The training program 7M04201 - "Jurisprudence" is designed to train personnel for the system of higher, postgraduate education and the scientific sphere, with profound research and pedagogical training in the field of law.
The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified competitive personnel in the field of law, with research skills, striving for professional growth and personal development.
The educational program is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to the individual needs of each individual student within the framework of educational standards.
Studying for a master's degree implies a greater degree of independence for the student, and research work is reflected in his publications, reports and final scientific work, which allows you to expand your scientific horizons, develop analytical thinking and improve the skills of independent research work.
Features of the educational program:
2 years of study (scientific and pedagogical):
- Theoretical training in the field of legal relations arising in the course of the work of state institutions, legal relations between state bodies, individuals and legal entities.
- The opportunity for students to master the system of subject, interdisciplinary, psychological, pedagogical and methodological knowledge, demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the field of law, pedagogy and psychology, apply this knowledge and understanding at a professional level.
- Obtaining skills in carrying out research activities, solving standard scientific and professional tasks, as well as educational and pedagogical activities on credit technology training.
- Acquisition of competencies necessary to solve the tasks of professional activity: legislative, law enforcement, expert-analytical, consulting, organizational and managerial.
2 years of study (scientific and pedagogical):
- Development of analytical and research skills through a deep understanding of legal science, as well as preparation for professional activity in the field of jurisprudence.
- Obtaining in-depth knowledge and skills in a specific area of law, allowing you to prepare for a successful career in the legal field.
- Development of independent work and analysis skills through individual projects and research.
- Obtaining the competencies necessary for the implementation of expert and analytical expertise of regulatory legal acts.
The main objectives of the training programDeepening theoretical and practical individual training of postgraduates, providing conditions for students to receive full and high-quality multilateral research and pedagogical education, and to achieve professional competence by them;
Training specialists with a high level of professional culture, having a civic position, able to solve current research and practical problems; successfully carry out research and management activities; teach at universities with knowledge in the field of university pedagogy and psychology;
Developing students' ability to self-improvement and self-development, needs and skills of independent creative mastery of new knowledge and skills throughout their active life;
Formation of the methodological culture of a graduate student, the acquisition of skills in organizing and conducting research on problems in the field of jurisprudence;
Developing the ability of students to prepare and process analytical information for decision-making by government and local governments; work with databases and information systems.
Key competencies in the training programBe prepared for didactic and professional activities aimed at solving various problems of self-realization in the creative educational process;
Name the basic norms of individual branches of law, give qualified legal opinions and advice on the application of law;
Be able to think clearly, precisely, definitely and consistently; not to allow contradictions in their reasoning; open logical errors, reasonably substantiate their conclusions, refute the unfounded conclusions of their opponents;
Assess current regulatory legal acts, identify conflicts and gaps in legal regulation, participate in the development of draft legal acts, apply regulatory legal acts in a qualified manner, have knowledge of regulatory and legal documents in the field of law, regulatory and instructional documentation, skills and abilities to develop current documentation;
Systematize knowledge about development trends of the state, public and international law;
Gain knowledge in the field of management, entrepreneurship, take the initiative, master and implement managerial and other innovations in professional activities;
Identify the basics of research methods of comparative studies, analysis and synthesis of legal processes and phenomena;
Carry out expert and analytical examination of regulatory legal acts;
Develop documents of a legal nature and various types of contracts, to carry out a legal examination of documentation;
Be aware of the current problems of criminal proceedings, constitutional and legal aspects of protecting the rights of participants in criminal proceedings, theoretical and practical problems of forensic science, international standards in criminal proceedings.
Types of professional activityResearch activities;
Pedagogical activity (for the scientific and pedagogical direction of preparation);
Law enforcement;
Expert advisory activity;
Organizational and management activities.
Employability prospects for specialistsJudicial, executive and representative bodies;
Justice authorities;
Law enforcement agencies;
State and local authorities;
Organizations, institutions and services of production and non-production sectors of various organizational and legal forms;
Notary system;
Research design organizations;
Universities and institutes for advanced training and retraining of employees in the legal system (for the research and pedagogical direction of training).
Scientific and pedagogical direction
Pedagogical activities in higher education and research
Ensuring continuing education at the next stage of the vocational education system (doctoral studies)
Management in the field of education with strategic thinking and application of cutting-edge technologies and management tools
Identification of patterns of law development in modern conditions and interpretation of existing legal norms
Orientation in modern problems of law, acquisition of research and scientific aspects
Skills for conducting informational-analytical and informational-bibliographic tasks involving contemporary information technologies
Orazkulova Nurbala
Director of the dispute settlement center "Mediation and negotiation process." Professional pick, mediator trainer
Meirkulova Gulmira
Candidate of Jurisprudence, author of more than 50 research publications
Utarov Kanat
Candidate of Jurisprudence, author of the textbook "Criminology", etc.
Beisebaeva Saltanat
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Project Manager "Mengelik El/Eternal country"
Tolebaev Yerasyl
Graduate of the Bolashak Program and Project Manager at the ‘Shymkent Adaldyk Alamy’ Office
Law company "Legal MIND"
NGO Legal Center for Women's Initiatives "Sana Sezim"
LLP "Legal Company" Harutyunyan & Partners"
JSC "Insurance Company" Centras Insurance"
Law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Agency of the State Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Central and local executive authorities
Notary and Bar
Private companies
From 130 000 to 900 000 KZT
Second higher education
- Documents:
Diploma, ID
- Entrance tests:
Comprehensive testing
Name of disciplines | Cycle of disciplines | ECTS | Brief description of the disciplines |
History and Philosophy of Science | BD | 3 | Issues under study: the subject and basic concepts of modern philosophy of science; science in the culture of modern civilization; the emergence of science and the main stages of its historical evolution; the structure of scientific knowledge; the dynamics of science as a process of generating new knowledge; scientific traditions and scientific revolutions, historical types of scientific rationality; features of the modern stage of science development; prospects for scientific progress; science as a social institution; natural sciences in the structure of modern scientific knowledge; the history of pedagogical science. Formed competencies: knowledge of the main features of science as a special type of knowledge, activity and social institution; knowledge of the main historical stages of the development of science and the variety of scientific method; ability to navigate the main ideological and methodological problems that arise at the present stage of the development of science; possession of the terminological apparatus of the philosophy of science; possession of methods and techniques of logical analysis. | Technology of Criteria-Based Assessment | BD | 3 | The questions studied are: grammatical material, special vocabulary, terminological material; educational material corresponding to the main disciplines of the specialty; reading, speaking, listening and writing in the professional sphere. Formed competencies: mastering the skills of intercultural and communicative competencies of students; integration into the international professional environment; the use of a professional foreign language as a means of intercultural, scientific and professional communication. | Pedagogy in Higher Education | BD | 5 | The issues studied are: higher school pedagogy as a science, it's methodological foundations; general theoretical foundations of higher school didactics; professional and communicative competence of a higher school teacher; driving forces and principles of teaching in higher school; the content of higher education; modern educational technologies in higher school; higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation; the essence of education in higher school. Formed competencies: knowledge of the basics of teaching in higher school; forms, methods, educational technologies and specifics of professional and pedagogical activity of a university teacher; knowledge of forms and methods of conducting classes in higher school. | Organization and Planning of Research | BD | 5 | The issues under study: introduction to research activities; the main historical aspects of research activities, theoretical provisions, technologies; methods of scientific cognition and the logical structure of research. Formed competencies: mastering the skills to conduct research independently, formulate the relevance of a scientific problem; the ability to analyze and compare domestic and foreign experience in conducting scientific research; possession of the skills to legally competently prepare scientific and technical reports, reviews, publications based on the results of completed research. | Critical challenges of labor legislation application in the Republic of Kazakhstan | BD | 5 | The issues under study are: problems of applying the norms of labor legislation by analyzing specific practical situations; the procedure for drawing up and processing legal documents in the field of labor law; problems of the mechanism for implementing legal decisions; legal aspects of legal consulting in the field of labor relations. Formed competencies: the ability to analyze the points of view of scientists on topical issues of labor law; mastering the skills to develop their position on controversial issues of labor law; the ability to interpret and professionally apply labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms in specific areas of legal activity; the ability to conduct scientific research on topical issues of labor law. | Modern concepts of the theory of law | BD | 5 | Issues under study: scientific methods and techniques for solving specific practical and theoretical issues in jurisprudence; a culture of scientific thinking based on an understanding of the trends of modern legal science. Formed competencies mastering the skills of collecting and processing information that is important for the implementation of legal norms in the relevant areas of professional activity; the ability to analyze various legal phenomena, legal facts, legal norms and legal relations that are objects of professional activity; the ability to develop legal documents, carry out legal expertise of normative acts, give qualified legal opinions and consultations; possession of the skills to make legal decisions and perform other legal actions in strict accordance with the law. | Problems of legal regulation of banking activities | BD | 5 | The issues under study are: legislative and regulatory acts regulating the legal situation in the field of banking activity; rules and procedure for performing the main types of banking operations and transactions; actual problems of qualification of crimes in the field of banking activity. Formed competencies: conducting legal analysis of legal forms of legal documents (transactions, contracts, local regulatory documents); advising clients on various types of banking services; using information and communication technologies in the field of banking; the ability to analyze crisis situations in the bank. | Topical issues of improving the legal regulation of the tax system | BD | 5 | The issues under study are: the main types of financial institutions and financial instruments; types of crimes in the sphere of the tax system; problems of obstructing the legitimate activities of the tax service; modern tools for improving the legal regulation of the tax system. Formed competencies: the ability to analyze, identify, prevent and solve crimes in the activities of the tax system; the ability to make organizational and managerial decisions in accordance with regulatory legal acts, assess their consequences; mastering the skills to analyze tax legislation, compare the provisions of individual norms, identify inconsistencies and develop recommendations for its improvement. | Current issues of legal regulation of social security in the Republic of Kazakhstan | BD | 5 | Issues under study: problems of legal regulation in the field of social security; public relations on the redistribution of material benefits by analyzing the current state of legislation on social security; qualification of circumstances arising in the implementation of professional activities in social work. Formed competencies: mastering the skills to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the normative legal acts of social security law; the ability to identify violations of legislation in the field of social security; the ability to analyze and interpret normative legal acts in the field of social security from the point of view of legality and their compliance with normative legal acts that have the highest legal force; the ability to develop scientifically based practical recommendations on the legal regulation of social work. | Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis, conducted without interruption from theoretical training | Additional cycle of disciplines | 4 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | Psychology of Management | BD | 5 | The issues studied are: psychology of management in the system of scientific knowledge; basic approaches to the study of the management system; individual professional concept of the head; managerial interaction and decision-making process as an aspect of managerial activity; psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions; psychology of the subject of managerial activity; psychology of individual management styles. Formed competencies: knowledge of the psychological content of managerial activity, the individual managerial concept of the head, the theoretical foundations of managerial interaction, the psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions, the psychology of the subject of managerial activity; possession of methods of psychological research in the field of managerial activity and interaction. | Research Work of a Master Student, Including the Implementation of the Master's Thesis | Additional cycle of disciplines | 4 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | Methodology of juridical analysis | PD | 5 | The issues studied are: methodology of the general theory of law, philosophy of law; application of theoretical abilities for the analysis of any texts with legal content; methodological foundations of legal analysis; legal principles of statehood, the development of legal culture, legal education; the significance of the theory of state and law and all other legal sciences. Formed competencies: mastering the skills of solving standard scientific problems, expanding and deepening knowledge; the ability to conduct information-analytical and information-bibliographic work with the involvement of modern information technologies; possession of methods of legal analysis of situations, documents and risks, individual norms and institutions of law, as well as legal research; the ability to form research skills and skills of legal writing, conceptual approaches to analytical work in the field of jurisprudence. | Critical problems of an operational-search activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan | PD | 5 | The issues under study are: legal science and practice designed to improve the efficiency of operational investigative activities; legal norms and legal relations included in the field of professional activity; modern information technologies used in operational investigative activities; types of special equipment and operational investigative measures. Formed competencies: the ability to analyze and correctly apply legal norms in the field of operational investigative activities; possession of basic skills of drafting procedural documents in the field of operational investigative activities; mastering the skills of using special equipment, generalizing the interaction of investigative and other bodies; the ability to analyze situations arising in the field of operational investigative activities and solve them in accordance with the current legislation. | Crimes against a person, qualification and escort | PD | 3 | The issues studied are: the qualification of crimes against life and health, against the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen; tactical methods of conducting investigative actions, analysis of legally significant information, analysis of judicial practice; legal concepts and categories, legal facts and legal relations arising with them. Formed competencies: the ability to operate with criminal legal concepts and categories; the ability to analyze legal facts and legal relations arising with them; mastering the skills to determine the crime scene in the system of the special part of the Criminal Code; mastering the skills to analyze specific elements of crimes against the person, to distinguish related crimes by objective and subjective signs of the composition of the crime. | Actual problems of illegal entrepreneurship | PD | 4 | The issues studied are: the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurship, including illegal entrepreneurship; types of crimes in the field of entrepreneurial activity; legislative and legal norms in the field of economics, the main methods of evaluating various ways to solve problems of illegal entrepreneurship. Formed competencies: mastering the skills to identify the facts of illegal entrepreneurship and analyze crimes in the field of economic activity; the ability to master the technology of developing and implementing projects on the legal regulation of illegal entrepreneurship; the ability to use modern tools to solve economic problems. | Research work of a master's student (scientific internship) | Additional cycle of disciplines | 4 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | Critical issues of the penal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan | PD | 5 | Issues under study: current issues of the penal enforcement system of the Republic of Kazakhstan; modern concepts of reforming the penal enforcement system of the Republic of Kazakhstan; theoretical provisions, the essence, content and purpose of the science of penal enforcement law; norms of penal enforcement legislation. Formed competencies: the ability to analyze, interpret and correctly apply criminal executive norms; the ability to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the criminal executive law; mastering the skills of analyzing various legal phenomena, legal facts, legal norms and legal relations that are objects of professional activity; the ability to analyze and develop scientifically based practical recommendations in the criminal executive system. | Pedagogical Practice | BD | 4 | Pedagogical practice is aimed at consolidating theoretical knowledge, working out professional skills and abilities in the conditions of real work activity. | Organization and methodology of criminological research | PD | 5 | Issues under study: general scientific and special methods of criminology, the mechanism and criminological elements of committing a specific crime; analysis and systematization of information on the topic of research, solving specific tasks and situations. Formed competencies: mastering the methods of collecting and analyzing data accumulated in criminology; knowledge on the design of the results of research work; the ability to develop a research plan; mastering the skills to correctly choose the necessary and most optimal research methods; the ability to identify, prevent, disclose and investigate crimes and other offenses. | Criminal law and criminological aspects of combating extremist terrorist crimes | PD | 6 | The issues under study are: the laws of the genesis, existence, dynamics of terrorism and its individual types; criminological concepts of the causality of terrorism and extremism; analysis of existing criminal law norms and judicial practice on crimes related to the implementation of extremist activities; general social and special criminological programs for the prevention of terrorist crime. Formed competencies: skills of respect for the law and the law; possession of a sufficient level of professional legal awareness; the ability to interpret, observe, execute and apply the relevant legal norms in practice, including in countering crimes of terrorist extremist orientation. | Practical and theoretical problems of forensic expert science | PD | 5 | The issues under study are: a complex of legal methodological and methodological problems of forensic examination; the current state and prospects for the development of the theory of forensic examination; methods of conducting the most complex types and groups of examinations; scientific recommendations on the use of forensic techniques and tactics in practice. Formed competencies: the ability to analyze the conclusions of an expert and a specialist, to use the conclusions when making and justifying legally significant decisions; possession of practical skills in formulating questions when assigning various types of forensic examinations, compiling fragments of conclusions and conclusions of an expert; the ability to choose objects for expert research; mastering the skills to formulate tasks for a forensic expert, based on a specific investigative situation. | Criminological problems of transnational organized crime | PD | 6 | Issues under study: theoretical, legal and practical problems of countering transnational organized crime; the essence and forms of manifestation of organized crime, its current state, legal terminology; qualification of transnational organized crime. Formed competencies: mastering the skills to develop, prepare specific proposals and methodological recommendations for improving legal and organizational measures; the ability to correctly apply the provisions of criminal legislation to specific life situations; mastering the skills to analyze criminological information about organized crime, to assess the criminogenic situation in a certain territory or object. | Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis, conducted without interruption from theoretical training | Additional cycle of disciplines | 10 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | Problems of public administration and public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage | PD | 4 | Issues under study: the study of theoretical and practical problems of modern administrative law of the Republic of Kazakhstan in a comparative analysis with the institutions of administrative law of foreign countries; the study of theoretical and practical problems of modern public administration, the implementation of modern forms and methods of public administration and public service caused by objective and subjective circumstances of the development of the state. Formed competencies: possession of the ability of a scientific and analytical approach to cognition of state-legal phenomena, the ability to identify the relationship of these phenomena with public interests and the ability to identify general patterns of development of the institution of state power and its regulatory regulation; have the ability to work with scientific methods, while the method of comparative legal analysis is of particular importance; this method assumes that the student has extensive knowledge not only in the field of law, but also in the field of related social sciences – history, political science, cultural studies, philosophy, economics; have the ability to build a learning strategy, the ability to make independent decisions when searching for scientific information. | Research Practice | PD | 16 | The research practice is aimed at expanding and consolidating professional knowledge, forming the skills of conducting independent scientific work among undergraduates; developing research programs and organizing their implementation; mastering research methods and analyzing their results. | Design and Protection of the Master's Thesis | Additional cycle of disciplines | 8 | Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis [JUR] 2 | Additional cycle of disciplines | 2 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. |