteer movements and charity events.
2. KDM has the right:
- Participate in meetings, college youth meetings.
- Request material and moral incentives for students or disciplinary action.
- Interact with the college administration and the parent committee on the conduct of educational and organizational activities and other issues within the competence of the KMC.
- Submit proposals to the College's Teaching Council.
3. The structure of the KDM is approved by the director of the college after agreement with the deputies for educational and educational work.
KDM consists of the following sectors:
- training;
- scientific;
- social;
- sports and physical education;
- cultural;
- informational.
During the year, members of the KDM conduct active career guidance with schoolchildren of the city and regions of the Turkestan region, and in the summer they receive official work in the admissions committee of Miras College, as part of a student employment program.
The main tasks of student self-government are:
- Improving the civic position of students;
- Implementation of the youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Support for young people in their self-determination and choice of life values, their full and harmonious development in the spirit of patriotism;
- Protection of the rights and interests of students;
- Joint study and solution of problems of students and student interaction;
- Organization of leisure activities for students: meetings with people from various fields, holding intellectual games, watching contests and other cultural events;
- Establishing feedback from students with the faculty and administration of the university;
- Active participation of members of student associations in cultural events and attracting students to them;
- Studying the views and opinions of students, promptly informing the administration about the situation in this area.
The objectives of student self-government:
- Creation of conditions for the inclusion of students in socially-demanded activities for mastering the social experience necessary in real life.
- Search and organization of effective forms of independent work, negotiations, people management
- Formation of civic readiness for creative, social and transformative activities.
- Creating conditions for the development and implementation of creative, leadership, civic, professional potential of students.
Work methods of student government:
- Organizational self-regulation - flexibility in the implementation of organizational functions by members of student groups, the steady influence of the asset on the team, the ability of the team to independently change its structure in order to more successfully solve organizational problems.
- Collective self-control - self-analysis by student self-government bodies and individual organizers of their activities and, based on this, the search for more effective ways to solve managerial tasks.

Асқарбай Дарын
Президент студенческого совета

Егізбек Айгерім
Министр образования

Бақытжанова Жансая
Министр культуры
Есіркеп Бибарыс
Министр спорта

Правоохранительный сектор

Илесов Мирас
Профориентационный сектор

Керембаева Аида
Совет старост
Student government represented by the Student Council is the main form of student participation in the management of college student life.
The Youth Affairs Committee oversees all college entertainment and sports clubs. Club leaders are selected from the KDM.
- Clubs and organizations in the areas of:
Organization of the charity volunteer movement
"Good Miras."
Responsible: Egizbek Aigerim, Baқytzhanova Zhansaya
Debate is an intellectual game, which is a special form of discussion, which is conducted according to certain rules.
Responsible: Sharip Karlygash
In connection with the announcement by the World Health Organization of the new coronavirus COVID-19 as a pandemic in order to protect the life and health of citizens, President of Kazakhstan K.Zh. Tokaev declared a state of emergency in Kazakhstan in connection with the coronavirus.
In connection with the transition of students to the distance learning system, Miras College switched to the distance learning system.
Classes and videos are currently being held at the college using the SmartNation platform for distance learning.
“SmartNation” is a platform for the automation of educational processes, public services and online training in the institutions of technical and vocational education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Dear teachers and students, we ask you to take care of your health during an emergency, effectively use the proposed education system, actively participate in lessons and provide feedback.
At such a critical moment, the college asks parents to understand and help students, including their children, use their time efficiently and learn teaching materials in a new format.
International Anti-Corruption Day
Corruption is one of the most dangerous factors in public life, which destructively affect the state of not only the national security of the state as a whole, but also in all its components. The main danger of corruption as an anti-state and socially dangerous phenomenon lies in its destructive effect on the foundations of the state system and the constitutional foundations of the legal regulation of society. The ever-increasing scale of corruption, both in Kazakhstan and in other countries of the world, the increasing degree of its negative impact on the development of national economies, require a new assessment of this phenomenon in modern conditions. To solve the implementation of the ambitious tasks of the above program documents, it is necessary to qualitatively increase the effectiveness of anti-corruption in the country. The history of the anti-corruption policy of Kazakhstan originates from the Decree of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 17, 1992 "On measures to strengthen the fight against organized forms of crime and corruption." As a result, on the initiative of the Head of State in July 1998, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption” was adopted, which became one of the first legislative acts in the post-Soviet space.
The adoption on November 18, 2015 of the new Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Combating Corruption” was crucial in shaping modern forms and methods of implementing the anti-corruption policy.
At our Miras College, an essay contest was held among students on the topic “A Clean and Open School” dedicated to the “International Day Against Corruption”
1st place: UA-192 Kostsova Marina Alekseevna
2nd place: DV-182 (g) Akimova Anastasiya
3rd place: UA-182 Mirsultanova Milana Azizovna
Miras College hosted festive events dedicated to the Russian winter farewell - Maslenitsa. Shrovetide is an ancient Slavic holiday, funny winter farewell, a call to spring, and pancakes are an indispensable attribute, a symbol of the sun, which is so lacking in winter.
A vibrant creative program unfolded on the college site: a costume performance, a greeting for Shrovetide, round dances, ditties, folk games, pancake refreshments. All groups prepared very well: thought out the choice of costumes, poems, songs, ditties dedicated to Shrovetide; assortment of dishes, their design and name.
Smart students not only played round dances, competed in strength and dexterity, but also got acquainted with the history of the holiday, learned how the Russian people lived, about centuries-old traditions and ceremonies of the celebration of Maslenitsa.
And what a holiday without refreshments! As expected, at the end of the holiday there was a tea party with pancakes in their groups. On this day, everything seemed unusually tasty and sweet.
The holiday was a success. All those present received a lot of cheerful and kind emotions. Shrovetide at College - SUCCESS!
September 2, 2020 in all educational institutions of the country in order to form the values of patriotism and morality among the young generation, an educational hour “Hour of honesty” was held. The education of honesty is one of the priority tasks of modern education.
On the same day, curatorial hours were held at Miras College on the topic “Sanaly Urpak - Zharkyn Bolashak”, on which moral values, corruption in various spheres of life and the need for its prevention were voiced.
In youth, the foundations of the morality of the future citizen are laid, the basic spiritual values develop, which does not allow the child to live in adulthood.
Director of the college N. Abuyeva congratulated students on the new academic year, the most beautiful time - the beginning of student life.
On December 1, at the Miras College, in order to foster love for the Motherland, people, heroism, citizenship, patriotic feeling, love and respect for the head of state, a festive event was held on the theme " Елін сүйген, елі сүйген Елбасы " dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan . The event was attended by the chairman of the Iranian center of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan - Kapar-Pur Nurysbek Kurbanovich, member of the Nur Otan party, professor - Alimbek Bolysbek, chairman of the Center for Mediation, Law and Psychological Support, lawyer-mediator - Orazkulova Nurbala Altynkanovna.
City forum "Formation of an anti-corruption culture in society: society and communication". Competition "Bring-ring" among secondary specialized educational institutions. Miras College won the second prize.