The training program 6В01701 – “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” is developed for training personnel in the field of pedagogical sciences as part of teacher training in languages and literature in compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and is agreed with representatives of educational organizations.
The goal of the training program is to train qualified personnel with theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy and methods of teaching foreign languages, practical knowledge of a foreign language, a wide range of foreign language teaching methods and technologies, as well as leadership qualities, by introducing innovative teaching technologies into the educational process and training competitive education professionals.
The educational program is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to the individual needs of each individual student within the framework of educational standards.
Features of the educational program:
- A comprehensive interdisciplinary approach (the study of several functional areas: pedagogy, psychology, methodology and translation).
- The possibility of implementing individual entrepreneurial activities in the field of educational and translation services.
- In-depth study of general didactic and general methodological principles of teaching English and German.
- Involving students in project activities to acquire skills in the implementation of the educational process in a foreign language using innovative advanced technologies, taking into account the socio-cultural situation and the level of personal development.
- Modern training programs: Kahoot, Quizlet, Deutsche Welle Learn German, Memrise, Wie geht's German, Busuu.
In order to develop additional competencies complementary to students chosen profile, Minor programs are implemented, which consist of a track of thematically related elective disciplines.
Available Minors in the educational program:
The main objectives of the training programFormation of language skills in english and a second foreign language for the high-quality organization of the process of teaching foreign languages in education, considering international standard level requirements for the formation of foreign language competencies;
Ensuring connection of the learning process with the development of sciences; organization of practice-oriented training;
Formation of skills to build the educational process, organization of educational work within a student team, planning and conducting extracurricular activities;
Formation of skills to work with professional documentation; ability to monitor the educational process;
Creation of prerequisites for independent research and analytical activities of students;
Instilling skills in working with specialized information for application in professional activities, systematizing the information received;
Formation and development of social and personal qualities: determination, diligence, responsibility, citizenship, adherence to ethical standards;
Assistance to graduates of the training program in employment through the organization of professional practice.
Key competencies in the training programProficiency in foreign languages for implementation of professional activities and correct use of language material in all types of communicative and speech activities;
Application of information and communication technologies in professional activities;
Proficiency in time management and public speaking;
Selection of appropriate pedagogical technologies for differentiated and integrated learning; implementation of pedagogical monitoring, implementation of pedagogical management;
Development of training materials in accordance with the objectives of the classes;
Integration of foreign languages in the educational process;
Ability to organize research work, analyze the results;
Skills in self-organization, self-control and self-esteem.
Types of professional activityTeaching;
Employability prospects for specialistsSecondary and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, education departments;
Research organizations (institutes) of social and humanitarian profile;
State and non-state institutions (institutes of advanced training);
Cconsulting firms, educational institutions;
Graduates of the educational program can create and develop their own business: trainings, tutoring, language centers, courses, etc.
The name of the organization for which dual training is implementedSym-Bakyt Nursery-garden LLP;
KSU "OSH No. 39 named after M.Zhumabayev";
KSU "Gymnasium School No. 45";
C1 level English proficiency
Arabic language proficiency at C1 level (optional)
French communication skills at C1 level (optional)
German language skills at C1 level (optional)
Professional rhetoric
Knowledge of lexical units and specific grammar rules
Advanced skills in working with a personal computer, office equipment and software in the professional field.
Author's approaches to multilevel study of foreign languages
Transformation of personal values and personal motivation. Adaptation to Stress and Mediation. Foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Cultural and Spiritual Development
Iskakova Laura
Director of the branch of JSC NCCE "Orleu" ICEPE in the Turkestan region, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Russell McMahon
Associate Professor in IT, Executive Director of Undergraduate Program, BSIT University of Cincinnati, USA
Tungishbekov Zhusup
Director of the language school "eMotion"
The Autonomous Organization of Education "Nazarbayev Intellectual School"
Joint-stock company "National center of formation of qualifications" Orleu"
"Turjan" private gymnasium
Language School "eMotion"
Preschool institutions
Research centers
Educational centers
International companies
From 97 000 to 500 000 KZT
On the School basis
- Documents:
- Entrance tests:
Special exam
- Training period:
3 years +Second higher education
- Documents:
Diploma, ID
- Entrance tests:
Job interview, Special exam
- Training period:
Minimum 1 year 8 monthsBased on TVE (College)
- Documents:
- Entrance tests:
Special exam
- Training period:
Min: 2 years 6 months
Galeeva Madina. Graduated in 2011. Fellow of the E-Teacher distance learning program University of Oregon, USA. Lecturer at the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Draganova Tatyana. Graduated in 2014. Head of the project "English Center" at the culture and education community center "Salem". One of the course developers: Global Citizen, Leadership Course, Critical Thinking
Typical curriculum of the educational program 6B01701 - Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages
Name of disciplines Cycle of disciplines ECTS Brief description of the disciplines Kazakh (Russian) Language GED 5 Issues under study: phonetic features, grammatical structure of the Kazakh language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation, phraseological units; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; culture and traditions of Kazakhstan; rules of speech etiquette; rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication. Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; maintaining contacts using e-mail; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Foreign Language GED 5 Issues under study: phonetic features, grammatical structure, of the English language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; rules of speech etiquette; intercultural features and rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication. Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Fundamentals of Law GED 5 Issues under study: law and its place in the system of social regulation; the main forms (sources) of law; legal norms and legal relations; lawful behavior and offenses; the basics of the legal status of a person and a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main branches of law, etc. Formed competencies: orientation in matters of current legislation; possession of skills in analyzing normative legal acts, relations regulated by law, legal analysis of information; application of legal norms in specific situations, following moral and legal norms in everyday practice; expression and justification of one's own point of view on legal issues; conducting polemics in the legal field. Physical Education GED 2 Issues under study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Bases of Anticorruption Culture GED 5 Issues under study: the essence of corruption as a social and legal phenomenon; the manifestation of corruption in public life; the measure of moral and legal responsibility for corruption offenses; the current legislation in the field of combating corruption; prevention of offenses. Formed competencies: orientation in matters of current legislation; possession of skills of analysis of normative legal acts, relations regulated by law, legal analysis of information; application of legal norms in specific situations, following moral and legal norms in everyday practice; expression and justification of one's own point of view on issues of law and anti-corruption culture; conducting polemics in the legal field. Ecology and life safety GED 5 Issues under study: the content and tasks of ecology; the concepts of the ecosystem and the biosphere; the circulation of substances and the flow of energy in ecosystems; global problems of humanity; legislative measures for nature protection; conditions for the occurrence of environmentally hazardous and emergency situations, patterns of their manifestation; classification, characteristics and forecasting of emergencies; development and implementation of measures to protect humans and the environment from negative impacts, first aid, etc. Formed competencies: assessment of the impact of environmental factors on human health; identification of the main hazards of the human environment; choice of methods of protection against hazards; possession of methods and technologies of protection in emergency situations; ability to provide first aid self-and mutual assistance; effective action in case of threat and occurrence of extreme situations and emergencies; determination of symptoms of the human body condition in case of injuries; correct use of first aid kit. Social and Political Studies Module (Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Psychology) GED 8 Issues under study: The main categories of political science, sociology, cultural studies and psychology; socio-ethical values of society; social, political, cultural, psychological institutions of society in the context of their role in the modernization of Kazakh society and the principles of their functioning. Formed competencies: explanation and interpretation of concepts, ideas, theories of sociology, political science, cultural studies, psychology; description, analysis of current problems of modern Kazakh society, social processes; analysis of the features of social, political, cultural, psychological institutions in the context of their role in the modernization of Kazakhstan's society; designing prospects for the development of Kazakhstan's society, solving social, political, personal problems, interpersonal and social conflicts; expressing one's own opinion on issues of social significance; generating ideas on issues of socio-political development of society and presenting them. Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship GED 5 Issues under study: the role and importance of the economy in the life of society; the laws of production, exchange and distribution of material goods; the theoretical foundations of the functioning of the market economy; the fundamentals of the enterprise economy; the content and essence of entrepreneurship; types and forms of entrepreneurial activity. Formed competencies: application of economic knowledge in specific situations; implementation of economic calculations; determination of one's own capabilities in carrying out entrepreneurial activity; use of knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurship for organizing one's business; development of a business plan; readiness to create an entrepreneurial unit and organization of its activities. Fundamentals of innovation and innovation activity GED 5 Issues under study: the essence of the concepts of «innovation», «innovative activity», «innovative project»; classification of innovations; factors determining innovative activity; sources of innovative ideas; priorities of innovation policy at various levels of economic management; the main models of innovative development. Formed competencies: analysis and evaluation of innovative projects; planning of work on the implementation of innovations, presentation of innovative projects; implementation of business planning of innovative projects. Fundamentals of leadership and team building GED 5 Issues under study: the essence of the concepts of «leadership», «team», «team building»; leadership models and their typology; leadership styles; models of leadership decision-making, technologies of team formation. Formed competencies: analysis and evaluation of leadership styles; assessment of the conditions and consequences of the implementation of various leadership styles; methods and techniques of team formation. Practical course of phonetics of the English language BD 5 Issues under study: speech organs and their work; classification of English sounds; features of English pronunciation; the concept of transcription; consonant sounds; vowel sounds; diphthongs; assimilation; loss of explosion; lateral explosion; nasal explosion; reading vowels in four types of syllable; descending tone; ascending tone; descending-ascending tone; parts of speech in the English language and their main word-forming inflections; communicative articulation of sentences; compound and compound sentences; tense coordination; Formed competencies: formation of phonetic skills of the English language by developing stable pronunciation skills of English words and sentences with correct articulation, accent and intonation; development of the ability to hear and understand the speech of native speakers. Phonetics of the English language BD 5 Issues under study: phonetic system of the English language; division of sentences into semantic segments; verbal stress; phrasal stress; rhythmic groups; change of verbal stress under the influence of rhythm; logical stress. Formed competencies: basic concepts of phonetics and phonology; specific features of the phonetic structure of the English language; correctly pronounce the words of modern English, as well as distinguish its phonostylistic variants; implement pronouncing and intonation skills in coherent speech History of Kazakhstan GED 5 Issues under study: basic facts, processes and phenomena, concepts, theories, hypotheses characterizing the integrity and consistency of the integrity of the historical process; periodization of world and national history; modern versions and interpretations of the most important problems of national and world history; features of the historical path of Kazakhstan, its role in the world community. the most important methodological concepts of the historical process, their scientific and ideological basis; features of historical, historical-sociological, historical-political, historical-cultural, anthropological analysis of events, processes and phenomena of the past; historical conditionality of the formation and evolution of public institutions, systems of social interaction, norms and motives of human behavior; interrelationship and features of the history of Kazakhstan and the world, national and regional, confessional, ethnonational, local history. patterns of social development; features of development of Kazakhstan; the main historical facts and events of the socio-economic and political life of Kazakhstan at all stages of its development. Formed competencies: formation of objective historical knowledge about the main stages of the history of Kazakhstan from the ancient era to the present day, about the continuity and continuity of ethnogenesis, the formation and development of the statehood of the Kazakh people; mastering knowledge about the main stages of the development of human society from antiquity to the present day in the social, economic, political, spiritual and moral spheres with special attention to the place and role of Kazakhstan in the world-historical process; the development of the ability to analyze information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past and present, guided by the principle of historicism, in their dynamics, interrelation and interdependence, and the formation of historical thinking — the ability to consider events and phenomena from the point of view of their historical conditionality, to compare different versions and assessments of historical events and personalities, to correlate their views and principles with historically emerged worldview systems, to determine their own attitude to the controversial problems of the past and present. Oratory Art BD 5 Issues under study: the main categorical apparatus of public speaking; the history of public speaking; strategies and tactics of effective speech communications; an algorithm for creating an effective public message; discussion and polemics. Formed competencies: the ability to clearly express their thoughts, feel confident during communication and speech; possession of voice and expressiveness of speech; managing the attention of listeners; the ability to answer unexpected questions, effectively convince opponents and influence listeners; knowledge of methods and techniques for analyzing the partner's speech behavior, methods of self-control Physical Education GED 3 Issues under study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Foreign Language GED 5 Issues under study: phonetic features, grammatical structure, of the English language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; rules of speech etiquette; intercultural features and rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication. Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Kazakh (Russian) Language GED 5 Issues under study: phonetic features, grammatical structure of the Kazakh language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation, phraseological units; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; culture and traditions of Kazakhstan; rules of speech etiquette; rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication. Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; maintaining contacts using e-mail; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Fundamentals of Academic writing BD 5 Issues under study: the concept of «academic writing», genres of academic writing (abstract, essay, review, abstract, scientific article, etc.), the basic principles of compiling and formatting academic texts and their presentation. Formed competencies: creation of written academic texts of various genres; execution of the written text in accordance with the accepted norms, requirements, standards; skills and abilities of compiling a bibliographic description of printed publications and electronic resources; analytical skills with scientific sources; editing academic texts; critical assessment of written work. Workshop on the development of critical and creative thinking BD 5 Issues under study: the nature, structure, functions of critical and creative thinking and methods of their formation; models of critical thinking; methods of stimulating, functions, types of creative thinking; the current state of decision-making theory; conceptual support of the decision-making process; tools of critical and creative thinking necessary for decision-making; types, strategies and methods of decision-making. Formed competencies: the ability to distinguish critical and creative ways of thinking from other forms of intellectual activity; possession of methods and techniques of creative thinking; the use of various models of critical and creative thinking in practice; the implementation of a critical analysis of the situation in the decision-making process based on awareness and interpretation procedures; the formulation and reasoned defense of one's own position on various problems, as well as the correct refutation of the opponent's position. Psychology of communication and conflict management BD 5 Issues under study: the essence of communication; communicative, interactive, perceptual aspects of communication; communication functions; communication structure; types of communication; communication models; verbal and non-verbal means of communication; communication levels; the social nature of conflicts; causes of conflicts; types of conflicts; dynamics and mechanisms of conflict; conflict management in the organizational system. Formed competencies: application of techniques and techniques of effective communication in professional activity; possession of methods of self-regulation of behavior in the process of interpersonal communication; knowledge of interpersonal, intercultural, interethnic and business communication techniques; identification of the causes of conflicts; management of the conflict process and their behavior in conflict; analysis of conflict situations; use of knowledge in the field of conflict management in practice to prevent and resolve conflict situations in the field of management; organization of negotiations and the use of various technologies of the negotiation process in practice. Introductory practical English course BD 5 Issues under study: ""Choosing a career"", ""Illnesses and their treatment"", ""City"",""Meals"", ""Education"",""Sports and Games"", ""Geography"", ""Traveling"".""Theatre"".""Changing patterns of Leisure"",""Man and the Movies"",""English schooling"", ""Bringing up children"", ""Feelings and Emotions"", ""Talking about people"", ""Man and Nature"",""Higher Education in the USA"", ""Books and Reading"", ""Customs and Holidays"", ""Environmental protection"", ""The generation gap"", ""The problems of the young"" Formed competencies: must know the lexical units and grammatical constructions studied in the course of mastering the discipline; understand the written message using various types of reading, depending on the specific communicative task; briefly state the meaning of the text in English; use newly learned words in speech; apply previously learned grammatical constructions in proposed situations; hear the main idea in rapid speech of native speakers (on audio media); discuss the proposed topic in English. Educational practice [FL] BD 2 The educational practice is aimed at obtaining primary professional skills in the field of education, the formation of a stable interest in the profession of a teacher, professional orientation. Practical English Grammar Course BD 5 Issues under study: grammatical norm of the studied language; rules for the formation and use of verb forms (species-temporal, non-personal, forms of the indicative, imperative and subjunctive moods); rules for the formation and use of nominal parts of speech (noun, adjective, numeral, adverb); rules for the use of official parts of speech (articles, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions); rules for constructing simple and complex sentences in English Formed competencies: to speak fluently and correctly in a foreign language on any topic in various communication situations, to conduct a conversation, to participate in a discussion at a normal pace in compliance with grammatical and other norms of a foreign language; to identify and formulate the grammatical meaning of categorical forms and other grammatical means; use grammatical units and syntactic constructions provided for in this program, both in oral and written speech; distinguish between grammatical units and phenomena studied by letter and by ear; analyze texts from the point of view of morphology and syntax; adequately use a variety of grammatical phenomena in order to highlight relevant information and simulate possible communication situations between representatives of different cultures and societies. Philosophy GED 5 Issues under study: categories of philosophy, philosophical understanding and understanding of the role and place of education, science, technology, technology, man, art, freedom, culture, religion in society, methods of scientific knowledge, the evolution of philosophical thought from antiquity to the present. Formed competencies: understanding and explaining the specifics of the philosophical understanding of reality; interpretation and justification of the content and specific features of the mythological, religious and scientific worldview; demonstration of methods of scientific and philosophical knowledge of the world in the implementation of project and research activities; argumentation of one's own position in relation to topical philosophical issues, global problems of modern society. Target Foreign Language (level B1) BD 5 Issues under study: definite article; present extended tense; past long tense; adjectives; comparative degrees of adjectives; future simple tense; traditional and national holidays of Kazakhstan and English-speaking countries. Formed competencies: formation of students ' communicative and linguistic competencies in the foreign language (English)being studied language, familiarization with various types of speech activity; knowledge of phonetic, lexical and grammatical material; formation of readiness to use a foreign language for obtaining, evaluating and using foreign language information for solving educational, research and professional tasks. Pedagogy BD 5 Issues under study: pedagogy as a science: object, subject, tasks and functions of pedagogy; categorical apparatus of pedagogy; didactic concepts and principles of teaching; education as a pedagogical process; forms and means of teaching; the essence, types of education and its place in the integral structure of the educational process; theoretical and methodological foundations of education; the family as a subject of pedagogical interaction and the socio-cultural environment of education and personal development. Formed competencies: knowledge of the theoretical foundations of education and upbringing; knowledge of the methods of analysis and development of training and education programs; knowledge of the general principles of didactics and ways of their implementation in subject teaching methods; acquisition of skills to determine the purpose, principles, content, methods, means, forms of the pedagogical process, the application of methods of scientific and pedagogical research, assessing the quality of the educational process; the ability to apply the acquired pedagogical knowledge in educational and professional activities. Practice of Speaking and Writing in FL (Level B1) BD 5 Issues under study: introduction to vocabulary, listening and reading texts; topics: «Cities and Countries», «Holidays, Traditions and customs», «Literature and art in our life», «Man and the environment». Formed competencies: formation of communication skills in oral and written form in a foreign language, taking into account cross-cultural and professional characteristics; possession of listening skills and understanding of speech of teachers, students and native speakers; possession of skills of reading a foreign text; formation of skills of searching and extracting information from read texts; formation of skills of graphic, punctuation and spelling literate writing. Physical Education GED 3 Issues under study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Anatomy, physiology and hygiene of schoolchildren BD 5 Issues under study: the subject of age-related anatomy, physiology and hygiene of children; the main patterns of growth and development of the body of children; age periodization; the development of regulatory systems of the child's body; the structure and functions of organ systems of a healthy child; age-related anatomical and physiological features of children's development; the basics of children's hygiene; hygienic norms, requirements and rules for preserving and strengthening health at various stages of ontogenesis; features of the influence of environmental factors on children's health. Formed competencies: formation of a system of knowledge about the features of the structure and functioning of the child's body; the ability to identify anatomical and physiological features of the child; knowledge of the peculiarities of the influence of environmental factors on children's health; knowledge of the basic provisions of children's hygiene; the ability to organize hygienic education of children; knowledge of methods for assessing general hygienic requirements; the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children. Reading and writing skills BD 7 Issues under study: topics: «Character», «Time», «Construction», «Cities», «Culture», «Food», «Vision», «Work», «Progress», etc. Formed competencies: the formation of automated skills to correctly write letters, put them into words using sound and visual images, developing motor memory; the formation of reading skills based on conscious distinction and allocation of written signs, correlating them with individual sounds by recreating from a graphic sample of a word its sounding version from recognition to understanding the meaning. Home reading BD 7 Issues under study: children's original fiction in the studied language; original fiction, culture and literature of the countries of the studied language. Formed competencies: formation of reading skills of original fiction in the studied language; vocabulary enrichment; familiarization with the culture and literature of the country of the studied language; development of analytical thinking. Information and Communication Technologies GED 5 Issues under study: content and trends in the development of information and communication technologies; methods of collecting, storing and processing information, methods of implementing information and communication processes; conceptual foundations of the architecture of computer systems, operating systems and networks; architecture of computer systems and networks, the purpose and functions of the main components; concepts for the development of network and web applications, information security tools. Formed competencies: skills of using modern information and communication technologies in various fields of professional activity, scientific and practical work and other purposes; justification of the choice of the most appropriate technology for solving specific tasks; the ability to use Internet information resources, cloud and mobile services for searching, storing, processing and distributing information; ability to use software and hardware of computer systems and networks for data collection, transmission, processing and storage; analysis and justification of the choice of methods and means of information protection; ability to develop tools for data analysis and management for various types of activities; implementation of project activities using modern information and communication technologies. Іnclusive Education BD 5 Issues under study: the role and theoretical and methodological foundations of inclusive education; regulatory and legal support, conditions, models and forms of inclusive education; psychological foundations of inclusive education for children with special educational needs; psychological techniques for optimizing the inclusive educational process; software and methodological support for inclusive education. Formed competencies: knowledge of the conceptual foundations of inclusive education; possession of the skills of implementing correctional and pedagogical activities in primary classes; the ability to use the basic categorical apparatus of inclusive education; knowledge of the methods of teaching, upbringing and development of students, taking into account their special educational needs. Oral and written language practice (level B2) BD 5 Issues under study: introduction to vocabulary; listening and reading texts; Topics: «Tourism», «Family traditions and customs: the birth of a child», «Future simple time», «Traditional and national holidays of Kazakhstan and English-speaking countries», «Independence Day», «Mass media-Press, radio», «Mass media-Internet», «Phrasal verbs», «Present tense: present simple, present long tenses», »Medical care in Kazakhstan, England and the USA», «Health and sports». Formed competencies: mastering communication skills in oral and written form in a foreign language, taking into account cross-cultural and professional characteristics; possession of the necessary amount of grammatical materials in the process of communicative competence; formation of oral and written speech skills taking into account a given compositional type of speech and information, transmitting orally or in writing the content of what is read, heard, seen, as well as your own thoughts in compliance with the logic of presentation and the norms of the graphic-spelling and punctuation systems of the language being studied. General and age psychology BD 5 Issues under study: the subject, tasks and methods of psychology; mental processes; the structure of the psyche; the emotional-volitional and motivational sphere of the individual; personality and mental properties; individual characteristics of the psyche; the subject, tasks and methods of age psychology; the main theories, principles, problems, age stages, patterns and features of children's mental development; the role of communication and activity in the mental development of the child. Formed competencies: knowledge of the methodological and theoretical foundations of general psychology, features and patterns of the course of mental processes; knowledge of the psychological characteristics of the individual at each stage of ontogenetic development; the ability to use the conceptual apparatus of general and age psychology; possession of the skills of conducting psychological research; knowledge of the main characteristics of age-related personality development; possession of strategies and means of creating favorable conditions for maintaining psychological health, well-being, effective and harmonious development of intellectual, personal, spiritual potential of the individual. Tutoring in inclusive education BD 5 Issues under study: the concept of tutoring; the purpose, tasks and competencies of a tutor in inclusive education; the stages of organizing tutor support for children with special educational needs in an inclusive practice; the theoretical foundations of psychological and pedagogical support for children with special educational needs; an inclusive educational environment; pedagogical conditions and technologies of inclusive education. Formed competencies: knowledge of the main characteristics of tutoring in inclusive education; knowledge of the skills of organizing correctional and developmental work with children with special educational needs; the ability to choose the form of educational integration in the process of organizing inclusive education for children with special educational needs; mastering professional competencies as a mechanism for improving the quality of psychological and pedagogical support for subjects of special and integrated education. Basic foreign language (level B2) BD 5 Issues under study: «Family traditions and customs: marriage», «New Year», «Nauryz», «Mother's Day», «Adverbs», «The present perfect», «Mass media-Television», «Means of communication (mail, telephone, fax), types of communication», «The role and place of mass media in the life of a modern person», «Family budget and expenses», «Factors affecting health (lifestyle, hygiene, diet, sports)», «Outstanding people who made a valuable contribution to medicine». Formed competencies: formation of general cultural, general professional and special professional competencies; development of special professional competence in the foreign language communicative sphere. Psychological and pedagogical practice [FL] BD 5 Psychological and pedagogical practice is aimed at developing students ' skills of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child in an educational environment, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children; establishing and strengthening theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of the disciplines of the module of general professional competencies 2. Innovative translation technologies (theory and practice) [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: What is a translator and what does he do, The role of the translator, The Basic principles of translation theory, Translation Units, Translation at the level of morphemes and words, Translation at the level of phraseological units, False friends of the translator, Translation at the level of sentences and text. Formed competencies: mastering the knowledge of the main components of translation, information technologies of translation; formation of knowledge of the basics of machine translation; the ability to compile terminological bases; knowledge of the principles of MT and TM systems, CAT-tools and their place in solving translation tasks. Fundamentals of professional activity of translators [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: Professional ethics, professional qualities of the translator. The reliability of the translation text, the reliability of the translator, The basics of interpersonal communication, Familiarization with the technical support of translation Information situations in online translation resources to help translators, Personal factors of communication (sociability, contact, communicative compatibility), Memory, information styles, intuition of translation, the ability to analytical and synthetic processing of information, speech actions. Translation thesaurus, basic knowledge, Familiarization with technical support for the translation of Information situations in online translation resources to help translators. Formed competencies: mastering knowledge about the translation profession from the point of view of translators and non-translators; knowledge of the rules of relationship with the customer; formation of knowledge of the basics of interpersonal communication; mastering students' knowledge of the psycholinguistic features of the translator. Country Study PD 5 Issues under study: the subject and objectives of the course; geographical location, climate, nature; the most important historical milestones. England in the Middle Ages; political structure and economic structure; linguistic and cultural studies as a science; basic concepts; linguistic and cultural theory of the word; onomastics and its sections; toponymy as a science; names of English pubs; anthroponymy as a science; features of English surnames; linguistic and cultural lexicography. Formed competencies: knowledge of the main stages of history, the most important cultural, historical and social events of the countries of the studied language; formation of knowledge about the geographical location and natural conditions, cultural monuments, national reserves and parks, national and social composition of the population, the state structure and socio-political life of the country, about the administrative and territorial division of the country, the culture of the country; formation of general and professional culture. Target Language Culture PD 5 Issues under study: programs from multimedia courses created by Oxford or Cambridge University; the content of programs (what to talk about, listen to, read and write), in the following areas of communication: family and household, socio-cultural, educational and labor with topics: travel, tourism, national traditions, culture, holidays, life and everyday life of various peoples; programs that include language, speech, socio-cultural knowledge. Formed competencies: mastering knowledge about the main stages of history, the most important cultural, historical and social events of the countries of the studied language; formation of knowledge about the geographical location and natural conditions, cultural monuments, national reserves and parks, the economy, the culture of the country; formation of general and professional culture. Organization of project activities BD 5 Issues under study: the basics of project activity; design technologies; implementation and effective project management; methods of collecting initial data and design methods, methods of project development and implementation. Formed competencies: knowledge of methods of collecting and analyzing information; design and preparation of projects; possession of tools for organizing project activities; setting goals and objectives at each stage of project implementation; development of ways to solve the problem; practical application of design methods in professional activities. Information technologies in the professional activity of a teacher BD 5 Issues under study: composition, functions of information and telecommunication technologies, the possibility of their use in the professional activity of a teacher; basic rules and methods of working with software packages; the concepts of «information systems», «information technology»; theoretical foundations, types and structures of databases; possibilities of network technologies for working with information. Formed competencies: the use of software in the professional activity of a teacher; the use of computer and telecommunication means; skills in working with information reference systems; the use of applied programs in professional activities; the ability to use the resources of local and global information networks. Technology of professional success of a teacher BD 5 Issues under study: social functions and significance of the education system, value bases of professional activity of a foreign language teacher; requirements for personal and professional qualities of a foreign language teacher; regulatory documents regulating the activities of a teacher; outstanding teachers; career development trajectories, professional ethics. Formed competencies: demonstration of the ability and willingness to understand modern issues in the field of education, pedagogy, the process of education, professional ethics; application of principles and rules of professional ethics and etiquette in professional activity; possession and demonstration of individual features of professional image modeling; possession of methods of professional and personal image. Practice of oral and written speech (level C1) BD 7 Issues under study: topics: ""Politics, Citizen and State"", ""Teacher's profession"", ""Youth problems and employment"", ""Law. Human rights and their protection. Crime and punishment"", ""Modern problems of upbringing and personal development"". Formed competencies: possession of communication skills in oral and written form in a foreign language, taking into account cross-cultural and professional characteristics, development of skills to conduct a prepared and unprepared dialogue or monologue; formation of a global and detailed understanding of the listened text; acquisition of skills and abilities to write texts of a given compositional type of speech. Basic foreign language (level C1) BD 7 Issues under study: introduction to vocabulary; listening and reading texts; development of speaking and writing skills; topics: ""Family and society"", ""Society at the present stage"", ""Child rearing"", ""My first professional experience"", ""History and culture of child rearing among different peoples"". Formed competencies: formation of communicative and linguistic competence in English; skills of activating speech activity in various situations; stimulation of the use of a foreign language for obtaining, evaluating and using foreign language information, for solving educational, research and professional tasks. French (level A1, A2) BD 8 Issues under study: introduction to vocabulary; topics: ""A young family and its problems"", ""The Law. Human rights and their protection""; mastering grammar, writing, reading and listening skills in French; Formed competencies: mastering communicative skills in four types of speech activity (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in French; systematization of the studied material and mastering new language means, enrichment of lexical volume, development of skills of operating French language units for communicative purposes; mastering knowledge about the socio-cultural specifics of France, the formation of skills to distinguish the general and specific in the culture of France. German (level A1, A2) BD 8 Issues under study: introduction to vocabulary; topics: ""A young family and its problems"", ""The Law. Human rights and their protection"" in German; development of grammatical skills, reading, listening and speaking skills; Formed competencies: mastering communicative skills in four main types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading and writing; mastering phonetic, spelling, lexical and grammatical language means; formation of knowledge about the culture, traditions and realities of Germany within the framework of topics, spheres and situations of communication, as well as the ability to represent your country, its culture in the conditions of foreign-language intercultural communication. Arabic (level A1, A2) BD 8 Issues under study: introduction to vocabulary; topics: """"A young family and its problems"""", """"The law. Human rights and their protection"""" in Arabic; practicing grammar, reading, speaking skills; listening, etc. Formed competencies: mastering practical communication skills in oral and written form in Arabic; proficiency in listening skills and understanding of Arabic speech of teachers, students and native speakers; proficiency in reading techniques of a foreign language text; formation of skills in searching and extracting information from read texts; proficiency in graphic, punctuation and spelling literate writing; familiarization with the culture, traditions, realities of Arab countries within the framework of topics, spheres and situations of communication."" Interpretation practice [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: What is translation? Types of translation, Classification of translations, Equivalence of translation, Ways to achieve equivalence, Translation models, Formal differences between source and target texts, Translation of parts of speech, Syntactic changes in translation, Differences in the native and English languages, Choice of words in translation. Emerging competencies: ability to apply the acquired knowledge in the field of the theory of the main language being studied; formation of skills of philological analysis and interpretation of the text; formation of skills of translation of various types of texts, annotation and abstracting of documents, scientific papers and works of art in foreign languages; formation of skills of refinement and processing (proofreading, editing, commenting, abstracting, etc.) of various types of texts. Functional stylistics of the Kazakh (Russian) languages [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: The subject and tasks of stylistics, Expressive means and stylistic techniques, Graphic expressive means, Stylistic meaning of lexical and expressive means, its correlation with denotative and connotative meanings, Stylistic differentiation of English vocabulary. Stylistically Neutral And Stylistically Marked vocabulary, Stylistic use of syntactic means. Stylistic functions of the sentence. Syntactic tropes and their functions, Inter-stylistic differentiation: Functional styles, substyles, genres, stylistic features of functional styles, Functional-communicative and linguistic-stylistic specifics of figurative style (prose, poetry, drama). The aesthetic function of the figurative style. Individual style of the author Formed competencies: to be able to determine the belonging of a text to a particular functional style, to argue their point of view based on the presentation of criteria for distinguishing functional styles; to form skills to identify the features of the author's individual style in a literary text; the ability to use scientific and reference literature, electronic learning tools; to control their own actions, objectively evaluate them. Foundation of Theoretical Course of English PD 5 Issues under study: the basics of the history of the language; the subject, object, tasks of the history of the English language; periodization of the history of the English language; the formation of the national English language; the vocabulary of the English language and its development; the evolution of the phonetic system of the English language; the evolution of the grammatical structure of the English language; the spread of the English language in the world. Formed competencies: possession of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of lexical, stylistic and grammatical features of the structure of the English language; knowledge of the main theoretical provisions of the history of language, stylistics and theoretical grammar in the field of English; knowledge of the problems of modern linguistic research and the main methods of stylistic and grammatical analysis; development of skills of stylistic and grammatical analysis. Lexicology PD 5 Issues under study: lexicology as a branch of linguistics; semantics as a section of lexicology; morphology and word formation in the English language; etymological composition of the English vocabulary; phraseology of the English language; territorial differentiation of the English dictionary. Formed competencies: possession of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of lexicology of the English language; acquisition of knowledge about the current state of the science of the vocabulary of the foreign language being studied; formation of basic methods of linguistic analysis and description; development of skills of independent research of linguistic phenomena of foreign and native languages. Methodology of Foreign Language Education BD 5 Issues under study: theory and practice of modern foreign language education; the connection of foreign language education methods with other sciences; methods of scientific research in the methodology of foreign language education; linguistic means of intercultural communication; modeling of foreign language communication. Emerging competencies; formation of skills of professional and methodological training of a future teacher of foreign languages who is ready and able to effectively implement in his pedagogical activity the main goal of teaching a foreign language – the formation of intercultural and communicative competence of the subject of intercultural communication; mastering a foreign language in secondary school. Pedagogical Practice BD 5 Pedagogical practice is aimed at mastering the basic skills of pedagogical activity by students as the basis of their pedagogical competence, as well as for the formation of professional qualities of the teacher's personality. French (level B1) BD 5 Issues under study: social and household sphere of communication: environment, health, ecology, sports; socio-cultural sphere of communication: literature, art, cinema; educational and professional sphere of communication: choosing a profession, studying at our university. Formed competencies: the ability to understand the main ideas of standard dialogues; the ability to understand most situations that may arise during a trip to France; the ability to coherently describe impressions, events, dreams, hopes, as well as the ability to fluently state and justify their opinions and plans; the formation of the ability to compose a simple coherent text on general or professional topics for the listener in everyday life, work, study, on vacation in a French-speaking country. German (level B1) BD 5 Issues under study: social and household sphere of communication: environment, health, ecology, sports; socio-cultural sphere of communication: literature, art, cinema; educational and professional sphere of communication: choosing a profession, studying at our university. Formed competencies: the ability to understand the basic ideas of clear messages made in literary German on various topics that typically arise at work, study, leisure, etc.; the ability to communicate in most situations that may arise during your stay in Germany; the formation of skills to compose a coherent message on well-known or particularly interesting topics. formation of skills to describe impressions, events, hopes, aspirations, to state and substantiate one's own opinion and plans for the future. Arabic (level B1) BD 5 Issues under study: social and household sphere of communication: environment, health, ecology, sports; socio-cultural sphere of communication: literature, art, cinema; educational and professional sphere of communication: choosing a profession, studying at our university. Formed competencies: mastery of communicative competence, the components of which are linguistic, discursive, sociorategic competencies; knowledge of the basics of oral and written forms of communication in Arabic; formation of auditory and intonational skills of the Arabic language based on the comparison of articulation of native and foreign language speech sounds. Business English PD 5 Issues under study: Meetings and Transition to Business, Meeting Management, Brainstorming and evaluation at meetings. Meetings and points for taking action, Negotiations: Negotiating, Concluding a deal, Establishing relationships, Positions and Interests, Questions and explanations,Communication and maintaining conversations,Communication and social networks. Formed competencies: the ability to exchange information, express one's attitude; open a discussion, summarize the discussion; possess general information about the socio-cultural specifics of the business society of countries, as well as intercultural business communication; possess the skills to express one's point of view, argumentation when discussing an issue/problem at a conference or a meeting of the council/ board, correctly, clearly, logically, sticking to the topic, speak out on the problem/question. Business correspondence PD 5 Issues under study: The basics of business correspondence. A business letter. The practice of business correspondence. Types of correspondence.Email.Contracts, Letters of a personal nature. Formed competencies: to get acquainted with the features and rules of translation of commercial correspondence; the formation of the skill to correctly use the language norm in business correspondence; the ability to write a business letter, essay, essay, report. Translation practice [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: Lexical translation issues, Translation of words, Translation of phrases, Letter of inquiry, Suggestions and complaints, Employment contract, Contract, Power of Attorney, Translation of business texts. Formed competencies: formation of knowledge of the classification of types of translation; knowledge of the peculiarities of the translation process, stages of the translation process, technologies and techniques of work on each stage; formation of skills to analyze the original text, identify standard and non-standard translation problems, choose ways to solve them, using various kinds of translation transformations: formation of skills to use a system of lexical, grammatical, stylistic transformations as a means of linguistic transformation of the source text; edit translated text; use dictionaries, reference books and other sources of information professionally. Modern translation technologies [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: The current state of translation systems development, Modern methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of translation systems, Typology of errors, The problem of assessing the quality of translation, The role of assessing the quality of translation in translation studies, Approaches to assessing the quality of translation, Translation standards and their place in assessing the quality of translation, Normative aspects of translation. Formed competencies: formation of skills to search, process and store information obtained in global computer networks; to use electronic dictionaries and other electronic resources in practice, as well as to introduce processed information into them to expand the information data bank; to process linguistic information taking into account programming elements and automatic processing of linguistic corpora; formation of skills for creating electronic documents of various types and their publication in global computer networks; skills of working with equipment designed to search, process, store and present data in accordance with the goals of professional activity. Target Language Literature PD 5 Issues under study: modern literature of Great Britain and the USA; the literary process in Great Britain and the USA in the XX century; the work of the largest writers of the countries of the studied language; the literature of the country of the studied language in the context of world literature. Formed competencies: obtaining a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of modern literature in the UK and the USA, the work of the largest writers of the countries of the studied language; forming the ability to determine the ideological content and individual artistic features of the work of outstanding writers of the country of the studied language. Teaching a foreign language in primary schools PD 7 Issues under study: methods of early foreign language teaching in primary classes; content of early foreign language teaching in primary classes; technologies and means of early foreign language teaching; fundamentals of linguistic competence and communicative skills in early foreign language teaching in primary classes; teaching a foreign language through the content of subject knowledge; the role of subject knowledge in mastering a foreign language; the role of a foreign language teacher at the initial stage of education and his cooperation with subject teachers in primary classes. Formed competencies: the formation of such communicative skills as understanding a foreign language utterance, the implementation of one's speech and non-speech behavior, taking into account the rules of communication and the national and cultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied. Modern approaches in teaching a foreign language PD 7 Issues under study: linguistic aspects of the language; phonetic and grammatical structure of the language; lexical composition of the English language; methodological techniques: setting tasks, requirements for classroom vocabulary and its characteristics; inductive techniques for identifying a new grammatical concept, techniques for fixing grammatical material; open/closed questions; Teacher-Student discourse; methodological techniques for educating an ""autonomous"" student; formulation of lesson tasks, topics in accordance with smart analysis; technologies and means of early learning a foreign language; ""Bloom's taxonomy"". Formed competencies: possession of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of modern technologies and methods of teaching English; improvement of language competence; knowledge of the main methodological categories of interactive learning and the features of the selection of content and teaching methods in interactive learning; formation of professional skills and the ability to analyze the educational situation from the standpoint of methodological, pedagogical factors. French (level B2) BD 6 Issues under study: topics: ""Cinema in our life"", ""Cinema Art"", ""Fine Art"", ""Famous artist Claude Monet"", ""French composers"", ""Theater and cinema art"", ""lexico-grammatical exercises"", ""Holidays in France"", ""Studies"", ""My University"", ""My work"". Formed competencies: the ability to understand the basic ideas of complex texts on specific and abstract topics, to conduct professional discussions in the field of specialization; the formation of fluent communication skills with native speakers without problems for both sides; the ability to compose a clear and detailed text on a wide range of topics, explain your point of view, indicating the advantages and disadvantages of various options German (level B2) BD 6 Issues under study: topics: ""Cinema in our life"", ""Cinema art"", ""Fine Art"", ""Famous artist Albrecht Durer"", ""German and Austrian composers"", ""Mozart"", ""Theater and cinema art"", ""lexico-grammatical exercises"", ""Holidays in Germany"", ""Studies"", ""My University"", ""My work"". Formed competencies: mastering by students the necessary and sufficient level of foreign language communicative competence to solve social and communicative tasks in various fields of professional, scientific, cultural and everyday spheres of activity, allowing them to further use it as a means of communication in situations of a universal type, making business contacts at the initial level and continue learning German in order to acquire professional communication skills. Arabic (level B2) BD 6 Issues under study: topics: ""Cinema in our life"", ""Cinema art"", ""Fine Art"", ""Famous Arab artists"", ""Arab composers"", ""Theater and cinema art"", ""lexico-grammatical exercises"", ""Holidays in Germany"", ""Studies"", ""My University"", ""My work"". Formed competencies: mastering by students the necessary and sufficient level of foreign language communicative competence to solve social and communicative tasks in various fields of professional, scientific, cultural and everyday spheres of activity, when communicating with foreign partners, as well as for further self-education; the ability to understand the general content of complex texts on abstract and concrete topics in Arabic; the formation of speaking skills quickly and spontaneously enough to constantly communicate with native speakers of Arabic without much difficulty for either party. Oral and written language practice (level C2) BD 7 Issues under study: ""Science and education"", ""Science and modernity"", ""Science and production of the future."", ""Education system abroad"", ""International cooperation in the field of foreign language teaching and international certification. TOEFL, DBLF / DALE, DSD / OSD"" ""Professional skills of foreign language teachers"" Formed competencies: to use language freely and effectively for intercultural communication; to create speech situations of a problematic nature; to react spontaneously in the process of communication, justifying their own position; to organize and conduct a discussion in various forms of polemical communication on professional topics; to work with material: artistic, scientific, journalistic texts. Basic foreign language (level C2) BD 7 Issues under study: introduction to vocabulary; listening and reading texts; development of speaking and writing skills; topics: ""Advantages of using modern technologies in teaching foreign languages."", ""Development of knowledge through distance learning in teaching English"", ""Professionally significant qualities of a foreign teacher."", ""The role of a foreign language in education and personal development"". Formed competencies: to create clearly structured texts on the subject under study, identifying important issues and justifying their point of view with the help of detailed reasoning, concrete examples and relevant conclusions; to perceive by ear texts of a monological and dialogical nature corresponding to speech topics within the scope of the treatment defined by this course. (excerpts of prose, poetic, dramatic works, speeches of political figures, scientists, teachers, radio and television programs). Models of teaching a foreign language PD 6 Issues under study: linguistic aspects of the language; phonetic and grammatical structure of the language; lexical composition of the English language; methodological techniques: setting tasks, requirements for classroom vocabulary and its characteristics; inductive techniques for identifying a new grammatical concept, techniques for fixing grammatical material; open/closed questions; Teacher-Student discourse; methodological methods of education ""autonomous"" student; formulation of lesson tasks, topics in accordance with smart analysis; ""Bloom's taxonomy"". Formed competencies: possession of a system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of modern technologies and methods of teaching English; improvement of language competence; knowledge of the main methodological categories of interactive learning and features of the selection of content and teaching methods in interactive learning; formation of professional skills and the ability to analyze the educational situation from the standpoint of methodological, pedagogical factors. Planning of educational activities with elements of information technology PD 6 Issues under study: the structure of the educational process in early learning in accordance with innovative models and technologies of learning, information and communication technologies, technologies of individualization of learning, project technology, technology of learning in cooperation, game technology, technology of critical thinking development; the role of the teacher (facilitator, organizer, information source, participant in the educational process, etc.) when using that or other learning technology. Formed competencies: possession of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of the structure of the educational process at an early stage of training; acquisition of knowledge of various methods and technologies of teaching a foreign language at an early stage of training; ability to critically analyze modern methodological systems, innovative technologies and variable programs of foreign language education at the initial stage of training; formation of professional skills of the organization of the educational process to ensure a certain level of student learning. Preparation for the qualification exam (TKT, iBT TOEFL, IELTS) PD 6 Issues under study: What is the Pedagogical Knowledge Test (TKT)?, TKT Modules, Introduction to the IELTS test format. Listening, reading, writing and speaking skills, Introduction to the TOEFL iBT format. Sections of reading, listening, speaking and writing. Competencies to be formed: knowledge of the rules of conducting and the main points of passing the TKT, IELTS,TOEFL iBT exam for English language proficiency. Methods of preparation for testing in foreign languages PD 6 Issues under study: Literacy assessment. Understanding and ability to use evaluation principles. Socio-cognitive approach to testing and evaluation. Key concepts of evaluation, Key concepts in evaluation: Test objective; Test Participants; Test design; Test tasks; Test reliability; Test Impact. Types of tests, Assessment Activities, Information Transfer. Accordance. Dictation. Writing a resume. Managed email. Interview. Formed competencies: the ability to use the necessary literature on linguodidactic testing in accordance with their professional tasks; the formation of skills to determine the type of test, select and plan tests on various types of speech activity and aspects of language; mastering the skills of developing tests within the framework of classical theory and acquiring the scientific foundations of modern test theory; the ability to process test results using special computer programs and use them to design tests for various purposes Pre-graduate practice [FL] PD 15 Pre-graduate practice is aimed at improving the knowledge and skills of students in the future professions, checking the possibilities of independent work of a future specialist in a specific production, preparing materials for the final qualification work. During it, materials are collected on the main sections of the thesis. Writing and defending a thesis / project [FL] Additional cycle of disciplines 8