Full-time training

Online (Distance training)

The training program 5В011700 “The Kazakh Language and Literature” The is developed for training personnel in the field of pedagogical sciences within the framework of teacher training in languages and literature in compliance with the requirements of the regulatory and legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and is agreed with representatives of educational organizations.

The goal of the training program is to train qualified personnel with theoretical knowledge in the field of pedagogy and methods of teaching the Kazakh language and literature, practical language skills, a wide range of methods and technologies for teaching the Kazakh language and literature, as well as leadership qualities by introducing innovative technologies for education and training of competitive specialists in the field of education.

The relevance of the training program implies implementing a new approach to the formation of key competencies and learning outcomes needed by a graduate in the field of pedagogical sciences.

The advantages of this training program are a wide selection of places for employment, well-paid, stable work, good career opportunities, as well as possibility of implementing individual entrepreneurial activities in the field of educational services.

The main objectives of the training program

Formation of language skills in the kazakh language for qualitative organization of the learning process, considering standard level requirements for the language competencies;

Ensuring connection of the learning process with science development; organization of practice-oriented training;

Formation of skills to build the educational process, organization of educational work, planning and conducting extracurricular activities;

Skills for operating with professional documentation; ability to monitor the educational process; the ability to monitor the educational process;

Creation of prerequisites for independent research and analytical activities of students;

Promotion of skills working with specialized information for further application in professional activities, systematizing the information received;

Formation and development of social and personal qualities: determination, diligence, responsibility, citizenship, adherence to ethical standards;

Assistance to graduates of the training program in employment by organizing professional practice;

Application of information and communication technologies in professional activities;

Selection of appropriate pedagogical technologies for differentiated and integrated learning; implementation of pedagogical monitoring and pedagogical management;

The ability to organize research work, analyze the results;

Skills in self-organization, self-control and self-esteem.

Key competencies in the training program

Knowledge in the field of pedagogical goal setting, skills in designing and implementing a holistic pedagogical process, skills of positive thinking, adhered to the system of national values;

Knowledge in the field of synergetic, social, pedagogical systems, search skills, formalization, structuring and systematization of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, ability to systemic thinking and holistic perception of pedagogical reality;

Knowledge in the field of epistemology, methodology, pedagogy and psychology, abilities and skills to manage information, carry out comprehensive monitoring based on psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, analysis and synthesis, be capable of pedagogical reflection, strive to constantly improve the research culture.

Types of professional activity








Employability prospects for specialists

Educational (pedagogical) (in secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges);

Research (fellow at research institutions);

Literary and creative (at literature, cultural institutions, press);

Organizational and management (in secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, in organizations directly related to the specialty);

Literary adviser.


Level of proficiency at C1in accordance with the language assessment system - KazTest

Professional rhetoric

Knowledge of theoretical foundations of language and literature, the history of their development and current status

Advanced skills in working with a personal computer, office equipment and software in the professional field. Business Planning Basics

Author's approaches to multilevel study of foreign languages

Transformation of personal values and personal motivation. Adaptation to Stress and Mediation. Foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Cultural and Spiritual Development



The Autonomous Organization of Education "Nazarbayev Intellectual School"

Joint-stock company "National center of formation of qualifications" Orleu"

"Turjan" private gymnasium

School-gymnasium No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin


Preschool institutions



Research centers

Educational centers


From 97 000 to 350 000 KZT


On the School basis

  • Documents:
    UNT, ID

  • Entrance tests:
    Special exam

  • Training period:
    3 years +
Second higher education

  • Documents:
    Diploma, ID

  • Entrance tests:
    Job interview, Special exam

  • Training period:
    Minimum 1 year 8 months
Based on TVE (College)

  • Documents:
    UNT, ID

  • Entrance tests:
    Special exam

  • Training period:
    Min: 2 years 6 months

• Apply for admission •

Alibay Adina and Ulasbek Shalkar. Students, II prize in the academic conference "Languages and Literature in the 21st Century"