The training program 6B06201- "Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications" Is designed for training in the field of radio communications; radio navigation; mobile communications; television and radio broadcasting.
The purpose of the educational program is to train competitive specialists with practical skills, modern approaches and methods of design, operation, installation, administration, testing and maintenance of communication systems, electronic equipment and telecommunication networks.
The educational program is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to the individual needs of each individual student within the framework of educational standards.
Features of the educational program:
- Flexible Curriculum: The program structure is flexible, allowing students to choose from a variety of courses and modules, depending on their academic and professional goals. It also provides the opportunity to adapt the curriculum in the event of a change of interests or new opportunities.
- Interactive learning: The program actively uses interactive learning methods such as group projects, discussions, practical exercises and online courses. This contributes to a deeper understanding of the material and the development of communication skills.
- Modern technology: Given the rapid development of technology, the program is focused on learning using the latest advances in telecommunications. This includes familiarization with modern hardware, software, and technological trends.
- Practical focus: The program focuses on practical skills and the real world of applications. Students have the opportunity to conduct experiments, participate in industry projects and internships, which helps them gain experience and prepare for their future careers.
In order to develop additional competencies complementary to students chosen profile, Minor programs are implemented, which consist of a track of thematically related elective disciplines.
Available Minors in the educational program:
Mobile Application Developer
Internet Technology Specialist
Human health
The main objectives of the training programDevelopment of a wide range of theoretical and practical knowledge in the professional field;
Develop basic professional competencies among future specialists;
Formation of communicative competence, which is the basis for professional activities of future specialists;
Create prerequisites for independent search and research activities of students within the framework of an experiment at all stages;
Formation of an ability to work with scientific and technical information, use national and international experience in professional activities, systematize and summarize information received;
Formation of an ability to take responsibility, training for independent control of the process of labor and educational activities.
Key competencies in the training programThe ability to correctly formulate their thoughts in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages, oral and written language skills;
The ability to demonstrate knowledge, skills, skills and competencies in the field of general education disciplines;
The ability to conduct research and project activities, including problem analysis, setting goals and objectives, identifying the object and subject of research, choosing the method and methods of research, working with information sources, possess academic writing, demonstrate a culture of academic integrity;
Ability to work in a team, interact with a team, jointly solve production tasks, possess business communication skills;
The ability to understand the role and importance of information and information technologies in the development of modern society, to master the methods of working with information, modern information networks, to be able to search, store, process and analyze information from various sources and databases, to apply information technology in solving professional tasks;
The ability to think creatively and critically, analyze, synthesize information when solving specific tasks, to defend one's point of view in a reasoned manner;
The ability to realize the social significance of his future profession, has motivation for personal development, the implementation of professional activities;
The ability to select the main types of microprocessors, the main stages and design features of both individual subsystems and the entire microprocessor system as a whole for various applications;
The ability to design, model and execute projects of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications systems taking into account energy, technological, design, operational, ergonomic and economic indicators;
Ability to design, build, install and operate radio electronics equipment, communication systems and lines, computer networks;
The ability to demonstrate the principles of operation, technical characteristics and design features of the developed and used electronic means, means of switching and communication;
Ability to be able to carry out installation and adjustment of technical means of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications, to create mathematical and physical models of systems of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications;
The ability to conduct analytical and experimental work and research for the diagnosis and assessment of the state of radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications systems using the necessary methods and means of control and analysis, the ability to formulate the basic technical and economic requirements for the designed devices and systems;
The ability to perform circuit calculations and draw up circuit diagrams taking into account the implementation in an integrated design;
The ability to develop and design equipment and devices for transmitting, receiving and distributing information on a modern element base; the ability to develop devices for storing and displaying information based on software and hardware.
TYPES OF PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYProduction and technological;
Service and operational;
Organizational and managerial;
Installation and commissioning;
Settlement and design;
Experimental and research.
Employability prospects for specialistsTelecommunications companies;
State and local authorities;
National and international companies;
Economic, financial services of organizations of various industries and forms of property;
In joint ventures, commercial structures;
Branches of mechanical engineering, machine tool industry;
Secondary comprehensive and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, institutes, universities, education departments and other organizations in the field of education.
The name of the organization for which dual training is implementedТОО "Инженерные сети ТС";
АО "Шымкенттранстелеком";
On the School basis
- Documents:
- Entrance tests:
Not applicable
- Training period:
3 years +Second higher education
- Documents:
Diploma, ID
- Entrance tests:
Job interview
- Training period:
Minimum 1 year 8 monthsBased on TVE (College)
- Documents:
- Entrance tests:
Not applicable
- Training period:
Min: 2 years 6 months
section id="about" class="section-padding"> Typical curriculum of the educational program 6B062 - Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (Bachelor)
Name of disciplines Cycle of disciplines ECTS Brief description of the disciplines Kazakh (Russian) Language GED 5 Issues under study: phonetic features, grammatical structure of the Kazakh language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation, phraseological units; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; culture and traditions of Kazakhstan; rules of speech etiquette; rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication.Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; maintaining contacts using e-mail; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Foreign Language GED 5 Issues under study: phonetic features, grammatical structure, of the English language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; rules of speech etiquette; intercultural features and rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication.Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Social and Political Studies Module (Sociology, Political Science, Cultural Studies, Psychology) GED 8 Issues under study: The main categories of political science, sociology, cultural studies and psychology; socio-ethical values of society; social, political, cultural, psychological institutions of society in the context of their role in the modernization of Kazakh society and the principles of their functioning.Formed competencies: explanation and interpretation of concepts, ideas, theories of sociology, political science, cultural studies, psychology; description, analysis of current problems of modern Kazakh society, social processes; analysis of the features of social, political, cultural, psychological institutions in the context of their role in the modernization of Kazakhstan's society; designing prospects for the development of Kazakhstan's society, solving social, political, personal problems, interpersonal and social conflicts; expressing one's own opinion on issues of social significance; generating ideas on issues of socio-political development of society and presenting them. Physical Education GED 2 Issues under study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Ecology and life safety GED 5 Issues under study: the content and tasks of ecology; the concepts of the ecosystem and the biosphere; the circulation of substances and the flow of energy in ecosystems; global problems of humanity; legislative measures for nature protection; conditions for the occurrence of environmentally hazardous and emergency situations, patterns of their manifestation; classification, characteristics and forecasting of emergencies; development and implementation of measures to protect humans and the environment from negative impacts, first aid, etc. Formed competencies: assessment of the impact of environmental factors on human health; identification of the main hazards of the human environment; choice of methods of protection against hazards; possession of methods and technologies of protection in emergency situations; ability to provide first aid self-and mutual assistance; effective action in case of threat and occurrence of extreme situations and emergencies; determination of symptoms of the human body condition in case of injuries; correct use of first aid kit. Fundamentals of Law GED 5 Issues under study: law and its place in the system of social regulation; the main forms (sources) of law; legal norms and legal relations; lawful behavior and offenses; the basics of the legal status of a person and a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main branches of law, etc. Formed competencies: orientation in matters of current legislation; possession of skills in analyzing normative legal acts, relations regulated by law, legal analysis of information; application of legal norms in specific situations, following moral and legal norms in everyday practice; expression and justification of one's own point of view on legal issues; conducting polemics in the legal field. Bases of Anticorruption Culture GED 5 Issues under study: the essence of corruption as a social and legal phenomenon; the manifestation of corruption in public life; the measure of moral and legal responsibility for corruption offenses; the current legislation in the field of combating corruption; prevention of offenses.Formed competencies: orientation in matters of current legislation; possession of skills of analysis of normative legal acts, relations regulated by law, legal analysis of information; application of legal norms in specific situations, following moral and legal norms in everyday practice; expression and justification of one's own point of view on issues of law and anti-corruption culture; conducting polemics in the legal field. Fundamentals of Economics and Entrepreneurship GED 5 Issues under study: the role and importance of the economy in the life of society; the laws of production, exchange and distribution of material goods; the theoretical foundations of the functioning of the market economy; the fundamentals of the enterprise economy; the content and essence of entrepreneurship; types and forms of entrepreneurial activity.Formed competencies: application of economic knowledge in specific situations; implementation of economic calculations; determination of one's own capabilities in carrying out entrepreneurial activity; use of knowledge of the basics of entrepreneurship for organizing one's business; development of a business plan; readiness to create an entrepreneurial unit and organization of its activities. Fundamentals of innovation and innovation activity GED 5 Issues under study: the essence of the concepts of "innovation", "innovative activity", "innovative project"; classification of innovations; factors determining innovative activity; sources of innovative ideas; priorities of innovation policy at various levels of economic management; the main models of innovative development.Formed competencies: analysis and evaluation of innovative projects; planning of work on the implementation of innovations, presentation of innovative projects; implementation of business planning of innovative projects. Fundamentals of leadership and team building GED 5 Issues under study: the essence of the concepts of "leadership", "team", "team building"; leadership models and their typology; leadership styles; models of leadership decision-making, technologies of team formation.Formed competencies: analysis and evaluation of leadership styles; assessment of the conditions and consequences of the implementation of various leadership styles; methods and techniques of team formation. Fundamentals of academic writing BD 5 Issues under study: the concepts of "academic writing", genres of academic writing (abstract, essay, review, abstract, scientific article, etc.), the basic principles of compiling and formatting academic texts and their presentation.Formed competencies: creation of written academic texts of various genres; design of a written text in accordance with accepted norms, requirements, standards; skills and abilities of compiling a bibliographic description of printed publications and electronic resources; skills of analytical work with scientific sources; editing of academic texts; critical evaluation of written works. Oratory Art BD 5 Issues under study: the main categorical apparatus of public speaking; the history of public speaking; strategies and tactics of effective speech communications; an algorithm for creating an effective public message; discussion and polemics.Formed competencies: the ability to clearly express their thoughts, feel confident during communication and speech; possession of voice and expressiveness of speech; managing the attention of listeners; the ability to answer unexpected questions, effectively convince opponents and influence listeners; knowledge of methods and techniques for analyzing the partner's speech behavior, methods of self-control. Workshop on the development of critical and creative thinking BD 5 Issues under study: the nature, structure, functions of critical and creative thinking and methods of their formation; models of critical thinking; methods of stimulating, functions, types of creative thinking; the current state of decision-making theory; conceptual support for the decision-making process; tools of critical and creative thinking necessary for decision-making; types, strategies and methods of decision-making.Formed competencies: the ability to distinguish critical and creative ways of thinking from other forms of intellectual activity; possession of methods and techniques of creative thinking; the use of various models of critical and creative thinking in practice; the implementation of a critical analysis of the situation in the decision-making process based on awareness and interpretation procedures; the formulation and reasoned defense of one's own position on various problems, as well as the correct refutation of the opponent's position. Psychology of communication and conflict management BD 5 Issues under study: the essence of communication; communicative, interactive, perceptual aspects of communication; communication functions; communication structure; types of communication; communication models; verbal and non-verbal means of communication; communication levels; the social nature of conflicts; causes of conflicts; types of conflicts; dynamics and mechanisms of conflict; conflict management in the organizational system.Formed competencies: application of techniques and techniques of effective communication in professional activity; possession of methods of self-regulation of behavior in the process of interpersonal communication; knowledge of interpersonal, intercultural, interethnic and business communication techniques; identification of the causes of conflicts; management of the conflict process and their behavior in conflict; analysis of conflict situations; use of knowledge in the field of conflict management in practice to prevent and resolve conflict situations in the field of management; organization of negotiations and the use of various technologies of the negotiation process in practice. Kazakh (Russian) Language GED 5 Issues under study: phonetic features, grammatical structure of the Kazakh language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation, phraseological units; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; culture and traditions of Kazakhstan; rules of speech etiquette; rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication.Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; maintaining contacts using e-mail; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. Foreign Language GED 5 Issues under study: phonetic features, grammatical structure, of the English language; basic vocabulary by fields of application (household, terminological, general scientific, business); methods of word formation; rules of translation technique; rules of spelling and punctuation; rules of speech etiquette; intercultural features and rules of communicative behavior in situations of everyday, business, scientific and professional communication.Formed competencies: implementation of oral communication in dialogical and monological forms in situations of everyday, scientific, professional and business communication; implementation of communicative intentions in various types of written speech; possession of communication skills in the process of official and informal contacts, in the field of everyday and professional communication; public speech skills; oral and written translation skills. History of Kazakhstan GED 5 Issues under study: basic facts, processes and phenomena, concepts, theories, hypotheses characterizing the integrity and consistency of the integrity of the historical process; periodization of world and national history; modern versions and interpretations of the most important problems of national and world history; features of the historical path of Kazakhstan, its role in the world community. the most important methodological concepts of the historical process, their scientific and ideological basis; features of historical, historical-sociological, historical-political, historical-cultural, anthropological analysis of events, processes and phenomena of the past; historical conditionality of the formation and evolution of public institutions, systems of social interaction, norms and motives of human behavior; interrelationship and features of the history of Kazakhstan and the world, national and regional, confessional, ethnonational, local history. patterns of social development; features of development of Kazakhstan; the main historical facts and events of the socio-economic and political life of Kazakhstan at all stages of its development. Formed competencies: formation of objective historical knowledge about the main stages of the history of Kazakhstan from the ancient era to the present day, about the continuity and continuity of ethnogenesis, the formation and development of the statehood of the Kazakh people; mastering knowledge about the main stages of the development of human society from antiquity to the present day in the social, economic, political, spiritual and moral spheres with special attention to the place and role of Kazakhstan in the world-historical process; the development of the ability to analyze information contained in various sources about events and phenomena of the past and present, guided by the principle of historicism, in their dynamics, interrelation and interdependence and the formation of historical thinking — the ability to consider events and phenomena from the point of view of their historical conditionality, to compare different versions and assessments of historical events and personalities, to correlate their views and principles with historically emerged worldview systems, to determine their own attitude to the controversial problems of the past and present. Physical Education GED 3 Issues under study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Physics BD 5 Issues under study: mechanics; statistical physics and thermodynamics; electrodynamics; physics of vibrations and waves; quantum physics and physics of the atomic nucleus; particle-wave dualism; elements of quantum statistics and solid state physics. Formed competencies: formation of skills to solve practical problems; skills of setting an experiment; skills of conducting measurements and evaluating the accuracy of measurement results. Fundamentals of Communication Systems BD 5 Issues under study: the structure of the RTR receiving and transmitting path; regenerative and non-regenerative signal retransmission; energy and frequency capabilities of the communication line; the main forms of the communication line equations; the bandwidth of communication lines; the purpose of antennas and antenna systems; measurement and calculation methods, the purpose of feeder devices.Formed competencies: formation of skills for studying the properties of objects of communication systems and complexes in the light of their mutual electromagnetic influence and norms, their compatibility based on the technical task; skills for developing antenna-feeder systems; mastering the skills to make a choice of antenna and feeder types, to calculate the main characteristics and parameters of the antenna-feeder system, to measure the electrical parameters of the antenna-feeder system. Introduction to Practice BD 2 The educational practice is aimed at obtaining primary professional skills in the field of telecommunications, the formation of a stable interest in the profession, professional orientation. Philosophy GED 5 Issues under study: categories of philosophy, philosophical understanding and understanding of the role and place of education, science, technology, technology, man, art, freedom, culture, religion in society, methods of scientific knowledge, the evolution of philosophical thought from antiquity to the present.Formed competencies: understanding and explaining the specifics of the philosophical understanding of reality; interpretation and justification of the content and specific features of the mythological, religious and scientific worldview; demonstration of methods of scientific and philosophical knowledge of the world in the implementation of project and research activities; argumentation of one's own position in relation to topical philosophical issues, global problems of modern society. Physical Education GED 3 Issues under study: the discipline is focused on the consideration of the following issues: the importance of physical culture in human life; the values of physical culture and sports; factors that determine human health; the concept of a healthy lifestyle and its components; methodological foundations of physical education, the foundations of self-improvement of physical qualities and personality traits; the influence of health-improving systems of physical education on health promotion. Formed competencies: demonstration of the implementation of mandatory and individually selected complexes of physical exercises, including recreational and adaptive physical culture; maintaining a healthy lifestyle; maintaining and developing basic physical qualities in the process of physical culture; possession of means and methods of strengthening individual health, physical self-improvement, various forms of motor activity for successful socio-cultural and professional activities. Organization of project activities BD 5 Issues under study: the basics of project activity; design technologies; implementation and effective project management; methods of collecting initial data and design methods, methods of project development and implementation.Formed competencies: knowledge of methods of collecting and analyzing information; design and preparation of projects; possession of tools for organizing project activities; setting goals and objectives at each stage of project implementation; development of ways to solve the problem; practical application of design methods in professional activities. Technology of professional success of a specialist in the field of communications and telecommunications BD 5 Issues under study: communication networks and communication systems; multi-channel telecommunications systems; radio communication systems and devices, radio relay, satellite and mobile communications; sound and television broadcasting systems and devices, multimedia equipment; electronic systems; computer control systems for transmission objects; processing and displaying information.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of telecommunications systems based on knowledge in the field of signal transmission and reception theory, radio communication theory, design, management and reliability of automated systems, computer systems, organization of the telecommunications industry, information security Mathematics BD 6 Issues under study: basic concepts of higher mathematics and their applications in various fields; techniques and methods for solving specific problems.Formed competencies: knowledge of fundamental concepts, laws and theories of classical and modern mathematics; mastering the skills of using the studied mathematical methods, scientific worldview and logical thinking. Electronics BD 6 Issues under study: semiconductor devices; secondary power sources; electronic amplifiers; pulse devices; auto generators; logical bases and functional nodes of digital devices; microprocessor devices; modeling of analog, digital, digital-analog and analog-to-digital electronic devices.Formed competencies: formation of skills for applying the physical principles of operation of the main electronic devices; skills of reference literature for selecting elements of electronic circuits; skills and abilities to make the necessary calculations; the ability to make a mathematical description of the functioning of devices and determine their characteristics; mastering the skills of understanding the current state of the issue in the field of electronic systems and devices, their improvement, trends in the development of the element base and design features of the devices used. Theory of linear electric circuits BD 6 Issues under study: electric circuit and elements of an electric circuit; Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws; the principle of superposition and the method of contour currents; methods for calculating an electric circuit with dependent sources and methods for representing harmonic oscillations; complex input and transfer functions of the circuit.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of applying electrical terminology and symbols, the laws of the electromagnetic field and the theory of electrical and magnetic circuits in the work; skills of applying the method of analyzing DC and AC circuits. Fundamentals of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications BD 5 Issues under study: basic fundamentals of radio electronics; theory of radio waves and their characteristics; radio engineering systems and their classification; types of electromagnetic radiation; radio engineering systems for transmitting information, concepts of modulation and detection; modems, fundamentals of color television; principles of organization of telecommunications systems.Formed competencies: the ability to analyze the structure of construction and characteristics (indicators) of devices and systems of analog and digital information processing; application of methods of analysis and synthesis, technical solutions used in radio engineering devices and telecommunications systems for transmitting, receiving and processing information. Information and Communication Technologies GED 5 Issues under study: content and trends in the development of information and communication technologies; methods of collecting, storing and processing information, methods of implementing information and communication processes; conceptual foundations of the architecture of computer systems, operating systems and networks; architecture of computer systems and networks, the purpose and functions of the main components; concepts for the development of network and web applications, information security tools.Formed competencies: skills of using modern information and communication technologies in various fields of professional activity, scientific and practical work and other purposes; justification of the choice of the most appropriate technology for solving specific tasks; the ability to use Internet information resources, cloud and mobile services for searching, storing, processing and distributing information; ability to use software and hardware of computer systems and networks for data collection, transmission, processing and storage; analysis and justification of the choice of methods and means of information protection; ability to develop tools for data analysis and management for various types of activities; implementation of project activities using modern information and communication technologies. Laboratory Practicum in Electronics BD 5 Issues under study: oscillatory circuits; semiconductor diodes and zener diodes; bipolar and field-effect transistors; thyristors; the simplest rectifiers and smoothing filters, electronic triggers; the operation of amplifiers and generators; the structure of electronic circuit elements.Formed competencies: formation of skills to analyze the classification of analog electronic devices, types of secondary power sources, systematization of electronic devices; skills to study types of digital and pulse electronics, principles of computer modeling of electronic devices. Laboratory Practicum on Radio Engineering BD 5 Issues under study: working with AC circuits to change the power, the use of filters, changing the parameters of circuits and connected devices; detection of signals and interference in radio engineering circuits; measurement and evaluation of distributed parameters of signals of radio engineering systems, distinguishing and resolving signals.Formed competencies: skills of studying the polarization of radio waves, electromagnetic waves and its use in radio engineering systems; the skills of studying the elements of radio engineering systems using polarized effects, the physical principles of operation of polarization-phase angle-measuring systems, the features of the construction of polarization-phase angle-measuring systems. Theory of Electrical Circuits BD 5 Issues under study: basic laws of linear DC electrical circuits; methods for calculating currents; methods of imaging and parameters of sinusoidal electrical quantities; calculation of sinusoidal current circuits; calculation, measurement and analysis of circuits with serial and parallel connection of receivers; electric circuits with mutual inductance; calculation of three-phase circuits; electric circuits with non-sinusoidal periodic effects. Formed competencies: mastering the skills to calculate linear and nonlinear electric circuits with concentrated and distributed parameters in stationary and transient modes; skills and abilities to analyze and calculate four-pole and electric filters; skills of modeling electric circuits based on the use of applied software, experimental research of electric circuits. Digital Circuit Technology PD 5 Issues under study: fundamentals of digital technology, digital signals and digital devices; arithmetic and logical foundations of digital technology; features of digital device nodes: encoders, decoders, code converters, multiplexers and demultiplexers, comparators; analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog information converters.Formed competencies: knowledge of the conceptual foundations of building digital circuits and the principles of operation of the main nodes of digital devices, the functionality of frequently used microchips of small and medium-sized integration levels in communication devices; knowledge of the structure and organization of microprocessors and microprocessor kits, conditional graphic designations of elements, trends and prospects for the development of communication facilities. Digital Devices and Microprocessors PD 5 Issues under study: classification of digital devices and microprocessors; principles of constructing microprocessor systems; processor functioning; digital devices with memory; classification and structure of microcontrollers; organization of communication of the microcontroller with the external environment and time; auxiliary hardware of the microcontroller; synthesis of combinational circuits and digital automata; nodes of digital devices; programs for the microcontroller; microprocessor systems based on a microcontroller.Formed competencies: mastering knowledge in the field of the structure of a microprocessor system, the organization of the microcontroller, the principles of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog signal conversion; mastering the skills of analyzing and systematizing research results, presenting materials in the form of scientific reports, publications, presentations. Internship 1 BD 5 Production practice 1 is aimed at consolidating the theoretical and practical knowledge obtained during the study of the disciplines of the specialty; studying the processes and equipment of one of the productions, the rules of technical operation, the rules of the device of telecommunications devices, safety rules; consolidating the skills of working with technical documentation, working in the information network; familiarization with the daily organization, technique and mode of operation of the main equipment and installations, with the control system, as well as the setting and content of the work of production departments, laboratories and the enterprise as a whole. Development of mobile applications in the Android Studio environment (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: architecture of mobile operating systems; methods of creating mobile applications for the Android platform. Formed competencies: knowledge of the Android platform; skills in developing mobile applications in the Android Studio development environment using the Java programming language and XML markup language; skills in mobile programming of mobile versions of Internet services and online stores in the Android Studio development environment. Cybersecurity of information (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: approaches and methods of developing various types of secure information systems. Formed competencies: knowledge of general concepts of security in the information society; understanding of information security technologies; ability to apply cybersecurity rules in all spheres of activity. Basics of a healthy lifestyle (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: the basics of a healthy lifestyle, motivational-value and activity attitude to health through the expansion, systematization and personal mediation of knowledge, skills and abilities; The formed competencies are aimed at the formation and promotion of a healthy lifestyle, the use of physical culture, natural forces of nature, restoration of working capacity, ensuring active longevity. Engineering and Computer Graphics BD 5 Issues under study: basic rules and requirements for the execution of any drawings and electrical circuits, methods for displaying geometric shapes, geometric space and surfaces; geometric models in the theory of telecommunications; software circuit engineering, graphic packages of computer-aided design systems (AutoCAD, OrCAD, WorkBench); two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphic works.Formed competencies: demonstration of knowledge in engineering activities; skills of applying spatial and logical thinking; mastering the skills of design documentation design (sketches, drawings of parts, drawings of assembly units); skills of technical design and the use of methods for constructing images (drawings) of spatial shapes on the plane. Circuitry of communication devices BD 5 Issues under study: When studying the discipline, the following are considered: classification of integrated circuits according to technological, circuit design and design features; classification of electronic means by functional purpose, by the degree of integration; digital combination circuits; simple digital automata; sequential devices: registers, counters, separators, programmable dividers; functional and circuit diagrams; semiconductor memory; fundamentals of building programmable devices; creation of digital devices with specified parameters. Basics of Electronic and Measuring Equipment PD 5 Issues under study: the main parameters and technologies for manufacturing electronic chips and metering and measuring devices; classification of electronic devices and chips; the principles of functioning of the main analog devices and their basic elements; the device and the principle of operation of digital measuring devices; the state and trends in the development of measuring devices. Formed competencies: formation of skills for the study of electronic analog and digital devices; the ability to conduct and determine the parameters of devices and their calibration. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Theory BD 5 Issues under study: elements of electric circuits; alternating current; power in electric circuits; four-pole sinusoidal effects; filters and three-phase electric circuits; circuits with distributed parameters; electromagnetic field theory; Maxwell's equations; equations and effects of the electromagnetic field; graphical calculation of linear and nonlinear electric circuits, three-phase circuits; methods for calculating magnetic circuits; vector and topographic diagrams; transformation of linear electrical circuits.Formed competencies: mastering knowledge about the laws and methods of calculating electrical circuits of electrical devices and electric power systems; formation of skills for calculating and analyzing the parameters of currents and voltages in the steady-state modes of linear replacement circuits of electrical circuits. Signal processors BD 5 Issues under study: architecture; structure and commands of microcontrollers; software of control microcontrollers; interface terminals of microcontrollers; typical control and regulation algorithms, construction principles; use of the hardware programming language of microprocessor controllers; optimization of the structures of microprocessor systems and networks; functional characteristics of the MPC modules in the design of hardware and software.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of studying signal processors, their structure, features of construction and use, tasks to be solved, design methods and criteria, design models. Power Electronic Devices BD 5 Issues under study: basic concepts and definitions of power supply devices and systems and requirements; transformers, rectifiers, stabilizers and inverters, batteries, voltage converters; trends and prospects for the development of power supply technology; main and backup power supply sources; electricity quality parameters; classification of telecommunications enterprises according to the conditions of reliability of power supply.Formed competencies: formation of skills for considering circuit and structural solutions for the design of power supply devices; mastering the skills necessary for the design of secondary power sources and electrical calculations. Design of power supply systems and electrical equipment BD 5 Issues under study:The discipline studies the requirements for the organization of calculation and design of power supply systems, for graphic and textual regulatory documents; forms the skills of calculation and design of various parts of the power supply system, the correct selection of electrical power equipment, calculation of the available characteristics of power networks and electrical equipment (devices) using application programs; considers the regulatory foundations of safety, the COMPASS-Electric system and its functionality. Theory of Electrical Communication BD 5 Issues under study: general information about telecommunication systems; mathematical models of messages, signals and interference; basic theories of modulation and detection; mathematical models of communication channels; signal conversion in communication channels; theory of noise immunity of discrete message transmission systems; potential possibilities of message transmission over communication channels; coding of sources and communication channels.Formed competencies: formation of the ability to construct time and spectral diagrams; reading skills of the simplest schemes of modulators and generators; skills and abilities to analyze the operation of the communication line in various modes. Programming in an X-Code environment for IOS (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: Swift and Objective-C programming languages in the XCode visual programming environment; programming for Mac OS and iOS operating systems. Formed competencies: knowledge of practical experience in programming applications and mobile applications for Mac OS and iOS operating systems. JavaScript scripting language (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: the syntax of the JavaScript scripting language and its effective application in programming Internet applications; the main features of the JavaScript programming language and the practical application of this language in solving problems related to programming Internet applications. Formed competencies: knowledge of web programming skills and creation of interactive websites using the JavaScript language. Fundamentals of radiation safety (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: general concepts of radioactivity and dosimetry of ionizing radiation, mechanisms of interaction of ionizing radiation with biological objects, natural and man-made sources of radioactive pollution of the environment, methods of radiation control and conditions for safe work with sources of radioactive radiation. Emerging competencies: the ability to diagnose problems of nature protection, develop practical recommendations for its protection and sustainable development Multi-channel Communication Systems PD 6 Issues under study: the development of multi-channel transmission systems; the main characteristics of telecommunication signals; a simplified structural diagram of a multi-channel transmission system with a CRC; the most important operational parameters and characteristics of multi-channel TC systems; types of pulse modulation; the principle of implementation of PCM; the structure of the linear path.Formed competencies: formation of skills for the use of configuring local networks; skills for implementing network protocols using software; mastering methods for combining computer equipment into complexes, systems and networks; mastering the methods and means of analysis and development of hardware and software components of network and telecommunications systems. Multichannel Transmission Systems PD 6 Issues under study: the development of multi-channel transmission systems; the main characteristics of telecommunication signals; a simplified block diagram of a multi-channel transmission system with a CRC; the most important operational parameters and characteristics of multi-channel TC systems; types of pulse modulation; the principle of implementing PCM; the structure of the linear path.Formed competencies: formation of skills for the use of configuring local networks; skills for implementing network protocols using software; mastering methods for combining computer equipment into complexes, systems and networks; mastering the methods and means of analysis and development of hardware and software components of network and telecommunications systems. Fiber-optic Transmission Systems PD 8 Issues under study: advantages of fiber-optic communication systems over other guiding transmission systems; structural scheme of fiber-optic communication; sources and receivers of optical radiation; modulation of radiation sources; linear path of fiber-optic transmission; basic equation of transmission along a fiber-optic cable; types of waves in fiber-optic cables; basic principles of design and operational and technical maintenance of fiber-optic communication systems.Formed competencies: demonstration of knowledge of design, construction, installation and operation of technical means of infocommunications, directing media of information transmission; skills of using modern element base and circuitry of infocommunication devices; skills of using modern scientific achievements and advanced infocommunication technologies, methods of conducting theoretical and experimental research. Optoelectronics PD 8 Issues under study: classification of optoelectronic devices; main advantages and disadvantages of optoelectronic devices; physical effects underlying optoelectronic devices; emitters, LEDs and lasers; requirements for emitters in optoelectronics; main characteristics of emitters; trends in the development of emitters; photodetectors; general characteristics of photodetectors; types of photodetectors; IR photodetectors; solar panels.Formed competencies: mastering the basic principles of physical phenomena and laws underlying the operation of various devices and devices of optoelectronics and integrated optics, familiarization with their design, manufacturing technology and application areas. Lines of Communication PD 8 Issues under study: general information about communication lines and guide communication systems; the role and place of guide systems in communication systems; types of communication lines and their main properties; classification, designs and frequency ranges of guide systems; calculation, installation and maintenance of telecommunications networks; cables based on guide systems; electrical cables; optical cables; electrodynamics of guide systems; waveguides; practical measurement of communication line parameters, measurement evaluation.Formed competencies: the ability to use the principles of constructing technical drawings of specific engineering objects and structures of communication lines; the skills of constructing technical drawings of specific engineering objects and structures of communication lines. Modelling of Telecommunication Systems PD 8 Issues under study: general principles and procedures of mathematical computer modeling of telecommunications systems; types of signals and interference in telecommunications systems and methods of their mathematical description; modeling of signals by Fourier series, Kotelnikov, Walsh functions, based on the Laplace transform, Legendre, Chebyshev, Laguerre and Hermite polynomials; mathematical description of discrete deterministic signals; modeling of linear links in the time and frequency domains and on the complex plane; spectral method of modeling signal distortion; a universal method for calculating linear distortions.Formed competencies: demonstration of system modeling skills as an integral part of the processes of network operability research; mastering the skills of constructing the descriptive part of the object under study for further algorithmization of its work processes; developing the ability to independently verify the compliance of the created model with the real object and its work; skills of exploring the possibilities of the object's work in different conditions using the created model. Telecommunication Networks and Switching Systems PD 6 Issues under study: theoretical foundations of telecommunication systems; purpose, composition and classification of communication networks; switching of channels, messages and packets; principles of building switching systems of channels and packets; principles of building switched telecommunication systems.Formed competencies: mastering practical skills for calculating systems; the ability to determine the structural reliability of a communication network; skills for solving problems of analysis and synthesis of communication networks; skills for switching channels in a digital switching field. Design and construction of electronic equipment PD 6 Issues under study: classification of REA by functional purpose and operating conditions; general technical requirements for the development of REA; operating conditions of REA; the main structural levels of REA; the modular principle of the design of REA. Formed competencies: demonstration of knowledge on the design of REA in applied computer programs; skills in compiling accompanying documentation; skills in assessing and ensuring the stability of RES to the effects of destabilizing factors: temperature, humidity, aggressive chemical and biological factors, parasitic electromagnetic radiation. Internship 2 BD 5 Production practice 2 is aimed at consolidating and deepening the theoretical knowledge gained in the course of training, acquiring practical skills in the field of telecommunications; forming skills for the operation, adjustment and maintenance of electrical equipment, technical devices, and application software. Internet of Things Technologies (Ot) (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: the latest knowledge and skills of the Internet of Things (IoT); Raspberry Pi and Beagle Bone Black Wireless platforms. Formed competencies: the ability to accept serious technical tasks, study the main trends and conditions of the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as social tasks and opportunities. Development of web applications in Php (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: Php web application programming languages; a set of Php language functions designed for website development; theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of Internet programming; the use of Php web application programming language. Formed competencies: proficiency in the development of web pages and web applications using the Php language. Nanotechnology (minor) PD 5 Issues under study: directions of nanotechnology, a set of biological and technological methods, the study of nanoparticles, nanostructures, nanomaterials, nanoconnections and others for controlling the process of life activity of organisms that ensure normal functional life in the natural environment. Formed competencies: the ability to make a connection between the structure, composition and properties of nanomaterials, to use reference material on their structure and properties. Alternative energy sources and energy-saving technologies BD 6 Issues under study: alternative energy sources; comparative characteristics of alternative energy sources; energy survey and energy audit; energy surveys of municipal power supply systems; information collection during energy surveys; energy storage and transmission; specific problems of storage.Formed competencies: the formation of skills to make calculations for the evaluation of the parameters of energy sources of energy, the density of energy flows; skills of making calculations to determine the possible capacity of power plants, the main design parameters for assessing the possibility of their construction, schematic diagrams of installations using renewable energy sources. Using of renewable energy sources BD 6 Issues under study: renewable and non-renewable energy sources, solar energy; physical bases of solar energy conversion processes; industrial and economic use of solar energy; wind power plants; wind energy potential and possibilities of its use; energy transmission from renewable sources; classification of types of energy transmission.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of conducting assessments of the energy potentials of energy sources; skills of performing thermal and hydrodynamic calculations of power plants; skills in the methods of choosing the use of renewable energy sources, methods and technical means of management. Systems of Receiving and Transmitting Broadcast Signals PD 8 Issues under study: structure of the transmitting television broadcasting network; cable television system; satellite television broadcasting system; cellular television system, the main parameters of the broadcast TV standard; broadcast color television systems; project planning of the transmitting television network using application programs; quality control of television broadcasting and measurement of signals of the continuous monitoring system of the television path in television transmission systems; nonlinear characteristics of the television path.Formed competencies: demonstration of knowledge of the use of technical requirements for telecommunications networks and systems; skills in assessing the main problems associated with the production, operation and implementation of new television and radio communication equipment; ability to analyze physical processes occurring in television and radio communication systems; understanding the essence of electromagnetic compatibility and electromagnetic countermeasures in television and radio communication systems; skills of conducting computer modeling of television means and radio communication devices. Modern systems and devices for satellite, mobile and radio communications PD 8 Issues under study: construction of satellite communication systems; modulation and noise-resistant coding in satellite communication systems; the main types and characteristics of cables; the main characteristics of geostationary, elliptical, low circular and medium-altitude orbits; mobile communication systems and GSM standard stations; terminal devices of satellite and cellular communication systems and the construction of a cellular network.Formed competencies: formation of knowledge about modern and promising areas of satellite equipment development, characteristics, modern methods of modulation and digital signal processing used in satellite equipment, about the frequency ranges allocated for operation, radio communication systems for various purposes. Cellular Communication PD 6 Issues under study: the history of the development of communication means; personal radio communication means; paging systems; mobile cellular communication systems; analog cellular communication systems; features of the DAMPS standard; digital cellular communication systems; technical characteristics of GSM and CDMA cellular communication standards; block diagram of a cellular radiotelephone; satellite personal communication systems; features of radio wave propagation in mobile communication systems; multi-station access technology. Formed competencies: formation of knowledge about the principles of operation of a cell phone and its settings. Movable Telecommunication Radiosystems PD 6 Issues under study: radial and cellular networks, their features and comparison; types of stations; principles of territorial planning and cluster; features of signal propagation in urban conditions, the basics of technical operation of transmission systems; basic measurements of the quality characteristics of transmission systems.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of building modern radio data transmission systems; skills of determining the configuration and architecture of radio networks for transmitting information; mastering theoretical knowledge about multi-station access methods; mastering the knowledge of calculating the energy potential of radio routes; knowledge of logical and physical channels of radio systems, methods of forming radio packets and radio channels for data transmission; formation of knowledge about modern standards of cellular, paging and trunk radio systems, frequency plans and topological structures of telecommunications radio systems; acquisition of skills to assess the advantages and disadvantages of radio systems. Installation, adjustment and operation of electrical equipment BD 6 Issues under study: the structure and tasks of electrical installation organizations, the basics of their organization, industrialization and mechanization; general information about couplings and seals, their purpose and classification. Formed competencies: mastering the skills of troubleshooting, repair, installation and adjustment of open and closed electrical wiring and electrical installations; mastering the skills of calculating the main technical and economic indicators of electrical equipment; skills of quality control of electrical installation work, testing equipment, cable lines. Design of small power supply systems using renewable energy sources BD 6 Issues under study: the main aspects of designing small energy systems based on renewable energy sources, their introduction into the existing energy system of the country and the features of this process. Formed competencies: mastering the skills of automated design of printed circuit boards; knowledge of the main measures to improve the efficiency and optimize the structure of renewable energy sources. IP-telephony PD 5 Issues under study: OSI reference model; voice data transmission technology over IP networks; TCP/IP protocol stack; special IP addresses; general principles of IP telephony; IP telephony architecture levels; network based on SIP, MGCP and MEGACO; next-generation multiservice networks; addressing, address types: physical (MAC address), network (IP address) and a symbolic (DNS name).Formed competencies: mastering the skills of designing a complex network infrastructure of an enterprise, taking into account the requirements of VoIP telephony standards; application of modern software, hardware and software tools for implementing VoIP; skills in applying methods and methods for monitoring indicators of VoIP communication networks; application of software tools for building virtual channels through channel switching systems. Videophone PD 5 Issues under study: principles and features of digital image and sound transmission, special pulse forms and types of modulation; the main elements of transformations in digital communication; improving the visual quality of images, object recognition in the image, image and sound compression.Formed competencies: the ability to apply software tools for building virtual channels through circuit-switched systems. Information protection in telecommunications systems BD 6 Issues under study: security in telecommunications systems by studying the basic concepts and abstract models of information protection; features of the use of cryptographic methods, methods of protecting networks from remote attacks using firewalls. Formed competencies: mastering the skills of using virtual corporate networks, detecting and preventing information leakage channels. Automatic design systems BD 6 Issues under study: the basic principles of CAD operation; the structure and components of CAD. Formed competencies: implementation of skills for using common CAD systems in design and in everyday work; skills for studying methods, algorithms and techniques for performing design procedures using software. Pre-graduate practice PD 15 The pre-graduate practice is aimed at the systematic collection of materials on the topic of the thesis. Writing and defending a thesis / project Additional cycle of disciplines 8 Systematization, consolidation and expansion of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the educational program (specialty) and their application in solving specific tasks in various fields of human activity; formation of skills for conducting independent work and mastering the methodology of research and experimentation in solving tasks; identification and evaluation of analytical and research abilities.