Full-time training

Online (Distance training)

The training program 5В042100 – “Costume Design” is designed to train personnel in the field of clothing design.

The goal of the training program 5В042100 - “Costume Design” is the formation of a number of significant competencies that have an important impact on the quality of training of specialists, future designers.

The relevance of the training program is associated with deepening the interests of students and is a form of development of creative abilities, natural giftedness, enrichment of students' knowledge of the theory and practice of independent design and creation of clothing, its decoration.

The advantages of this training program are a wide selection of places for employment, well-paid, stable work, good career opportunities, as well as possibility of implementing individual entrepreneurial activities in the field of educational services.

The main objectives of the training program

Defines a set of requirements for graduates of the specialty 5B042100 - “Costume Design”;

Preparing students for professional costume design;

Formation of students' knowledge and professionally significant skills in the field of art design;

Development of students' imaginative thinking, imagination, taste, individual creative abilities;

Development and formation of bachelors' creative and professionally significant personal qualities.

Key competencies in the training program

Know the compositional methods that make up the structural basis of professional activity;

Know the means of identifying shape and space (rhythm, tectonics, proportions, scale and scale, contrast - nuance, symmetry - asymmetry, statics - dynamics);

To be able to connect creative imagination with the ability to create an individual compositional image that meets the task;

Possess systematic practice-oriented methodological knowledge about the content and types of professional activities of the designer;

Know the basic principles of the creative work of the costume designer, the requirements for the design of a single, complete product, the upper assortment of clothing, ensemble and collection, cosidering modern fashion trends.

Types of professional activity



Artistic and aesthetic;

Organizational and management;

Critical and expert.

Employability prospects for specialists

Individual entrepreneurial activity by profile, etc.;

Research and experimental activities in creative associations;

Demonstration and competition activities at festivals, exhibitions and other events;

Design workshops;

Fashion houses;

Film industry, theater as a costume designer;

Creation of clothing under their own brand.


Pedagogical activity and educational and methodological support of educational process

Knowledge of ergonomics, anthropometry, coloristic and features of work with materials

Aquisition of graphic techniques and artistic means of costume composition

Advanced skills in working with a personal computer, office equipment and software in the professional field. Business Planning Basics

Author's approaches to multilevel study of foreign languages

Transformation of personal values and personal motivation. Adaptation to Stress and Mediation. Foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Cultural and Spiritual Development




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Design studio Next level


Design Studios


Preschool institutions



Research centers

Educational centers


From 100 000 to 500 000 KZT


On the School basis

  • Documents:
    UNT, ID

  • Entrance exams:
    1st art project,
    2nd art project

  • Training period:
    3 years +
Second higher education

  • Documents:
    Diploma, ID

  • Entrance tests:
    Job interview

  • Training period:
    Minimum 1 year 8 months
Based on TVE (College)

  • Documents:
    UNT, ID

  • Entrance exams:
    Art project

  • Training period:
    Min: 2 years 6 months

• Apply for admission •• Request a call back •

Артемьев Виктор и Красников Алексей. Участники международных конкурсов "ART ZEPT" и "BATIMAT Russia 2019" Международной строительно-интерьерной выставки (г.Москва, РФ), 2019 г.

Оралова Динара. Начальник отдела поддержки талантливой молодежи городского молодежного ресурсного центра г.Шымкент

Нуртаев Юсуф. Член Союза художников Республики Kazахстан, старший преподаватель. Награжден Почетной грамотой Министерства образования Республики Kazахстан

Муратбаев Абдуахат. Член СХ РК, старший преподаватель. Награжден медалью "Ерен еңбегі үшін". Является автором нескольких монументально-скульптурных проектов по г.Шымкент и Туркестанской области: стела "Жібек жолы", скульптура "Мырзашол", памятник "Сейдолла Бәйтереков", "Қазыбек би, Төле би, Әйтеке би", "Вихрь", пано-рельеф "Туған жер тұғырым"

Валиева Анастасия. Студентка, диплом І степени в XIXРНСК "Студент и наука: взгляд в будущее", Kazахская Головная Архитектурно-Строительная Академия