The training program 7M01501 - "Biology" is designed for training in the field of pedagogical sciences as part of the direction of teachers in natural sciences.
The purpose of the educational program is the formation of general cultural and professional (project, research, communicative, organizational and managerial, critical expert, pedagogical) competencies among graduate students, the development of skills for their implementation in practical activities (design, research, communication, organizational, managerial, critical, expert, pedagogical) in accordance with the requirements of the country legislation.
The educational program is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to the individual needs of each individual student within the framework of educational standards.
Studying for a master's degree implies a greater degree of independence for the student, and research work is reflected in his publications, reports and final scientific work, which allows you to expand your scientific horizons, develop analytical thinking and improve the skills of independent research work
Features of the educational program:
- In-depth scientific and pedagogical training in fundamental and relevant areas of biology, which allows you to effectively manage educational and scientific organizations and implement projects in the educational field in a changing social reality.
- Modern IT technologies in the field of using information and communication technologies in the field of professional activity.
- Provides for academic mobility in the organization of higher and postgraduate education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Provides for academic mobility to foreign universities.
- The opportunity to create your own business project and attract investments.
- Involving students in applied projects as a tool for obtaining practice-oriented skills.
The main objectives of the training programIndividual approach in education;
In-depth theoretical and practical individual training in various areas of biology, in compliance with the state and the market needs, scientific and practical activities of departments involved in training postgraduates, and in pedagogical activity;
Mastering most important and fundamental knowledge that provides a holistic view of scientific picture of the world and the biosphere;
Development of the desire for continuous self-improvement and self-development, the needs and skills of independent mastery of new knowledge in their life-long learning process;
Training specialists with a high level of general professional culture, including a culture of communication, having a civic position, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, teach at universities, successfully carry out research, production, organizational and managerial activities;
Mastering fundamental knowledge at the intersection of sciences, providing professional mobility in a changing world;
Acquisition of skills in organizing and conducting field and laboratory research, implementation of necessary reserve for the continuation of scientific work in doctoral studies;
Training of specialists who are able to solve practical issues, owning the principles of organizational work and management;
Obtaining necessary minimum knowledge in the field of university pedagogy and psychology, acquisition of teaching experience a high school.
Key competencies in the training programThe ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science, to know the basic concepts of philosophy of science, methods and techniques of logical analysis;
Ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of higher school didactics, skills of conducting classes in higher school;
Ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of psychology of the subject of managerial activity, as well as skills and abilities of managerial activity;
The ability to integrate into the international professional environment and use a professional foreign language as a means of intercultural, scientific and professional communication;
Ability to form knowledge and skills of practical use of dialogical forms of communication, technologies of problem-dialogical teaching in biology lessons;
The ability to form knowledge and skills about the theoretical and methodological foundations, forms and means of teaching biology at the present stage when studying biological disciplines in institutions of higher professional pedagogical education with the use of personal and professional skills;
The ability to navigate in the field of pedagogical digital technologies, skills in working with all types of information, the ability to put into practice modern information retrieval technologies to solve information retrieval tasks in the educational process and e-learning biology;
The ability to form knowledge of the laws of theoretical biology, the ability to use the theoretical foundations and models of theoretical biology; to know the biochemical mechanisms underlying the activity of the endocrine glands;
The ability to form knowledge about the patterns of formation of biodiversity, its differentiation in geographical space, to have an idea of the systems of ecological monitoring of biodiversity and ways of its conservation, to know the peculiarities of the distribution of rare and protected species of plants and animals in Kazakhstan;
The ability to form knowledge about insects and their influence on various ecosystems, to know the chemical composition of tissues and cells, the molecular mechanisms of metabolic processes occurring in them and the ways of regulating these processes;
Ability to form knowledge about the basic parameters of the structure and structure of regional phytocenoses, ecology of medicinal plants of Turkestan region;
The ability to form knowledge about the chemical, biochemical and molecular biological bases of immune reactions, skills in working with laboratory equipment, the ability to develop an algorithm for using physiological, molecular biological, immunological approaches in the course of research work;
Ability to interpret the basics of modern methods of planning, organizing and conducting research work in the field of biology; analyze modern research methods in this field of physiology;
The ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of biochemistry, to know the metabolic processes, the general principles of the relationship of metabolic pathways and the main aspects of the regulation of metabolism, the ability to navigate modern problems of biochemistry.
Types of professional activityTeaching;
Scientific research;
Social and communicative.
Employability prospects for specialistsSecondary comprehnesive and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums, educational departments;
Higher education institutions;
Research organizations (institutes) by profile;
City council, organizations for landscaping, ecology, etc .;
Institutions of advanced training and retraining of educational system employees;
Nature reserves, zoos, plant protection stations, sanitary-epidemiological and anti-plague stations, breeding and variety-testing stations, botanical gardens, arboretums, nature museums;
State and non-state research and production, design and geobotanical institutions, etc.;
Departments of ecology at district and regional councils; industry laboratories, departments, sections, sectors, departments of republican environmental departments (pas); research, manufacturing, medical, agricultural, pharmaceutical, administrative, expert, environmental institutions, etc. (as researchers in botany, zoology, human anatomy, physiology, ecology, genetics, biology, biotechnology, etc.);
Consulting firms, educational institutions (as the head of the methodological office of a specialist in biology).
Pedagogical activities in higher education and research
Ensuring continuing education at the next stage of the vocational education system (doctoral studies)
Management in the field of education with strategic thinking, applying innovative technologies and management tools
Planning and conducting laboratory and applied work, control of biotechnological processes
Creative application of fundamental and applied knowledge in pedagogical and research activities
Analysis of information, identification of fundamental problems, setting tasks and their solution
Moshkalov Beibit
Director at ‘Shymkent Dendrological Park’
Iskakova Laura
Director of the branch of JSC NCCE "Orleu" ICEPE in the Turkestan region, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Nurkeshov Baurzhan
Master of Biotechnology, Moderator in Chemistry and Biology, PISA, CLIL trainer
Abildaeva Gulnaz
Master of Education, Director of Gymnasium No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin
The Autonomous Organization of Education "Nazarbayev Intellectual School"
Joint-stock company "National center of formation of qualifications" Orleu"
MB "Shymkent Dendrological Park"
School-gymnasium No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin
School for gifted children # 2 "Daryn"
Boarding school # 12 named after M. Tasova for gifted children with instructions in three languages
Preschool institutions
Research centers
Educational centers
Higher education institutions
From 97 000 to 450 000 KZT
Second higher education
- Documents:
Diploma, ID
- Entrance tests:
Comprehensive testingSuleimenova Moldir. Graduated in 2004. PhD in Biology, Associate Professor. Head of the Department of Chemistry, Biology, Physical Culture and Sports of the University of Miras. Author of 3 study guides
Moshkalov Beibit. Graduated in 2018. Master of Science. Director of SI "Shymkent Dendrological Park"
Spanov Jienbek. Graduated in 2014. Master of Science. Deputy Director for Educational Work, Secondary School No. 36 named after Х.Kh. Tokmұmedova
Zhanalieva Rashida. Lecturer, Candidate of Chemical Sciences. Awarded with Diploma "The best teacher of the country" 2017
Shimelkova Rose. Lecturer, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences. Awarded with "Labor Glory" in 2015 and Certificate of Honour in 2019
Khaltaeva Kurbankul and Senbi Sandukash Abaykyzy. Students, I prize in the Republican competition of scientific papers "Modern Science"
Javadova Lydia. Student, II prize in the Republican contest of scientific works "Modern Science"
Ersin Meruert and Abdykhalyk Madina Seralқyzy. Students, II prize in the Republican competition of scientific papers Modern Science"
Baitasova Elmira. Student III prize in the III international competition of innovative projects "My own business"
Typical curriculum of the educational program 7M01501 Biology
Name of disciplines Cycle of disciplines ECTS Brief description of the disciplines History and Philosophy of Science БД 3 Questions studied: the subject and basic concepts of modern philosophy of science; science in the culture of modern civilization; the emergence of science and the main stages of its historical evolution; the structure of scientific knowledge; the dynamics of science as a process of generating new knowledge; scientific traditions and scientific revolutions, historical types of scientific rationality; features of the modern stage of science development; prospects of scientific progress; science as a social institution; natural sciences in the structure of modern scientific knowledge; the history of pedagogical science. Formed competencies: knowledge of the main features of science as a special type of knowledge, activity and social institution; knowledge of the main historical stages of the development of science and the variety of scientific method; ability to navigate the main ideological and methodological problems arising at the present stage of the development of science; possession of the terminological apparatus of the philosophy of science; possession of methods and techniques of logical analysis. Pedagogy in Higher Education БД 5 The issues studied are: higher school pedagogy as a science, its methodological foundations; general theoretical foundations of higher school didactics; professional and communicative competence of a higher school teacher; driving forces and principles of teaching in higher school; the content of higher education; modern educational technologies in higher school; higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation; the essence of education in higher school. Formed competencies: knowledge of the basics of teaching in higher school; forms, methods, educational technologies and specifics of professional and pedagogical activity of a university teacher; knowledge of forms and methods of conducting classes in higher school. Foreign language (professional) БД 3 The questions studied are: grammatical material, special vocabulary, terminological material; educational material corresponding to the main disciplines of the specialty; reading, speaking, listening and writing in the professional sphere. Formed competencies: mastering the skills of intercultural and communicative competencies of students; integration into the international professional environment; the use of a professional foreign language as a means of intercultural, scientific and professional communication. Postgraduate Training for Methods of Teaching Biology БД 5 The issues under study are: features of the content of biological education at the university; forms of education at the university; methods and technologies of teaching at the university; a variety of pedagogical technologies used in biological education; methods used in the study of biological disciplines at the university. Formed competencies: knowledge of the theory of the methodology of teaching biology at the university; knowledge of the peculiarities of the content of biological education at the university; the ability to demonstrate innovations using methods and technologies of teaching at the university; knowledge of the sequence of studying biological disciplines at higher educational institutions; the ability to clearly determine the place of biological sciences in the system of natural sciences; knowledge of various methods used in the study of biological disciplines at the university. Method of Intersubject Knowledge Application at Teaching Biology БД 5 Issues under study: classification of interdisciplinary connections; general directions of inter-scientific interaction in biology; intersubject aspects in teaching biology; methods of implementation and planning of intersubject connections in biological education. Formed competencies: application of interdisciplinary connections, knowledge of their function, application of planning and implementation; mastering the general directions of inter-scientific interaction in biology; knowledge of interdisciplinary aspects in teaching biology; ability to apply in practice methods of implementation and planning of interdisciplinary connections in biological education; skills of developing individual plans for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in teaching; application of the acquired knowledge to solve theoretical and other methodological problems. Theoretical Biology ПД 5 Issues under study: laws of theoretical biology (G. N. Chernov); the system of the organic world; reformed evolution; basic biological concepts; axioms of theoretical biology; information theory, the law of informational conditionality of biological phenomena, or Waddington's law; methodological foundations of theoretical biology. Formed competencies: knowledge of the laws of theoretical biology; ability to use the theoretical foundations and models of theoretical biology; possession of practical knowledge about modern problems of theoretical biology; application of the laws of G. N. Chernov and Waddington in the professional sphere. Physiology of endocrine glands ПД 5 Issues under study: classification of hormones; the main modern methods of research of the endocrine glands; experimental (physiological) research methods and clinical methods on the example of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Formed competencies: knowledge of the biochemical mechanisms underlying the activity of the endocrine glands; to be guided by modern ideas about the biochemical mechanisms of hormone action; possession of theoretical knowledge about the functions of the endocrine system of the body; possession of practical skills and basic methods of experimental physiological research. Organization and Planning of Scientific Research ПД 5 The issues studied are: the concept of science, its role in the world; the main stages of the development of science; the essence and organization of scientific research, their types; the basics of planning scientific research; the organization and planning of scientific research at the university; criteria for substantiating the topic of scientific research; types of information sources; the structure of research work; the content of scientific search; the organization of theoretical and experimental scientific research; methods of registration of the results of scientific research. Formed competencies: possession of the skills of organizing and planning scientific research; possession of the methodology of scientific research, organization of theoretical and experimental scientific research; possession of the skills of processing the results of scientific research; demonstrate the methods of theoretical and experimental research, processing the results of the experiment. Modern methods of physiological research ПД 5 Issues under study: modern methods of physiological research; methods of physiological research; history of the development of physiology; modern electrophysiological methods; modern optical methods in physiology; biochemical and chemical methods in modern physiological research; modern methods of statistical analysis of physiological data. Formed competencies: knowledge of modern methods used in various fields of physiology; ability to plan and perform basic methodological techniques of a physiological experiment; knowledge of the technique of a physiological experiment; apply the knowledge gained in the implementation of a specific physiological study; application in practice of modern methods of physiological research; possession of skills of biochemical and chemical research in modern physiology. Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis, conducted without interruption from theoretical training Дополнительный цикл дисциплин 4 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Psychology of Management БД 5 Issues studied: psychology of management in the system of scientific knowledge; basic approaches to the study of the management system; individual professional concept of the head; managerial interaction and decision-making process as an aspect of managerial activity; psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions; psychology of the subject of managerial activity; psychology of individual management styles. Formed competencies: knowledge of the psychological content of managerial activity, the individual managerial concept of the head, the theoretical foundations of managerial interaction, the psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions, the psychology of the subject of managerial activity; knowledge of the methods of psychological research in the field of managerial activity and interaction Interactive Learning in Biology ПД 4 The issues studied are: dialogical forms of communication; technology of problem-dialogical teaching in biology lessons;scientific, value, aesthetic and practical components of biological education; strategic, thematic and specific goals of teaching in biology; modern technologies of teaching biology; organization of work in the field of additional education in biology. Formed competencies: knowledge and use of the technology of problem-dialogic teaching in biology lessons; the ability to set cognitive (cognitive) and value-oriented educational goals, forms, methods of monitoring the level of their achievement; the ability to form a culture of dialogue by organizing oral and written discussions on problems requiring decision-making and conflict resolution; the ability to navigate modern problems of biology; the ability to use fundamental biological concepts in professional activity. Environment and conservation of biological diversity БД 5 Issues under study: the current state of biodiversity and the natural environment; the principles of conducting monitoring studies on the study of ecosystem stability and biodiversity conservation; general trends in changes and threats to biodiversity; conservation of biodiversity of the flora and fauna of Kazakhstan. Formed competencies: application of the acquired knowledge in practice for conducting independent research in the field of conservation of biological diversity and rational use of natural resources; knowledge of the diversity of the flora and fauna of Kazakhstan; knowledge of the principles of monitoring research on the study of ecosystem stability; knowledge of the skills of analyzing the diversity and state of the flora and fauna. Sanctuaries and Natural Parks of the Republic of Kazalhstan БД 5 Issues under study: geographical characteristics of nature reserves of Kazakhstan; biological characteristics and features of species in need of special protection; ecological principles of the development of the system of environmental protection measures in the region; the importance and role of nature reserves and nature reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Formed competencies: possession of knowledge and geographical location of specially protected natural territories of Kazakhstan; possession of the ability to form adequate ideas about the geographical and biological characteristics of nature reserves of Kazakhstan; the ability to reveal the meaning and role of nature reserves and nature reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan; possession of skills for environmental monitoring of the environment. Systematics and Biology of Insects ПД 5 Questions studied: the hypothesis of the origin of insects, the meaning of insects; the main tasks and principles of taxonomy; embryonic and postembryonic development of insects; methods of reproduction of insects; biology and ecology of insects; classification of insects. Formed competencies: mastering the complex of knowledge about invertebrates, their role in ecosystems with further application in their practical activities; the ability to work with living organisms and their communities in nature and laboratory conditions; mastering the skills of zoological research; mastering the skills of working with insect determinants; applying the acquired knowledge in their professional activities. Cell Biology ПД 5 Issues under study: the main stages of cell evolution; interaction of cells with the environment; organization and evolution of the nuclear genome; mechanisms of cell division; intercellular signaling. Formed competencies: knowledge of the basics of cell evolution and cell theory; ability to use the theoretical foundations, basic concepts and models of cell evolution; ability to analyze the composition of cell populations of a multicellular organism, the main types of cells; possession of theoretical knowledge on modern problems of cell biology; mastery of scientific data on current problems of cell biology; ability to conduct analytical work and possess the methodology of scientific research in the professional sphere. Modern problems of biological chemistry ПД 3 Issues under study: modern problems of biological chemistry as a basic component of modern physico-chemical biology; chemical processes occurring in animal and plant organisms; features of metabolism, sources of formation of biologically active compounds, their effect on the body; methods of biochemical research; chemical composition of organisms, the need of various organisms for chemical elements. Formed competencies: knowledge of modern methods of biochemistry; ability to choose and apply experimental and computational-theoretical research methods in professional activity; ability to conduct research in the field of biochemistry at the modern level; ability to critically analyze information about modern achievements of biochemistry and its applied use; knowledge of biochemical terminology and biochemical concepts. Biochemistry of metabolism ПД 3 Subjects studied: metabolism and energy in the body; energy resources of the body; specific and general pathways of catabolism; regulation of carbohydrate metabolism; lipid metabolism and functions; general principles of the relationship of metabolic pathways and the main aspects of the regulation of metabolism. Formed competencies: knowledge of the meaning of the concepts «metabolism», «metabolism», «anabolism», «catabolism» and their interrelationships; the ability to draw up schemes of transformations of the tricarboxylic acid cycle; understanding the essence and internal nature of the main metabolic processes of the body; knowledge of the basic biochemical laws; knowledge of the general principles of the relationship of metabolic pathways and the main aspects of the regulation of metabolism. Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis [UA] 1 Дополнительный цикл дисциплин 4 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Research work of a master's student (scientific internship) Дополнительный цикл дисциплин 4 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Pedagogical Practice БД 4 Pedagogical practice is aimed at deepening, improving and consolidating the acquired theoretical knowledge, the ability to apply them in pedagogical activity. Pedagogical practice is designed to provide a close link between the scientific-theoretical and practical training of undergraduates, to give them initial experience of pedagogical activity and certain skills of scientific-psychological and pedagogical research. E-Teaching Biology БД 5 Issues under study: modern electronic educational resources; the effectiveness of educational material and the quality of the e-learning process; electronic scientific and information resources; information resources for teaching biology; electronic technologies in the distance learning system. Formed competencies: the ability to navigate in the field of pedagogical innovations, pedagogical digital technologies; knowledge of information technologies, skills of working with all types of information; skills of using methods of searching and exchanging information in global and local computer networks; the ability to apply modern information search technologies in practice to solve information search problems in the educational process and e-learning; knowledge of modern teaching methods based on the use of computer technology. Innovative technologies in the methodology of teaching biology БД 5 Issues under study: modern innovative technologies in the field of pedagogical activity; classification of modern learning technologies; technology of productive learning; technology of concentrated learning; technology of modular learning. Formed competencies: knowledge of the classification of modern teaching technologies and methods of their application in teaching biology; the ability to develop a promising and thematic plan for studying biology in accordance with the requirements of innovative technologies for teaching biology; knowledge of the adaptation of innovative technologies in teaching biology; the ability to apply innovative technologies in the process of professional and pedagogical activity. Fundamentals of Phytocenology ПД 5 Issues under study: research methods in modern phytocenology and plant ecology; general characteristics of the plant community; the concept of the structure of phytocenoses; dynamics of phytocenoses; reversible changes of phytocenoses: daily, seasonal, multi-year (fluctuation) and age; structure of phytocenoses. Formed competencies: possession of knowledge about the features of morphology, ecology, reproduction and geographical distribution of plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms; possession of the ability to form adequate ideas about the role of living organisms in nature and human economic activity; possession of knowledge about the main parameters of the structure and structure of regional phytocenoses; possession of the ability to explain the chemical bases of biological processes and physiological mechanisms of various plant systems and organs; proficiency in creating an elementary database of species and geobotanical descriptions. Ecology of medicinal plants of the Turkestan region ПД 5 Issues under study: classification of medicinal plants; biochemical composition and species diversity of medicinal herbs of the Turkestan region; characteristics of the main medicinal plants; the importance of medicinal plants for folk and scientific medicine; types of medicinal plants of the Turkestan region. Formed competencies: possession of knowledge about the main stages of development, modern directions of scientific research in the field of medicinal plants; possession of knowledge about the distribution and habitat of medicinal plants of the Turkestan region used in scientific medicine; ability to determine medicinal plants in living and herbalized form by morphological characteristics; possession of the ability to apply their knowledge of medicinal plants in their future professional activities. Molecular Immunology ПД 5 Issues under study: antigens; antigen-recognizing receptors; functions of the human immune system; cellular receptors for antibodies; mechanisms of development and regulation of the immune response; cytokines; chemical, biochemical and molecular biological bases of immune reactions. Formed competencies: knowledge of the structure and functions of the human immune system, types of immunity, regulation of the immune response; ability to conduct analytical work on the mechanisms of development and regulation of the immune response; mastery of knowledge about the chemical, biochemical and molecular biological bases of immune reactions; possession of skills that allow using knowledge about immunity in scientific and practical life. Cellular Immunology ПД 5 Subjects studied: cells of the immune system; lymphoid cells; natural killers; introduction to the MHC; activating and inhibiting receptors; mechanisms of contact cytolysis; proteosomes. Formed competencies: knowledge of the key concepts of cellular immunology: antigen, antibody, receptors, cytokines, immunocompetent cells, immune response, immune pathology; possession of theoretical knowledge about the mechanisms of formation of innate and acquired immunity in the human body. Modern problems of Physiology ПД 5 Issues under study: modern stages of development of physiology; physiology of the cardiovascular system; modern stage of development of nutritionology; physiology of metabolism; physiology and pathophysiology of protein metabolism; physiology and pathophysiology of fat metabolism; methods of metabolism research. Formed competencies: knowledge of the laws of functioning of living organisms and their individual systems, organs, tissues and cells; ability to use behavioral, physiological, biochemical, genetic, molecular biological approaches to analyze body functions; apply modern experimental methods of working with biological objects and modern equipment in the laboratory; knowledge of the skills of analyzing the functional state of living organisms, their individual systems, organs of tissues and cells; knowledge of modern experimental methods of working with biological objects in the field and laboratory conditions with the help of modern equipment. Organization of laboratory classes in physiology ПД 5 Questions to be studied: organizational aspects of conducting laboratory classes in physiology; the role of physiology in education; the essence and organization of laboratory classes, their types; organization of laboratory classes at the university; research methods in physiology. Formed competencies: knowledge of the skills of organizing laboratory classes in physiology, methods of scientific research, organization of theoretical and experimental scientific research; knowledge of the skills of registration of laboratory research results; knowledge of methods of experimental work with laboratory animals; ability to apply in practice basic physiological methods (heart rate monitoring, electrocardiography, spirometry, blood analysis, stimulation and cutting of nerves, isolation of organs, recording of cardiogram, myogram, pneimogram); knowledge of the skills of organizing, conducting and analyzing laboratory classes, taking into account compliance with safety requirements; knowledge of the technique of setting up a laboratory experiment, handling laboratory equipment. Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis, conducted without interruption from theoretical training Дополнительный цикл дисциплин 10 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Research Practice ПД 16 The research practice is aimed at the formation and development of professional knowledge in the field of the chosen specialty, consolidation of the theoretical knowledge obtained in the disciplines of the direction and special disciplines of the master's program, mastering the necessary professional competencies in the chosen direction of specialized training. Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis [UA] 2 Дополнительный цикл дисциплин 2 Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. Design and Protection of the Master's Thesis Дополнительный цикл дисциплин 8