The training program 7М06103 - "Computer science" is developed for training personnel for the system of higher, postgraduate education and the research sector, which have profound scientific and pedagogical training.
The goal of the training program 7М06103 - “Computer science” is: training of pedagogical personnel capable of modeling reliable methods of information protection in the development of intelligent expert systems; able to analyze Big Data and develop effective algorithms for solving data processing, create criteria for evaluating, specifying and verifying software products when they are introduced into the process of cross-platform development; owning the fundamentals of research and experimental methods for observing and analyzing information processes and phenomena.
The educational program is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to the individual needs of each individual student within the framework of educational standards.
Studying for a master's degree implies a greater degree of independence for the student, and research work is reflected in his publications, reports and final scientific work, which allows you to expand your scientific horizons, develop analytical thinking and improve the skills of independent research work.
Features of the educational program:
- Interactive learning: The OP actively uses interactive learning methods such as projects, laboratory work, group discussions and online courses. This contributes to a deeper understanding of the material and the development of practical skills.
- Modern technologies: Education at the OP is focused on the development of modern technologies and tools in the field of computer science and computer science. Students gain practical skills in programming, data analysis, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and other related fields.
- Practical orientation: The OP focuses on the practical application of the acquired knowledge. Students have the opportunity to participate in industry projects, internships at leading companies, as well as in research and innovation initiatives.
- Assessment and Feedback: The OP provides an assessment and feedback system that helps students track their progress and improve their academic results. This includes both an assessment of academic achievement and an assessment of the development of skills and competencies.
The main objectives of the training programIn the field of research and scientific research activities:
Analysis of theoretical and experimental studies of complex algorithms;
The creation and study of mathematical and software models of information processes associated with the functioning of objects of professional activity, solution of standard scientific and professional problems.
In the field of design activity:
Development of requirements and specifications of software modules;
Analysis and processing of scientific, technical, natural-scientific and general scientific information, leading it to a problem-task form;
Quality management of objects of professional activity.
In the field of production and technological activity:
Development of software modules and complexes of a given quality at a given tim;
Testing and debugging of software modules;
Selection and justification of technology, tools and computer technology in organizing the process of development and research of objects of professional activity;
Staff training within the framework of accepted organization of the process of developing objects of professional activity.
In the field of training activities:
Be aware of the contemporary pedagogy at higher education;
Implement the latest computer technologies in the learning process;
Develop teaching material based on innovative methods, tools and technologies in complaince with established standards;
Implement various forms of education, electronic forms of performance monitoring.
Key competencies in the training programBe aware of computer science teaching skills in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions (for the scientific and pedagogical direction of training);
Understand skills of applying computer technology, programming tools for effective implementation of hardware and software systems and possession of practical skills in object-oriented analysis, design and programming;
Have knowledge in the field of information management, abilities and skills to carry out information monitoring, develop a system for debugging software modules, develop instructions for using software modules, interpret the results obtained, strive for adequate self-esteem and self-control, for fairness and objectivity;
Be able to professionally solve issues in the field of modern information technologies, mathematical, hardware and software;
Possess knowledge of regulatory and legal documents in the field of it technology, instructional documentation, skills and abilities to develop current technical documentation of a software product and system, possess organizational skills, and demonstrate high performance discipline;
Obtain skills of independent research work, as well as activities within a team.
Types of professional activityDevelopment of modern software and hardware for computer systems, multimedia information processing;
Software development of complex systems, fundamental software automation tools;
Apply microprocessors in automatic control systems, promising methods of data processing in information-measuring systems using microprocessors;
Engineer efficient interfaces; test various information systems in terms of human-machine interaction, define and design srv;
Implementation of software in an industrial management system; system integration for a real-time operating system;
Teaching computer science in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions; team work planning;
Solution of applied professional problems of computer science;
Organization of independent and collective research and scientific-pedagogical activity;
Application of modern technologies for development of software systems using automated planning and control systems;
Organization of work of client and server languages and technologies in www, development of web-applications, web-integration of applications, heterogeneous components and systems, main microsoft products and technologies;
Application of pedagogical techniques, principles of training and certification of software product users;
Research, design, implementation and application of information and communication tools and technologies, building information models in various fields of activity, considering peculiarities of the region development and in the national interests of the republic of kazakhstan.
Employability prospects for specialistsSecondary comprehensive and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, schools, education departments (for the scientific and pedagogical direction of training);
Research activities in areas using applied mathematics and computer technology, the implementation of pedagogical activities with the widespread use of multimedia and other it - technologies;
Research centers, design and research and production organizations, governing bodies, educational institutions, industrial enterprises and other organizations of various forms of ownership, using mathematical methods and computer technologies in their activities.
Graduates of this educational program can work in the field of information technology, in companies specializing in the production of computing, hardware and software, in enterprises and organizations of all kinds that use information systems and computer networks for internal processes of production and company management.
Profile direction
Application of modern methods and tools of applied informatics for automation and informatization of solving applied problems of various classes and creating a system
Modeling reliable cryptological, optical and biometric methods of information protection and their application in the development of intelligent expert systems
Big Data analysis and development of efficient processing solutions algorithms
Writing criteria for evaluation, specification and verification of software products and their implementation in the process of cross-platform development
Scientific and pedagogical direction
Mastery of modern methodology of higher education pedagogy
Implementation of latest information technology in the learning process
Research and development of teaching material based on modern methods, approaches and technologies
Muratov Abilakim
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Ospanova Aiman
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Duysenov Nurzak
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Rogovoy Alexander
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor
JSC "Kazakhtelecom"
LLP "Alma-TV"
ShB JSC ‘Transtelecom’
LLP ‘UniKassa ‘
JSC "Kazteleradio"
LLP "Unicom"
LLP "Efa-1"
Research centers
Information Technology Centers
Government organizations
Information and IT departments of all organizations
Telecommunication companies
Education and Health
Financial organizations
IP Administrator — up to 1 925 000 KZT
Engineer — up to 500 000 KZT
Head of IT department — up to 750 000 KZT
Lecturer in college and university — up to 150,000 KZT
Web designer — up to 1,100,000 KZT
Programmer-developer — from 1,100,000 to 1,260,000 KZT
Researcher — up to 800 000 KZT
Second higher education
- Documents:
Diploma, ID
- Entrance tests:
Comprehensive testingShaimerdenova Lazzat. Master, Senior Lecturer, CT&IPO, SKSU named after M. Auezov
Abdrimov Bauyrzhanн. Lecturer at SKSPU
Pazilov Ravshanbek. Head of IT department, SKSU named after M. Auezova
Shaldarbekov Ahmet. Deputy Director of the College of New Technologies
Shaldarbekov Zhanibek. Programmer at Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools
Kendirbaeva Seilkhan. Head of Department of the City Department of Education, Shymkent
Torlanov Kuanysh. Received copyright certificate for the development of the mobile application "Mobile application for the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of SKO"
Saidirasulov Saidhon. He entered into a business agreement with the organization Energoservice-ETL LLP with a developed project on the topic "Calculation of boundaries of sanitary protection zones of overhead lines"
Typical curriculum of the educational program 7М06102 – Computer Sciences
Name of disciplines Cycle of disciplines ECTS Brief description of the disciplines Cryptology PD 5 Issues under study: cryptographic systems based on physical mechanisms of information protection; symmetric cryptosystems; cryptographic systems with a public key.Formed competencies: knowledge of theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of cryptology, modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpretation of experimental data; skills of mastering the basics of cryptanalysis and cryptography based on cryptographic protocols, methods and algorithms; knowledge about mathematical models of texts and ciphers, about key distribution protocols, about sequence generators. Tools for Designing of Information Systems PD 5 Issues under study: introduction to the tools of the information system; tools of the information system design stage; tools of the development stage of the software and information core of information systems; tools of the information system operation stage.Formed competencies: knowledge of the principles and methods of software development of complex systems, fundamental automation tools for software product development and the methodology of their application; knowledge of organizational and assembly programming technology with modern development tools, the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP), including the concepts: classes, objects, properties, methods, events; knowledge of application development tools, visual tools of a program developer. Management BD 2 The issues studied are: the essence and characteristic features of modern management, the history of its development; methods of planning and organizing the work of the department; principles of building the organizational structure of management; the basics of forming the motivational policy of the organization; features of management in the field of professional activity of a lawyer.Formed competencies: mastering the skills to use in practice the methods of planning and organizing the work of the department; analyze the organizational structures of management; carry out work to motivate the work of personnel; apply business and managerial communication techniques in professional activity; take into account the peculiarities of management in the field of professional activity. Psychology of Management BD 2 Issues under study: psychology of management in the system of scientific knowledge; basic approaches to the study of the management system; individual professional concept of the head; managerial interaction and decision-making process as an aspect of managerial activity; psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions; psychology of the subject of managerial activity; psychology of individual management styles.Formed competencies: knowledge of the psychological content of managerial activity, the individual managerial concept of the head, the theoretical foundations of managerial interaction, the psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions, the psychology of the subject of managerial activity; knowledge of the methods of psychological research in the field of managerial activity and interaction. Smart platforms PD 5 Issues under study: problematic issues and areas of use of intelligent information systems and technologies; theoretical and organizational and methodological issues of building and functioning of knowledge processing systems; practical work on the design of knowledge bases.Formed competencies: possession of a mathematical apparatus for solving specific problems in the field of information systems and technologies; possession of methods for developing analytical and simulation models of information systems. Theory of Pattern Recognition PD 5 Issues under study: basic techniques of pattern recognition; generalization of theoretical issues of pattern recognition; development of algorithms for training neural networks in pattern recognition; development of various expert systems; development of new methods of pattern recognition using neural networks; determination of methods for constructing algorithms; evaluation of the effectiveness of image recognition methods.Formed competencies: knowledge of the skills of optimal selection and correction of data representation forms and knowledge of their application of algorithmic and software when creating simple architectures of image recognition systems; knowledge of the skills of optimal selection and correction of data forms and knowledge and methods of algorithmic and software and other means of improving the architectures of RO and OI systems using fuzzy logic. Cross-platform application development PD 5 Questions to be studied: the stages of creating applications in integrated development environments; the main characteristics of executable code on various platforms.Formed competencies: knowledge of modern programming technologies for various architectures and platforms; formation of a system basic representation, primary knowledge, skills and skills on the basics of cross-platform programming for Java, .Net, Qt, python, wxWidgets platforms. Data intellectual analysis PD 5 Topics to be studied: introduction to data mining; data preprocessing; classification problem with training; associative rules search problem; cluster analysis; Data Mining methods and models; algorithms for building decision trees.Formed competencies: an idea of the types of tasks that arise in the field of data mining and methods of solving them, which will help to identify, formalize and successfully solve practical data analysis problems. Organization and Planning of Scientific Research BD 4 Issues under study: modern techniques for organizing and planning scientific research; analysis of theoretical and factual data; correct preparation of various scientific papers.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of organizing and planning scientific research. Design and Protection of the Master's Thesis Additional cycle of disciplines 12 Internship PD 10 The industrial practice is aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills of undergraduates obtained in the process of studying the disciplines of the fundamental and professional modules of the curriculum, developing the skills of practical professional activity. During the internship, the master's student learns new technologies and / or research methods, programs, programming languages, as well as develops professional and general cultural competencies necessary for inclusion in professional activities. The result of the practice can be the implementation of an algorithm or method, the settings of the research package, the architecture of the developed software, an article describing the result. Foreign language (professional) BD 2 The questions studied are: grammatical material, special vocabulary, terminological material; educational material corresponding to the main disciplines of the specialty; reading, speaking, listening and writing in the professional sphere.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of intercultural and communicative competencies of students; integration into the international professional environment; the use of a professional foreign language as a means of intercultural, scientific and professional communication. Fundamentals of scientific research BD 4 Questions to be studied: general principles and methodology of scientific research at the university; basic theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the field of organization and planning of scientific research; design and possibilities of commercialization of the results obtained.Formed competencies: the ability to plan an experiment according to the classical plan and the method of mathematical planning; mastering the skills to set and solve fundamentally new tasks in their practical activities; mastering the skills to design a new technology based on the results of scientific research. Theory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making Theory PD 5 Issues under study: the concept of artificial intelligence; architecture and the main components of AI systems; control systems with fuzzy logic; the basic structure and principle of operation of the fuzzy logic system; expert systems, methodology for building expert systems; neural networks and neural network management; problems of linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming; queuing systems.Formed competencies: the ability to develop database management systems, debugging and maintenance, documentation of the database management system being developed; skills in developing operating systems and their architecture; skills in writing operating system components, debugging and maintenance, documenting the operating system being developed. Experimental research work of a master's student, including an internship and the implementation of a master's project Additional cycle of disciplines 5 The issues studied are: experimental research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved topic of the master's project;Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement experimental research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of the work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Experimental research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's project Additional cycle of disciplines 8 The issues studied are: experimental research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved topic of the master's project;Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement experimental research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of the work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments.
Typical curriculum of the educational program 7M06103 - Information Technologies and Computer Sciences
Name of disciplines Cycle of disciplines ECTS Brief description of the disciplines History and Philosophy of Science BD 3 Issues under study: the subject and basic concepts of modern philosophy of science; science in the culture of modern civilization; the emergence of science and the main stages of its historical evolution; the structure of scientific knowledge; the dynamics of science as a process of generating new knowledge; scientific traditions and scientific revolutions, historical types of scientific rationality; features of the modern stage of science development; prospects of scientific progress; science as a social institution; natural sciences in the structure of modern scientific knowledge; history of pedagogical science.Formed competencies: knowledge of the main features of science as a special type of knowledge, activity and social institution; knowledge of the main historical stages of the development of science and the variety of scientific method; ability to navigate the main ideological and methodological problems arising at the present stage of the development of science; possession of the terminological apparatus of the philosophy of science; possession of methods and techniques of logical analysis. Software Engineering PD 5 Issues under study: principles and methods of software development of complex systems; fundamental means of automation of software product development and methodology of their application, including the concepts: classes, objects, properties, methods, events.Formed competencies: possession of the ability to form technical tasks and participate in the development of hardware and (or) computer software; possession of the skills of organizing industrial testing of the software being created; possession of the ability to apply modern technologies for the development of software complexes using CASE tools; the ability to control the quality of software products being developed, to understand existing approaches to the verification of software models. Foreign language (professional) BD 3 Issues under study: grammatical material, special vocabulary, terminological material; educational material corresponding to the main disciplines of the specialty; reading, speaking, listening and writing in the professional sphere.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of intercultural and communicative competencies of students; integration into the international professional environment; the use of a professional foreign language as a means of intercultural, scientific and professional communication. Pedagogy in Higher Education BD 5 Issues under study: higher school pedagogy as a science, its methodological foundations; general theoretical foundations of higher school didactics; professional and communicative competence of a higher school teacher; driving forces and principles of teaching in higher school; the content of higher education; modern educational technologies in higher school; higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation; the essence of education in higher school.Formed competencies: knowledge of the basics of higher education; forms, methods, educational technologies and the specifics of the professional and pedagogical activity of a university teacher; knowledge of the forms and methods of conducting classes in higher school. Theory and Programming Specifications PD 6 Issues under study: planning and design of real computer systems using modern methods of program specification and verification; consideration of object modeling of programs.Formed competencies: knowledge of methods of formal specifications that promote professional growth, forming skills for solving industrial and scientific problems; knowledge of modern specification languages, semantics and syntax of languages, object-oriented specifications in programming. Verification of Software PD 6 Issues under study: theory of semantics and program verification; models of computational processes; model verification and automata theory; cycles, strategies and metrics, testing criteria; basic testing methods and technologies.Formed competencies: knowledge about methods and approaches of software product verification, coverage of the advantages and limitations inherent in verification methods; knowledge in the field of software quality assurance, addressed to the problems of building correct and reliable programs; skills of forming theoretical approaches to the verification of software for conducting research. Distributed computing technologies BD 5 Issues under study: elements of creating distributed applications based on CORBA technologies; XML technologies, DataSnap; technologies for creating distributed applications based on COM components and COM + transaction objects; chronology of the development of parallel programming; parallel computers, parallel algorithms.Formed competencies: possession of the ability to evaluate and choose modern operating environments and information and communication technologies for informatization and automation of solving applied problems and creating IP. The distributed computing system BD 5 Issues under study: distributed computing tasks; distributed model programming systems; application software packages; computing planning; distributed computing systems; distributed algorithms; logical time systems; fault tolerance of distributed computing systems; computing clusters; Grid computing networks; distributed computing on the Internet; multi-agent technologies for managing distributed computing.Formed competencies: possession of the ability to take part in the implementation, adaptation and configuration of applied IS; ability to operate and maintain information systems and services; ability to model and design data and knowledge structures, applied and information processes. Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis, conducted without interruption from theoretical training Additional cycle of disciplines 4 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Interactive Teaching Methods BD 5 Issues under study: means of various speech skills using multimedia training programs (pronouncing, lexical, listening, speaking and writing) with their further application in the process of oral and written communication; training software; controlling information tools.Formed competencies: possession of readiness to apply modern methods and technologies, including information, to ensure the quality of the educational process at a specific educational stage of a particular educational institution. Psychology of Management BD 5 Issues under study: psychology of management in the system of scientific knowledge; basic approaches to the study of the management system; individual professional concept of the head; managerial interaction and decision-making process as an aspect of managerial activity; psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions; psychology of the subject of managerial activity; psychology of individual management styles.Formed competencies: knowledge of the psychological content of managerial activity, the individual managerial concept of the head, the theoretical foundations of managerial interaction, the psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions, the psychology of the subject of managerial activity; knowledge of the methods of psychological research in the field of managerial activity and interaction. Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis 1 Additional cycle of disciplines 4 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Methods of teaching specialized subjects BD 5 Issues under study: methodological system of teaching computer science and programming at a university; the main components of the methodological system; pedagogical functions of the programming course, forms; interactive methods and teaching tools; methods of studying the thematic line «Information representation», «Computer», «Formalization and modeling», «Information technologies». Formed competencies: mastering the skills to implement the curricula of basic and elective courses in various educational institutions. Theoretical and empirical research in computer science BD 5 Issues under study: the role of empiricism in research in the field of computer science; research issues that require some form of empirical validation with the participation of people, or who want to create an empirical basis for a research program; qualitative and quantitative data analysis.Formed competencies: knowledge about the modern natural science picture of the world in educational and professional activities; mastering the skills to apply methods of mathematical information processing, theoretical and experimental research. Planning of scientific and experimental research BD 5 Issues under study: methods and forms of formation of scientific and educational texts; stages of scientific research; research methods: theoretical and experimental research methods; observation, comparison, measurement, experiment, abstraction, analysis, synthesis; historical method, method of induction and deduction; approaches to the organization and management of these processes both in individual work and in a group project.Formed competencies: possession of the ability to analyze the results of experiments; knowledge of the skills to choose optimal solutions, prepare and compile reviews, reports and scientific publications; the ability to provide author support for the design, implementation and maintenance of information systems and technologies. Cloud computing and virtualization PD 5 Issues under study: the principles of cloud computing; popular virtualization platforms; server deployment in a virtual environment and virtualization services (Google, Microsoft, RedHat, etc.); software as a service (SaaS) and platforms as a service trend (PaaS).Emerging competencies: mastering the skills to design virtualization platforms from different vendors for project deployment, as well as implement Saas and PaaS architectures in projects; mastering the skills of cloud system software development, system administration for the development and maintenance of applications deployed in the clouds. Smart devices PD 5 Issues under study: RaspberryPi platform and BeagleBoneBlackWireless (computing module); main trends and conditions of the Internet of Things (IoT); social tasks and opportunities; Internet-enabled devices; IoT and their impact on the development of electronics, software; sensors, drives and network connectivity.Formed competencies: mastering the ability to perform a feasibility study of project solutions. Research work of a master's student (scientific internship) Additional cycle of disciplines 4 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Cryptology PD 5 Issues under study: cryptographic systems based on physical mechanisms of information protection; symmetric cryptosystems; cryptographic systems with a public key.Formed competencies: knowledge of theoretical, methodological and technological achievements of cryptology, modern methods of scientific research, processing and interpretation of experimental data; skills of mastering the basics of cryptanalysis and cryptography based on cryptographic protocols, methods and algorithms; knowledge about mathematical models of texts and ciphers, about key distribution protocols, about sequence generators. Pedagogical Practice BD 4 Pedagogical practice is aimed at deepening, improving and consolidating the acquired theoretical knowledge, the ability to apply them in pedagogical activity. Pedagogical practice is designed to provide a close link between the scientific-theoretical and practical training of undergraduates, to give them initial experience of pedagogical activity and certain skills of scientific-psychological and pedagogical research. Smart platforms PD 5 Issues under study: problematic issues and areas of use of intelligent information systems and technologies; theoretical and organizational and methodological issues of building and functioning of knowledge processing systems; practical work on the design of knowledge bases.Formed competencies: possession of a mathematical apparatus for solving specific problems in the field of information systems and technologies; possession of methods for developing analytical and simulation models of information systems. Theory of Pattern Recognition PD 5 Issues under study: basic techniques of pattern recognition; generalization of theoretical issues of pattern recognition; development of algorithms for training neural networks in pattern recognition; development of various expert systems; development of new methods of pattern recognition using neural networks; determination of methods for constructing algorithms; evaluation of the effectiveness of image recognition methods.Formed competencies: knowledge of the skills of optimal selection and correction of data representation forms and knowledge of their application of algorithmic and software when creating simple architectures of image recognition systems; knowledge of the skills of optimal selection and correction of data forms and knowledge and methods of algorithmic and software and other means of improving the architectures of RO and OI systems using fuzzy logic. Cross-platform application development PD 6 Issues under study: the stages of creating applications in integrated development environments; the main characteristics of executable code on various platforms.Formed competencies: knowledge of modern programming technologies for various architectures and platforms; formation of a system basic representation, primary knowledge, skills and skills on the basics of cross-platform programming for Java, .Net, Qt, python, wxWidgets platforms. Data intellectual analysis PD 6 Issues under study: introduction to data mining; data preprocessing; classification problem with training; associative rules search problem; cluster analysis; Data Mining methods and models; algorithms for building decision trees.Formed competencies: an idea of the types of tasks that arise in the field of data mining and methods of solving them, which will help to identify, formalize and successfully solve practical data analysis problems. Artificial intelligence and the theory of decision-making PD 5 Issues under study: the concept of artificial intelligence; architecture and the main components of AI systems; control systems with fuzzy logic; the basic structure and principle of operation of the fuzzy logic system; expert systems, methodology for building expert systems; neural networks and neural network management; problems of linear and nonlinear programming, dynamic programming; queuing systems.Formed competencies: the ability to develop database management systems, debugging and maintenance, documentation of the database management system being developed; skills in developing operating systems and their architecture; skills in writing operating system components, debugging and maintenance,documenting the operating system being developed. Design of IT infrastructure PD 5 Issues under study: issues of IT infrastructure design; system description of IT, models and approaches for the formation of IT strategy; requirements for support systems; selection of IT infrastructure components; cost of ownership calculation and organizational aspects of IT services management; project management, quality and risks, business processes; design of computerized integrated production process management systems.Formed competencies: the ability to perform the formalization of requirements for the developed IT infrastructure of the enterprise; the ability to justify the choice of technical and software tools of the IT infrastructure of the enterprise; the ability to determine the resources necessary to ensure the reliability of information systems; mastering the skills to use modern tools for managing the IT service. Development of Internet applications PD 5 Issues under study: issues of project management methodology for the development of Web-oriented information systems; JavaScript scripting language; Apache Web server; Denwer integrated development environment; development of database-oriented web applications; MySQL databases, DBMS for web-oriented information systems; web content management systems; CMS Joomla, CMS MODx, NUKE family, XOOPS family.Formed competencies: the ability to create a Web application project ASP.NET using MS Visual Studio; ability to perform tasks with complex data from the application ASP.NET, manage the status, process requests and improve the availability of the site using the capabilities of ASP.NET; knowledge of the techniques of setting up and applying applications ASP.NET. Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis, conducted without interruption from theoretical training Additional cycle of disciplines 10 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Research Practice PD 16 The research practice is aimed at the formation and development of professional knowledge in the field of the chosen specialty, consolidation of the theoretical knowledge obtained in the disciplines of the direction and special disciplines of the master's program, mastering the necessary professional competencies in the chosen direction of specialized training. Design and Protection of the Master's Thesis Additional cycle of disciplines 8 Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis 2 Additional cycle of disciplines 2 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments.