The training program 6В01403 – "Teacher of Art and Drawing with the Basics of Design" is developed for training personnel in the field of pedagogical sciences within the framework of teacher training in art and drawing in compliance with the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education and agreed with representatives of educational organizations.
The purpose of the educational program is to train qualified, competent specialists in art education, graphics and design, who possess innovative technologies of creative orientation, are able to quickly adapt to rapidly changing social conditions, have the necessary skills and abilities for professional activity.
The educational program is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to the individual needs of each individual student within the framework of educational standards.
Features of the educational program:
- The use of digital IT technologies, cloud and search services and application software (PPT, Photoshop, CorelDRAW) to search, process and save the necessary information, create and apply digital information and digital educational resources.
- Involving students in applied projects as a tool for obtaining practice-oriented skills.
- Mastering primary knowledge about the diversity and specifics of the types and genres of professional and folk art (graphics, painting, decorative arts, architecture, design).
- Elements of dual education, the implementation of academic mobility in the organization of higher and postgraduate education in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Possession of various types of art, study of the work of Kazakhstani artists, enrichment of the spiritual culture of the younger generation, culture of respect for folk traditions, familiarization with well-known or forgotten folk crafts of their region, the work of other peoples, works of modern decorative art.
In order to develop additional competencies complementary to students chosen profile, Minor programs are implemented, which consist of a track of thematically related elective disciplines.
Available Minors in the educational program:
Human health
The basics of mediation and positive personal thinking
The main objectives of the training programAwareness of the importance of respectful and careful attitude to the cultural and historical traditions of society, nature, world and domestic art, design heritage; application of professional knowledge of the theory and history of world and national art and design;
Formation of skills to build the educational process, organization of educational work in a student team, planning and conducting extracurricular activities in compliance with laws, principles, educational mechanisms of the pedagogical process;
Implementation of independent learning of innovative research methods, changes in the academic and scientific-industrial profile of their professional activities;
Knowledge of the role of a creative person in the development of environment and culture, the willingness to accept moral obligations in relation to nature, society, other people and to oneself, to recognize the importance of spiritual values for the best of modern society development;
Ensuring connection of the learning process with science development; organization of practice-oriented training;
Formation of skills to process professional documentation; the ability to monitor the educational process.
Key competencies in the training programGeneral professional competencies, outlining the range of individual abilities for theoretical, methodological application of theoretical foundations of their professional activities;
Creative competence, ability of a teacher to bring activities to a creative, research level;
Subject competence in the field of creative disciplines: knowledge in the field of taught subject, methods of teaching;
Competence in the field of innovation, characterizing a teacher as an experimenter;
Special competencies expressing the professional profile of a graduate, identifying their professional activity in a specific subject area at the appropriate qualification level.
Types of professional activityTeaching;
Employability prospects for specialistsSecondary comprehensive and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, schools;
Individual entrepreneurial activity by profile, etc;
Industrial enterprises as a designer, chief artist;
Research and experimental activities in creative associations;
Demonstration and competition activities at festivals, exhibitions and other events;
Profile activities in advertising agencies, design studios;
Work in creative and professional associations related to the design of visual communications and functional systems (transport, city services, communication and trade), design of manufactoring environment, etc.
The name of the organization for which dual training is implementedKSU "Gymnasium School No. 64 named after Zh .Aimauytov";
Pedagogical activity and educational and methodological support of educational process
Design, engineering, colorization and features of work with materials
Work with the package of graphic editors SketchUp; AutoCAD Autodesk 3ds Max; ArchiCAD, Lumion, Revit
Advanced skills in working with a personal computer, office equipment and software in the professional field. Business Planning Basics
Author's approaches to multilevel study of foreign languages
Transformation of personal values and personal motivation. Adaptation to Stress and Mediation. Foundation of a healthy lifestyle. Cultural and Spiritual Development
Muratbaev Abduahat
Painter, graphic artist, member of the Union of artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ilyaev Sultan
Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan. "Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan"
Kovchenko Svyatoslav
Director of LLP ‘DREAMSHIP’
Advertisement Center Color
Design studio Next level
Design Studios
Preschool institutions
Architectural and design organizations
From 100 000 to 500 000 KZT
On the School basis
- Documents:
- Entrance exams:
1st art project,
2nd art project
- Training period:
3 years +Second higher education
- Documents:
Diploma, ID
- Entrance tests:
Job interview
- Training period:
Minimum 1 year 8 monthsBased on TVE (College)
- Documents:
- Entrance exams:
Art project
- Training period:
Min: 2 years 6 months
DISCOUNTS Artemyev Victor and Krasnikov Alexey. Participants of the international competitions "ART ZEPT" and "BATIMAT Russia 2019" of the International Building and Interior Exhibition (Moscow, RF), 2019
Oralova Dinara. Head of the Talented Youth Support Department of the Shymkent City Youth Resource Center
Nurtayev Yusuf. Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, senior lecturer. Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Muratbaev Abduahat. Member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, senior lecturer. He was awarded the medal "For Merits". He is the author of several monumental and sculptural projects in the city of Shymkent and the Turkestan region: the stela "Silk Road", the sculpture "Myrzashol", the monuments to "Seydolla Biteyrekov", "Kazybek bi, Tule bi, Beitibek bi", "Whirlwind", pan-relief "My Mother Land"
Valieva Anastasia. Student, 1st degree diploma in the XIX Scientific Research Sttudent Conference "Student and science: a look into the future", Kazakh Head Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Typical curriculum of the educational program 6B01403 Teacher of art and education, graphics and design
Name of disciplines Cycle of disciplines ECTS Brief description of the disciplines Kazakh (Russian) Language GED 5 Questions to study: phonetic features, grammatical structure of the Kazakh language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation, phraseological units; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; culture and traditions of Kazakhstan; rules of speech etiquette; rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication. Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; maintaining contacts using e-mail; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Foreign Language GED 5 Questions to study: phonetic features, grammatical structure, of the English language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; rules of speech etiquette; intercultural features and rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication. Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Physical Education GED 2 Questions to study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Social and Political Studies Module (Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Psychology) GED 8 Questions to study: the main categories of political science, sociology, cultural studies and psychology; socio-ethical values of society; social, political, cultural, psychological institutions of society in the context of their role in the modernization of Kazakh society and the principles of their functioning. Formed competencies: explanation and interpretation of concepts, ideas, theories of sociology, political science, cultural studies, psychology; description, analysis of current problems of modern Kazakh society, social processes; analysis of the features of social, political, cultural, psychological institutions in the context of their role in the modernization of Kazakh society; designing prospects for the development of Kazakh society, solving social, political, personal problems, interpersonal and social conflicts; expressing one's own opinion on issues of social significance; generating ideas on issues of socio-political development of society and presenting them. Ecology and life safety GED 5 Questions to study: the content and tasks of ecology; the concept of the ecosystem and the biosphere; the circulation of substances and the flow of energy in ecosystems; global problems of humanity; legislative measures for nature protection; conditions for the occurrence of environmentally hazardous and emergency situations, patterns of their manifestation; classification, characteristics and forecasting of emergencies; development and implementation of measures to protect humans and the environment from negative impacts, first aid, etc. Formed competencies: assessment of the impact of environmental factors on human health; identification of the main hazards of the human environment; choice of methods of protection against hazards; possession of methods and technologies of protection in emergency situations; ability to provide first aid self-and mutual assistance; effective action in the event of a threat and occurrence of extreme situations and emergencies; determination of symptoms of the human body in case of injuries; correct use of medical first aid kits. Fundamentals of Law GED 5 Questions to study: law and its place in the system of social regulation; the main forms (sources) of law; legal norms and legal relations; lawful behavior and offenses; the basics of the legal status of a person and a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main branches of law, etc. Formed competencies: orientation in matters of current legislation; possession of skills in analyzing normative legal acts, relations regulated by law, legal analysis of information; application of legal norms in specific situations, following moral and legal norms in everyday practice; expression and justification of one's own point of view on legal issues; conducting polemics in the legal field. Bases of Anticorruption Culture GED 5 Questions to study: the essence of corruption as a social and legal phenomenon; the manifestation of corruption in public life; the measure of moral and legal responsibility for corruption offenses; the current legislation in the field of combating corruption; prevention of offenses. Formed competencies: orientation in matters of current legislation; possession of skills in analyzing normative legal acts, relations regulated by law, legal analysis of information; application of legal norms in specific situations, following moral and legal norms in everyday practice; expression and justification of one's own point of view on issues of law and anti-corruption culture; conducting polemics in the legal field. Fundamentals of economics and entrepreneurship GED 5 Questions to study: the role and importance of the economy in the life of society; the laws of production, exchange and distribution of material goods; the theoretical foundations of the functioning of the market economy; the fundamentals of the enterprise economy; the content and essence of entrepreneurship; types and forms of entrepreneurial activity. Formed competencies: application of economic knowledge in specific situations; implementation of economic calculations; determination of one's own capabilities in carrying out entrepreneurial activity; use of knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurship for organizing one's business; development of a business plan; readiness to create an entrepreneurial unit and organization of its activities. Fundamentals of innovation and innovation activity GED 5 Questions to study: the essence of the concepts of ""innovation"", ""innovative activity"", ""innovative project""; classification of innovations; factors determining innovative activity; sources of innovative ideas; priorities of innovation policy at various levels of economic management; the main models of innovative development. Formed competencies: analysis and evaluation of innovative projects; planning of work on the implementation of innovations, presentation of innovative projects; implementation of business planning of innovative projects. Fundamentals of leadership and team building GED 5 Questions to study: the essence of the concepts of ""leadership"", ""team"", ""team building""; leadership models and their typology; leadership styles; models of leadership decision-making, technologies of team formation. Formed competencies: analysis and evaluation of leadership styles; assessment of the conditions and consequences of the implementation of various leadership styles; methods and techniques of team formation. Fundamentals of academic writing BD 5 Questions to study: the concepts of ""academic writing"", genres of academic writing (abstract, essay, review, abstract, scientific article, etc.), the basic principles of compiling and formatting academic texts and their presentation. Formed competencies: creation of written academic texts of various genres; design of a written text in accordance with accepted norms, requirements, standards; skills and skills of compiling a bibliographic description of printed publications and electronic resources; skills of analytical work with scientific sources; editing of academic texts; critical evaluation of written works. Psychology of communication and conflict management BD 5 Questions to study: the essence of communication; communicative, interactive, perceptual aspects of communication; communication functions; communication structure; types of communication; communication models; verbal and non-verbal means of communication; communication levels; the social nature of conflicts; causes of conflicts; types of conflicts; dynamics and mechanisms of conflict; conflict management in the organizational system. Formed competencies: application of techniques and techniques of effective communication in professional activity; possession of methods of self-regulation of behavior in the process of interpersonal communication; possession of methods of interpersonal, intercultural, interethnic and business communication; identification of the causes of conflicts; management of the conflict process and their behavior in conflict; analysis of conflict situations; use of knowledge in the field of conflict management in practice for the prevention and resolution of conflict situations in the field of management; organization of negotiations and the use of various technologies of the negotiation process in practice. Oratory Art BD 5 Questions to study: the main categorical apparatus of public speaking; the history of public speaking; strategies and tactics of effective speech communications; an algorithm for creating an effective public message; discussion and polemics. Formed competencies: the ability to clearly express their thoughts, feel confident during communication and speech; possession of voice and expressiveness of speech; managing the attention of listeners; the ability to answer unexpected questions, effectively convince opponents and influence listeners; possession of methods and techniques for analyzing the partner's speech behavior, methods of self-control. Workshop on the development of critical and creative thinking BD 5 Questions to study: the nature, structure, functions of critical and creative thinking and methods of their formation; models of critical thinking; methods of stimulating, functions, types of creative thinking; the current state of decision-making theory; conceptual support of the decision-making process; tools of critical and creative thinking necessary for decision-making; types, strategies and methods of decision-making. Formed competencies: the ability to distinguish critical and creative ways of thinking from other forms of intellectual activity; possession of methods and techniques of creative thinking; the use of various models of critical and creative thinking in practice; the implementation of a critical analysis of the situation in the decision-making process based on awareness and interpretation procedures; formulation and reasoned defense of one's own position on various problems, as well as correct refutation of the opponent's position. Kazakh (Russian) Language GED 5 Questions to study: phonetic features, grammatical structure of the Kazakh language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation, phraseological units; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; culture and traditions of Kazakhstan; rules of speech etiquette; rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication. Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; maintaining contacts using e-mail; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Foreign Language GED 5 Questions to study: phonetic features, grammatical structure, of the English language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; rules of speech etiquette; intercultural features and rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication. Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. History of Kazakhstan GED 5 Issues under study: basic facts, processes and phenomena, concepts, theories, hypotheses characterizing the integrity and consistency of the integrity of the historical process; periodization of world and national history; modern versions and interpretations of the most important problems of national and world history; features of the historical path of Kazakhstan, its role in the world community. the most important methodological concepts of the historical process, their scientific and ideological basis; features of historical, historical-sociological, historical-political, historical-cultural, anthropological analysis of events, processes and phenomena of the past; historical conditionality of the formation and evolution of public institutions, systems of social interaction, norms and motives of human behavior; interrelationship and features of the history of Kazakhstan and the world, national and regional, confessional, ethnonational, local history. patterns of social development; features of development of Kazakhstan; the main historical facts and events of the socio-economic and political life of Kazakhstan at all stages of its development. Formed competencies: formation of objective historical knowledge about the main stages of the history of Kazakhstan from the ancient era to the present day, about the continuity and continuity of ethnogenesis, the formation and development of the statehood of the Kazakh people; mastering knowledge about the main stages of the development of human society from antiquity to the present day in the social, economic, political, spiritual and moral spheres with special attention to the place and role of Kazakhstan in the world-historical process; the development of the ability to analyze information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past and present, guided by the principle of historicism, in their dynamics, interrelation and interdependence and the formation of historical thinking — the ability to consider events and phenomena from the point of view of their historical conditionality, to compare different versions and assessments of historical events and personalities, to correlate their views and principles with historically emerged worldview systems, to determine their own attitude to the controversial problems of the past and present. Physical Education GED 3 Questions to study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Material processing technology I BD 5 Studied issues: knows the operations of sewing parts, assemblies, textile products and the technology of their execution, the main types of work, manual seams. Organizes a workplace for manual work, studies tools and devices for manual work. Organizes a workplace for machine work. He knows the basics of personal hygiene, the qualification characteristics of a seamstress. There are machine seams, connecting seams, edge seams. Examines the finishing seams. Terminology of machine works and wet-heat works. Develops products made of textile materials, creates ideas and sketches, studies textile products of various textures and colors, manufactures materials, tools and equipment, manufactures products, reveals details, processes individual details. Develops the design of textile products for the home (apron, kitchen accessories), ideas of sketches, finishes the details of products; Decorates sewing products (clothing, accessories, jewelry), creates ideas of transformation, sketch, prepares materials and equipment, can demonstrate products; Educational practice [AW] BD 2 The educational practice is aimed at obtaining primary professional skills in the field of education, the formation of a stable interest in the profession of a teacher, professional orientation. Academic Drawing BD 5 The discipline is aimed at considering the following issues: owns the basic laws, techniques and techniques of academic drawing, differentiated approaches in teaching and educating students related to the types of visual activities; owns methods, forms and means of art education, the content of drawing programs for secondary schools, technologies for planning, conducting and analyzing drawing lessons, methods of organizing extracurricular and extracurricular art and educational work. He knows the means and methods of developing students' ability to self-education, Draws plaster objects with a simple geometric shape, an academic scheme of objects with a geometric shape, a scheme of objects with a complex geometric shape. Draws objects with complex geometric shapes (complex plaster rosettes), adds colors. Draws diagrams of objects with a complex geometric structure. Draws everyday objects with a complex geometric structure, adding colors and processing the shape. Develops students' interest in art, highly artistic visual works of various forms, genres and styles, perceives the need to communicate with art, deep and diverse feelings caused by artistic images, carries out artistic training taking into account students' understanding of the role of fine art. Organizes various types and forms of artistic activity of students, organizes creative meetings and exhibitions. Shows the following skills: professionally self-educates, ensures the quality of the educational process in artistic, educational, cultural and educational activities. Uses modern art and information technologies. He is able to apply systematized artistic-historical and artistic-theoretical knowledge in the professional activity of a teacher of fine arts using modern visual and information technologies to ensure the quality of the educational process. Philosophy GED 5 Questions to study: categories of philosophy, philosophical understanding and understanding of the role and place of education, science, technology, technology, man, art, freedom, culture, religion in society, methods of scientific knowledge, the evolution of philosophical thought from antiquity to the present. Formed competencies: understanding and explaining the specifics of the philosophical understanding of reality; interpretation and justification of the content and specific features of the mythological, religious and scientific worldview; demonstration of methods of scientific and philosophical knowledge of the world in the implementation of project and research activities; argumentation of one's own position in relation to topical philosophical issues, global problems of modern society. Physical Education GED 3 Questions to study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Organization of project activities BD 5 Questions to study: the basics of project activity; design technologies; implementation and effective project management; methods of collecting initial data and design methods, methods of project development and implementation. Formed competencies: knowledge of methods of collecting and analyzing information; design and preparation of projects; possession of tools for organizing project activities; setting goals and objectives at each stage of project implementation; development of ways to solve the problem; practical application of design methods in professional activities. Information technologies in the professional activity of a teacher BD 5 Questions to study: the composition and functions of information and telecommunications technologies, the possibilities of their use in the professional activity of a teacher; the basic rules and methods of working with application software packages; the concepts of ""information systems"", ""information technologies""; theoretical foundations, types and structures of databases; the possibilities of network technologies for working with information. Formed competencies: the use of software in the professional activity of a teacher; the use of computer and telecommunications tools; skills of working with information reference systems; the use of applied programs in professional activities; the ability to use the resources of local and global information networks. Technology of professional success of a teacher BD 5 Questions to study: social functions and significance of the education system, the value bases of the professional activity of a teacher; requirements for the personal and professional qualities of a teacher; regulatory documents regulating the activity of a teacher; outstanding teachers; career development trajectories, professional ethics. Formed competencies: demonstration of the ability and readiness to understand modern issues in the field of education, pedagogy, the process of education, professional ethics; application of the principles and rules of professional ethics and etiquette in professional activity; possession and demonstration of individual features of professional image modeling; possession of methods of professional and personal image. Painting І BD 6 Issues studied: pictorial sketch; tasks of quick sketches, sketches; constructive construction of a still life from geometric bodies; patterns of perspective construction of still life compositions from objects of different shape, texture and tone. Formed competencies: the ability to correctly compose on the format; mastering the skills to perform chiaroscuro analysis, to achieve the materiality of the subject; knowledge of the plastic properties of color; understanding of pictorial techniques and color tone when mixed on the palette; understanding of coloristic solutions. Material processing technology II BD 6 Issues under study: Processing of parts. Processing of the flap, valve, leaves. Processing of the welt pocket into a frame. Processing of the patch pocket. Processing of folds. Processing of split and non-split tucks. Processing of coquettes. Node processing. Processing collars and connecting them to the neck. Processing of fasteners. Processing of the bottom of the sleeves. Connection of sleeves with armholes. Processing of sections: side, shoulder. Processing of the bottom of the product. The connection of the bodice with the skirt. Processing of products made of textile materials. Manufacture of bed linen. Checking the quality of the cut: Processing the cutout of the duvet cover with trimming and connecting the details of the duvet cover. Processing of pillowcases with a double seam. Processing of the sheet. Basics of drawing BD 5 The discipline is aimed at considering the following tasks: knows the role of images in the visualization of information, the main types of graphics, information visualization tools, drawing execution. Owns the rules of drawing design (format, scale, basic inscriptions), geometric structure in the drawing. Constructs the main types of graphic images and develops methods. Uses the basic techniques of modeling three-dimensional bodies and plateaus. Performs drawings of an object (geometric bodies). Knows the main types of images and constructs them. The view of the images and transforms the composition. Forms and structures the form, transforms the form. Information and Communication Technologies GED 5 Questions to study: the content and trends in the development of information and communication technologies; methods of collecting, storing and processing information, methods of implementing information and communication processes; conceptual foundations of the architecture of computer systems, operating systems and networks; architecture of computer systems and networks, the purpose and functions of the main components; concepts for the development of network and web applications, information security tools. Formed competencies: skills of using modern information and communication technologies in various fields of professional activity, scientific and practical work and other purposes; justification of the choice of the most appropriate technology for solving specific tasks; the ability to use Internet information resources, cloud and mobile services for searching, storing, processing and distributing information; the ability to use software and hardware of computer systems and networks for data collection, transmission, processing and storage; analysis and justification of the choice of methods and means of information protection; the ability to develop data analysis and management tools for various types of activities; implementation of project activities using modern information and communication technologies. Methods of teaching design and technology BD 5 Issues under study: modern technologies in the field of teaching design and technology. Formed competencies: application of modern teaching methods and mastery of new information technologies necessary in the educational process. Psychological and pedagogical practice [AW] BD 5 Psychological and pedagogical practice is aimed at developing students ' skills of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a child in an educational environment, taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children; establishing and strengthening theoretical knowledge obtained during the study of the disciplines of the module of general professional competencies 2. Painting II BD 5 Studied issues: modeling the shape with color, the image of a human head, a human figure in various angles; work on a portrait; the image of a costumed model in the interior; performing short-term sketches of a figure in various angles. Formed competencies: skills of visual perception of nature; skills of creating an expressive form and image; sense of composition; ability to use pictorial features; ability to organize plastic, coloristic structure. Color science BD 5 The discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: knows chromatic and achromatic scales, primary colors-monochrome scale, compositional center, composite colors, related scales, red, blue and yellow-primary colors, shades of complex colors, interaction with the background, chromatic scale, the main characteristics of color, color in motion transmission, the role of color in motion transmission, contrasting and additional contrasting colors, color combinations, color contrast, enhancement of shades. Shows a red circle on the sheet, highlights additional colors. Studies the influence of different colors on the emotional component. Feels the influence of lighting on the shape and color of an object in space. He knows the peculiarities of optical and mechanical mixing of colors, the possibilities of color effects on a person, the basics of color construction, types of color contrast, the theory of color effects, the theory of color expressiveness. From a sketch to a working sketch of an "object" using contrasting colors, a search series of compositions is created, harmonic color-tonal relations are correctly determined in the context of solving pictorial and design tasks, coloristic solutions are found taking into account the designated area, associative series, color symbols, target audience, established traditions, physiological effects of color, national preferences and cultural and religious ties. Applies terminology used in working with colors, skills of competent representation of color systems and techniques useful in pedagogical and design practice, techniques of color and decorative design of exposition, exhibition, studio, school premises. Interpretation practice [minor] PD 5 The issues studied are: language tools in various pragmatic situations, depending on the specifics of the audience; the formation of interpretation skills based on highly specialized texts; the development and consolidation of methods and tools of translation technology; Formed competencies: the ability to choose lexical units in accordance with knowledge of the subject of translation, to perform various translation transformations based on the use of lexical and grammatical transformations, to transmit terms of a special orientation, to highlight the technique of writing in sequential translation and ""decoding"" recorded sentences, to conduct translation activities in accordance with the place and context of translation. Basics of a healthy lifestyle [minor] PD 5 Studied issues: the basics of a healthy lifestyle, motivational-value and activity attitude to health through the expansion, systematization and personal mediation of knowledge, skills and abilities; The competencies being formed are focused on the formation and popularization of a healthy lifestyle, the use of physical culture, the natural forces of nature to restore working capacity, and ensure active longevity. Basics of mediation [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: the main provisions of normative acts applied in the field of mediation; theoretical knowledge in the field of prevention, settlement and resolution of disputes, organization of negotiations with the participation of a neutral mediator (mediator); Emerging competencies: the ability to apply this knowledge in subsequent practical activities. Computer graphics BD 5 Subjects studied: types of computer graphics; basic concepts of computer graphics; the role of composition in computer graphics; the emergence and development of computer graphics; the main directions of computer graphics; hardware and software of computer graphics; raster graphics; basic concepts and modeling; vector graphics; basic concepts and modeling. Formed competencies: skills of analyzing the features of artistic means and patterns of computer graphics, the basics of the image of objects, graphic signs and logos, interior and equipment; understanding of spatial and three-dimensional orientation, the feasibility of three-dimensional modeling in environmental design; the ability to apply computer graphics techniques; the ability to present and defend the concept of the project. Technology of structural materials BD 5 Questions to study: technological methods for obtaining blanks and their processing; objects studied in the ""Technology of structural materials""; devices and their characteristics. Formed competencies: knowledge of machine-building materials and their properties; competence in the field of machine-building materials, their characteristics and areas of application of technological methods for obtaining and processing blanks. Home and Food culture BD 5 Studied questions: Knows the equipment of the dining room, cooking tools-equipment, appliances and dishes. Studies the possibilities of cooking equipment. Owns the technology of making sandwiches and drinks, the technology of making salads from fruits and vegetables, observes the rules of personal hygiene. Into yourself, into care. Carries out the main directions of crop production, spring work in crop production. Knows the rules of correct behavior at the table of the Kazakh people and different peoples, as well as in public catering places. Implements the technology of cooking dishes from semi-finished products, the technology of fast food preparation, the technology of dessert preparation. Observes hygiene rules, performs wet and dry cleaning of the premises. Knows the care of clothes (shoes) and stores them. Knows the types of decorative flowers. carries out spring work in floriculture. Formed competencies: conducts independent exploratory research of Kazakh national dishes, dishes of the peoples of the world. Conducts practical work on dishes of the peoples of the world. Selects household appliances. Knows the rules of using household appliances. Stylish interior products (in 2D/3D format). Prepares sketches for products. Prepares tools and materials. Understands the role of science in crop production, the role of plants in medicine, phytotherapy and cosmetology. Landscape elements in the interior / exterior. Uses. Visualizes a creative idea. Embodies a creative idea, decorates the interior on the occasion of the holiday. Implements a creative idea. General electrical engineering BD 5 Questions studied: knowledge of general information about sources of electricity, electrical fittings. Experimenters conduct experiments with various sources of electricity. Uses hand-held power tools and equipment. Repairs electrical fittings and household appliances. Finds faults in electrical circuits. Selects and uses control and measuring devices to perform calculations. He knows the basic laws of electrical engineering, the main provisions of the theory and practice of calculating DC circuits, single-phase and three-phase AC electrical circuits, the basics of electronics with its element base and the principles of operation of basic electronic devices, basic measuring instruments and devices. Formed competencies: understands the processes occurring in electrical circuits and calculates electrical circuits, measures basic electrical quantities. Demonstrates the skills of measuring basic electrical quantities, the skills of applying modern methods of calculating linear and nonlinear quantities. He is able to work with electrical circuits and electronic devices. The discipline is aimed at considering the following issues: knowledge of general information about sources of electricity, electrical fittings. Experimenters conduct experiments with various sources of electricity. Uses hand-held power tools and equipment. Repairs electrical fittings and household appliances. Finds faults in electrical circuits. Selects and uses control and measuring devices to perform calculations. He knows the basic laws of electrical engineering, the main provisions of the theory and practice of calculating DC circuits, single-phase and three-phase AC electrical circuits, the basics of electronics with its element base and the principles of operation of basic electronic devices, basic measuring instruments and devices. Understands the processes occurring in electrical circuits and calculates electrical circuits, measures basic electrical quantities. Demonstrates the skills of measuring basic electrical quantities, the skills of applying modern methods of calculating linear and nonlinear quantities. He is able to work with electrical circuits and electronic devices. Methods of teaching artistic work BD 5 Questions studied: knows the content and program of the subject ""Art work"" for grades 5-9, the features of the subject ""Art work"" in the system of basic secondary education on updated content, various types of art, the expression of ideas by means of art, universal (everyday) and special (subject) knowledge and skills, skills of artistic processing and transformation of materials and facilities, household management skills, the use of machinery and technology. Formed competencies: owns the class arrangement of the material, implements the methodology of teaching art work in elementary school, analyzes the work of outstanding teachers and scientists in the formation of the methodology of teaching art work, studies the state of the main problems of the methodology of teaching art work at the present stage, applies teaching methods in art work lessons. Organization of scientific and methodological work in art education BD 5 The discipline is aimed at considering the following issues: knows the concept and essence of the scientific and methodological activity of the teacher, the functions and types of methodological activity of the teacher, the content of the scientific and methodological activity of the teacher at school, the methodical skill of the teacher. Improves the methodological work of the school, the content and develops new implemented basic educational programs and programs of additional education, develops and implements new principles, forms and methods of effective organization of the educational process, improves the system of assessing the quality of knowledge acquired by students and listeners during the development of a specific educational program, methodically provides educational work, conducts all types of educational and develops educational and methodological materials necessary for methodological support. To organize and conduct research and methodological work on the problems of artistic work. Uses the skills of scientific and methodological activity to solve specific problems that arise in the process of professional training. Has the skills of effective use of educational and laboratory equipment, audio-visual aids, computer equipment, simulators and special equipment during various classes, is able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Sewing technology BD 5 The discipline is aimed at considering the following tasks: characteristics of connection methods and the scope of their application. Ways to connect threads. Methods of gluing and welding. Rivet connections. Combined ways of combining. Hand-carved stitches, stitches, stitches. Manual seams and seams and their scope of application. Machine threads and seams, seams. Machine seams and seams their description. Requirements for machine seams and seams. Machine thread seams, their classification. Connecting seams. Edge seams. Finishing seams. General technical requirements for the implementation of machine seams. Adhesive seams used in the manufacture of clothing. The use of adhesive materials. Types of glue and physical and mechanical properties of adhesive joints. Types of adhesive seams. Modes of gluing materials in the manufacture of clothing. Welds used in the manufacture of clothing. Translation practice [minor] PD 5 The issues studied are: features of written translation of a foreign language; the main terminological base in the directions; the technique of translation records; the choice of adequate lexical material; the correct use of special-purpose terms. Formed competencies: the ability to choose lexical units in accordance with knowledge of the subject of translation, to perform various translation transformations based on the use of lexical and grammatical transformations, to transmit terms of a special orientation, to master the technique of writing in sequential translation and ""decoding"" recorded sentences, to conduct translation activities in accordance with the place and context of translation. Fundamentals of radiation safety [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: general concepts of radioactivity and dosimetry of ionizing radiation, mechanisms of interaction of ionizing radiation with biological objects, natural and man-made sources of radioactive pollution of the environment, methods of radiation control and conditions for safe work with sources of radioactive radiation. Emerging competencies: the ability to diagnose problems of nature protection, develop practical recommendations for its protection and sustainable development Psychology of creative thinking [minor] PD 5 Questions studied: psychological phenomena, categories, methods of studying and describing the laws of the psyche and mechanisms of the creative process, psychological characteristics of the personality of the creative and his life path, the place and role of creativity in human life. Formed competencies: the use of psychological techniques for the development of creative thinking; skills of creative reflection in professional activity; skills of adaptation to difficult professional situations; skills of transferring experience of using creative techniques to other members of the team in the process of professional activity. Pedagogical practice [AW] BD 5 Pedagogical practice is aimed at consolidating the theoretical knowledge obtained during classroom classes, educational practices, through the direct participation of the student in the activities of the organization for the acquisition of professional skills and experience in the educational field. Methods of teaching art work in primary school BD 5 The issues under study: the specifics and patterns of teaching art work in primary schools.Formed competencies: application of methodology as a scientific discipline closely related to pedagogy, psychology and with the practical activities of teaching artistic work at school; skills of developing and putting into practice new teaching techniques and methods; skills of improving the effectiveness of educational work; mastering the readiness for teaching. Designing and modeling of clothing BD 5 The discipline focuses on the following issues: Theoretical foundations of clothing design. Clothing functions. Assortment and classification of clothing. Clothing requirements. Shape and cut. Anthropometric characteristics of the human body. Characteristics of the external shape of the human body. The size typology of the population. Dimensional standards. Dimensional signs of the human body. Clothing design systems. Designing basic designs of women's waistwear. Designing basic designs of women's shoulder clothing. Calculation and construction of the basis of the design of shoulder clothing for a typical female figure. Stages of construction of the design drawing. Selection of source data. Building a basic grid. The sequence of construction of the shelf and back. Knows the dimensional typology of clothes, methods of designing clothes, the basic rules for removing dimensional features, types and features of designing clothes. He is able to determine the type of physique, posture, the full group of the figure, choose the amount of additions to the structural sections of the product. He has the skills to build drawings of the design of shoulder and waist products of various shapes, sleeves and collars of various cuts, the skills to develop drawings of new clothing models based on basic designs, the skills to develop drawings of new clothing models, the skills to develop drawings of haberdashery goods. Composition BD 5 The discipline is focused on the consideration of the following tasks: knows the structural basis of the drawing, illustration, design object, the relationship of the elements of the drawing in secondary subordination, the principles of perception of the viewer and the content, the nature of the disclosure of the artistic image, the author's idea and purpose of the work. Understands the laws, principles and rules of composition, the problems of artistic form and the internal structure of the work in the context of its perception by the viewer. Competently analyzes elements (shapes, objects, spots, volumes, colors, light and shadow, details, directions, etc.) on the drawing plane. Uses the sequence of work on the composition, the theory of light-air and linear perspective, types, laws and rules of composition. Gives the idea of a sketch of a composition using laws, rules, methods and means of composition. He is able to demonstrate knowledge about the rules, laws of composition, skills of compositional placement of objects on the plane in accordance with the task and the given plot. Wood processing technology BD 5 The subject of the discipline, its content and connections with related disciplines. Directions of development of production of materials and wood products. Wood products, their properties and applications. Characteristics of raw materials for the manufacture of materials and wood products; requirements for raw materials. Characteristics of the main types of wood materials: lumber, plywood, wood slabs; their properties and applications. Comparative analysis of operational and technological properties of wood materials. Characteristics of the main types of wood products: factory-made wooden houses, glued wooden structures, window and door blocks, parquet, furniture. Requirements for wood products: technological and operational, including: anthropometric and ergonomic. Wood processing processes by cutting. Modern technologies of teaching artistic work BD 5 The issues under study: the organization of educational activities of students and the formation of methodological readiness of teaching the educational field in the direction of ""Artistic work"" for primary school. Emerging competencies: the ability to organize and maintain methodological techniques and didactic means of teaching artistic work on the basis of interdisciplinary connections with disciplines of general professional and subject training, taking into account the conceptual foundations of technological training of schoolchildren. Innovative translation technologies (theory and practice) [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: Formation of knowledge about modern translation technologies; formation of practical skills of working with automated translation systems; mastering modern information technologies and ways of their application in modern translation practice; formation of general cultural and professional competencies related to obtaining and processing linguistic information using information technologies; Emerging competencies: modern technologies in translation. Requirements of the modern international translation market. Translation Memory technology. Software products using Translation Memory technology. The principle of operation of the Wordfast program and its analogues. Electronic information resources of the translator. Methods of using the Internet in the translation process. Linguistic information resources. Complex application of electronic resources in translation. Nanotechnology [minor] PD 5 Issues under study: directions of nanotechnology, a set of biological and technological methods, the study of nanoparticles, nanostructures, nanomaterials, nanocompounds and others to control the process of life activity of organisms that ensure normal functional life in the natural environment. Formed competencies: the ability to make a connection between the structure, composition and properties of nanomaterials, to use reference material on their structure and properties. Psychosomatics [minor] PD 5 The issues studied are: psychosomatic disorders, the factors of their occurrence, psychological effects aimed at optimizing the condition of people who have them, the study of the main psychosomatic theories, types of psychosomatic disorders, about a person's attitude to the disease and the factors of its formation. Emerging competencies: the ability to predict changes within various types of professional activity and to understand the functioning of various components of the psyche in norm and pathology Workshop in training workshops BD 5 Questions studied: for boys: knows various types of artistic wood processing, basic rules and methods of wood cutting, safety techniques, literature on the history of the origin and development of artistic wood processing, knowledge of machines for working with wood, classification of equipment, description of various woodworking machines, tools and devices for working with wood. Processes wood and plywood products. Owns the types of ornament and the principles of the construction of ornaments. Formed competencies: performs one trial work, owns the technique of performing two-sided and three-sided grooves. Uses a simple ornament in the manufacture of products. Owns the features of the technique of geometric wood carving, the use of structural and decorative elements. Develops technological processes for the manufacture of exclusive and artistic-industrial products made of metals, wood, glass, non-traditional materials, Formed competencies: Performs work using technological equipment, performs manual and mechanical work on the manufacture of non-standard materials and wood products. Demonstrates the skills of using tools, tools, material processing schemes with the chosen processing method, possession of concepts about the place of non-traditional materials in history, culture and decorative and applied arts, their significance for modernity. Studied questions: for girls: has the skills to perform constructive and decorative elements. Processes the details. The cropped folder is processed by the frame. Handles patch pockets, slits and slits, yoke, knots, collars and connects them to the neck. Processes the fastener, the bottom of the sleeves, the bottom of the product, products made of textile materials. Develops bedding. Processes the duvet cover, connects the details of the duvet cover. The pillows are treated with a double seam. Formed competencies: is able to create products, ideas, sketches from textile materials, studies textile products of various textures and colors, selects, prepares materials, tools and equipment, manufactures products, reveals details, processes individual details, designs details. Decorates products, introduces work (fashion show); Educational and planning documentation of the teacher of art work PD 5 Questions studied: knows the essence of pedagogical activity, the main types of pedagogical activity, the structure of pedagogical activity, pedagogical activity of the teacher, professionally defined requirements for the personality of the teacher, the meaning of the concept of "practice-oriented professional education", the essence of pedagogical activity and the conditions of its effectiveness.Emerging competencies:owns documents defining the activity of the teacher of art work, documents of the daily activities of the teacher of the subject "Art work" at school. To organize and conduct research and methodological work on the problems of vocational education. Uses the skills of scientific and methodological activity to solve specific problems that arise in the process of professional training. Has the skills of effective use of educational and laboratory equipment, audio-visual aids, computer equipment, simulators and special equipment during various classes, is able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Arts and Crafts BD 6 The subject is aimed at considering the following issues: for boys: knowledge of decorative and applied art, its main features. Get acquainted with materials and tools for applied art of Kazakhstan, decorative and applied art, crafts made of various materials, crafts made of different materials, the art of weaving, types of weaving, materials and tools for artistic weaving. He gets acquainted with the jewelry art of the Kazakh people, develops a sketch of a jewelry product, selects materials and tools for making jewelry, prepares a product, decorates a product, owns the types and characteristics of natural materials, develops a sketch of a product made of natural materials, knows the art of mosaic, types and techniques of mosaic, sketch and material selection. Prepares the basis for a mosaic panel, performs a mosaic panel, artistically decorates. For girls: knows Kazakh applied art (shi knitting, felting), types of folk art, materials and equipment. Develops a sketch of the product, prepares materials and tools, performs creative work. Carries out traditional weaving of Kazakhstan, production of Kazakh carpets, alasha, carpet weaving, tapestry, modern carpets, materials and equipment for carpet weaving, development of a sketch of a product, production of materials and tools, performance of creative works, design, familiarization with finished works, organization of exhibitions. Knows the basics of artistic literacy, forms a steady interest in artistic activity. In various decorative and applied techniques, has the basics of creative and artistic skills, practical skills of creating objects in various forms. Applied art, creation and use of compositions will teach you to creatively use various materials and techniques, acquired skills and practical skills, will teach you to plan the sequence of actions and exercises control at various stages of work, instills interest in fine and decorative arts. Reveals and develops creative abilities. Forms a creative attitude to artistic activity, develops artistic taste, imagination, space, introduces people to folk traditions. Fundamentals of the theory and history of fine art PD 5 The issues studied are: the history of fine art; the theory of fine art; the main factors influencing the historical transformations of fine art; the development of fine art; national characteristics of the development of fine art; the role of folk traditions in fine art. Formed competencies: knowledge of types and styles of fine art; orientation in the classification of types of art. Manufacturing technology of national products PD 5 The subject is aimed at considering the following issues: for boys: knowledge of materials and techniques for making objects of national life of the Kazakh people, objects of national life (torso, round table). Processes materials, manufactures products, introduces works and organizes an exhibition; uses equipment, tools, material processing schemes with the chosen method of processing, has an idea of the place of non-traditional materials in history, culture and decorative and applied arts, their significance for modernity. For girls: knows Kazakh applied art (sewing, felting), types of folk art, materials and equipment. Develops a sketch of the product, prepares materials and tools, performs creative work. Owns the traditional weaving of Kazakhstan, Kazakh carpets, alash, carpet weaving, tapestries, modern carpets, materials and equipment for carpet weaving, the development of sketches of products, the manufacture of materials and tools, the performance of creative works, the design of works, the organization of exhibitions. Knows the basics of artistic literacy, forms a steady interest in artistic activity. He is proficient in various decorative and applied techniques, has the basics of creative and artistic skills, practical skills of creating objects in various forms. Applied art, creation and use of compositions will teach you to creatively use various materials and techniques, acquired skills and practical skills, will teach you to plan the sequence of actions and exercises control at various stages of work, instills interest in fine and decorative arts. Reveals and develops creative abilities. Forms a creative attitude to artistic activity, develops artistic taste, imagination, space, introduces people to folk traditions. Carpet weaving and tapestry technology PD 6 The discipline focuses on the following issues: Safety in the workshop. Organization of labor. Basic information about folk art crafts. Handmade carpet making. The development of carpet weaving (a brief overview). Classification of carpets. Assortment. Carpet embroidery as a kind of decorative and applied art. The process of making art products in the technique of "carpet embroidery". Viewing exhibition works on the stands of the circle. Familiarity with the tool and tooling. Basic techniques of carpet needle work. Trial stitches. Techniques for filling a 6 * 6 cm square with carpet embroidery. Basic rules for filling in simple geometric elements. Schemes. The sequence of execution of carpet embroidery on the product. Ways to design the edges of carpet products. Colour. Line. Ornaments and its types. Color combinations. The history of the origin and development of the "tapestry" technique. Tools and materials. Work according to the schemes. General rules for the development of tapestry sketches. The basic rules for pulling the warp threads on the frame. Production of a souvenir postcard using the simplest methods of cloth. The basic rules for removing the product from the frame. Design of the appearance of the product. Objectives of the training course: - Study and knowledge of the laws of decorative composition when creating creative works ־ Knowledge and application of the laws of color science when performing works in the material. He is able to create a bright emotionally significant artistic image, taking into account the scope of application, work with a specific interior (choice of theme, material, size, technique, texture and structure). Professionally competent knowledge of hand weaving techniques, the ability to apply them technologically correctly in creating a tapestry. He knows how to use tools, observing safety regulations, independently plan the upcoming work, organize his workplace, apply methods and techniques of "Tapestry", use a loom or a wooden frame for weaving, a rail (ruler) and other tools, work in a team, evaluate the results of his work, make the necessary changes to the product in order to improve it, apply the learned techniques of working with materials, combine different types of decorative and applied art to create his own original products. Demonstrates practical skills in the field of drawing decor and design of products of various types of artistic weaving, forms practical skills of working on a sketch layout in a conditional material, masters the basic techniques of work in the weaving of artistic textiles for the interior, forms skills and skills of work in artistic weaving - tapestry, promoting the development of artistic and creative abilities and creative activity of students; forms an idea of the main methods and types of weaving peculiar to the peoples of Kazakhstan; Metal processing technology PD 6 The subject is aimed at considering the following issues: Physical mechanical and technological properties of metals, alloys, their classification and properties. Fundamentals of metal production. Diagram of the state of iron-carbon alloys. Fundamentals of metallurgical production Cast iron production. Source materials. Products of blast furnace production. Direct production of iron from ores. Production of steel in open-hearth converter and electric furnaces. Casting Of Steel. The structure of ingots. Fundamentals of the production of non-ferrous metals. Metal processing by pressure. The essence of the OMD process. Heating of Metals before processing, heating furnaces. Rolling. Types of rolling mills. The Range Of Rental. Forging and volumetric stamping. Equipment and tools. Sheet stamping. The essence and mechanical schemes of metal deformation. Areas of application. Workshop on the design of copyright products PD 5 The subject is aimed at considering the following issues: for boys: knowledge of techniques for making decorative items in a modern interior, decorative interior items (candles, decorative clocks), discussion of the idea and development of a sketch, work planning, techniques for creating decorative interior items. Introduces the subjects of the national life of the Kazakh people, studies materials and techniques for making objects of national life (trunk, round table), discusses the idea and develops a sketch (trunk, round table), plans the workflow, processes materials. Manufactures products, introduces works and organizes an exhibition; produces furniture and interior items, develops an item for a specific interior (modular chairs for the exhibition hall, transformable children's furniture, decorative lamps), discusses and develops ideas. Distinguishes graphic documentation and technical features of materials, creates a product, introduces finished works; Owns the technological processes of manufacturing exclusive and artistically-industrial products made of metal, wood, glass, non-traditional materials, performs work using technological equipment, manual and mechanical work on the manufacture of non-traditional materials and wood products. Demonstrates the skills of using tools, tools, materials, processing drawings with the chosen processing method, forms ideas about the place of non-traditional materials in history, culture and decorative and applied arts, their significance for modernity. For girls: knows Kazakh national clothes, ethnic style, ornament and its stylization, product design in ethnic style. Develops clothing design, ideas based on folk cut, prepares a sketch, materials, tools and equipment, manufactures products based on folk cut, reveals details, processes individual details, designs details and finishes products; Independently studies modern style trends of fashion, conducts an experiment """"combination of personality and fashion"""", creates his own image, creates an individual image by means of make-up, hairstyles, accessories, conducts an experiment to create a collection of clothes, accessories for his image, organizes a fashion show; Creates the design of simple geometric shapes of fashionable clothes""Fast cloth"", carries out modern production of clothing and accessories, develops ideas, sketches, manufactures materials and equipment, manufactures products, reveals details, processes individual details, designs details and finishes products, discusses and evaluates work, introduces work (fashion show); Manufactures products, ideas, sketches from textile materials, studies textile products of various textures and colors, selects and manufactures materials, tools and equipment, manufactures products, sewing products) transforms and decorates, develops transformation ideas, sketches, manufactures materials and equipment, manufactures kits, reveals details, processes individual details, designs details and finishes products, decorates products, introduces work (fashion show); Pre-graduate practice [AW] PD 15 Consolidation of theoretical knowledge and collection of material for the completion of the final qualifying work Writing and defending a thesis / project [IXT] Additional cycle of disciplines 8