The training program 7M01701 - “Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages” is developed considering the content of the postgraduate core program, considering development of innovative approaches to the formation of students 'foreign language competencies, as well as the introduction of new approaches to assessing students' academic achievements.
The goal of the training program 7M01701 - “Foreign language: two foreign languages” is to train personnel for the system of higher, postgraduate education and the research sector, with profound scientific and pedagogical training, with high spiritual and moral qualities, capable of independent thinking and ensuring progressive scientific -technical, socio-economic and cultural development of society.
The educational program is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to the individual needs of each individual student within the framework of educational standards.
Studying for a master's degree implies a greater degree of independence for the student, and research work is reflected in his publications, reports and final scientific work, which allows you to expand your scientific horizons, develop analytical thinking and improve the skills of independent research work.
Features of the educational program:
- A comprehensive interdisciplinary approach (the study of several functional areas: higher education pedagogy, management psychology, modern methodology of foreign language education and research).
- The possibility of implementing individual entrepreneurial activities in the field of educational services.
-In-depth study of didactic, methodological and linguodidactic principles of teaching English.
- Involvement of undergraduates in scientific and project activities to acquire research skills using theoretical and linguodidactic approaches and innovative methods of teaching a foreign language, taking into account modern requirements.
- Modern training programs: Kahoot, Quizlet.
The main objectives of the training programWork in various research and methodological objects, as well as the development, modeling, organization of research projects;
Formation of the methodological culture of a graduate student, the acquisition of skills in organizing and conducting research on problems of pedagogy and psychology;
Assistance in acquiring skills of participation in scientific projects in the field of pedagogy and psychology;
Preparation and processing of analytical information for decision-making by government bodies and local self-government; work with databases and information systems;
The ability to analyze and summarize information, draw appropriate conclusions, make appropriate use of special terminology, formulate psychological recommendations in an accessible and comprehensible language, considering characteristics of a client;
Preparation and processing of information to ensure practical activities of analytical centers, public and state organizations and the media.
Key competencies in the training programThe ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of history and philosophy of science, to know the basic concepts of philosophy of science, methods and techniques of logical analysis;
Ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of higher school didactics, skills of conducting classes in higher school;
Ability to demonstrate knowledge in the field of psychology of the subject of managerial activity, as well as skills and abilities of managerial activity;
The ability to integrate into the international professional environment and use a professional foreign language as a means of intercultural, scientific and professional communication;
The ability to build educational and educational processes taking into account modern world trends;
Acquisition of new knowledge in the field of linguistics ;
Speak foreign languages as a means of implementing educational, scientific, professional and socio-cultural spheres of communication;
The ability to determine the content of the educational process and choose the forms, methods and means of training sessions in accordance with the objectives of the course;
Ability to use modern technologies of teaching a foreign language in high school;
Ability to develop scientific and methodological products, educational and methodological complexes;
The ability to acquire knowledge in the field of pedagogical management, the ability to carry out pedagogical monitoring, develop control and evaluation material, interpret the results obtained, strive for adequate self-assessment and self-control;
Ability to present research results in various types of scientific and popular scientific texts in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages.
Types of professional activityTeaching (translation of educational information, training in the independent formation of a knowledge base);
Controlling (organization of various types of control and self-control of student learning achievements);
Educating (introduces students to the system of social values);
Methodical (implementation of the methodological support of the educational process);
Research (studying the level of assimilation by students of the content of education in the application of various teaching methods, if necessary, integration and combination of them, study of the educational environment);
Socio-communicative (interaction with all interested parties to education);
Self-education (organization of the process of self-updating knowledge, improving the quality and development of professional skills).
Employability prospects for specialistsSecondary comprehensive and specialized schools, colleges, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, educational departments;
Higher education institutions;
Research organizations (institutes) of a social and humanitarian profile;
Institutions of advanced training and retraining of educational system employees;
Consulting firms, educational institutions (as the head of the methodological office, language specialist, translation technology consultant, etc.), etc.;
Authorized and local executive bodies in the field of education.
Graduates of the educational program 7M01701 - “Foreign language: two foreign languages” can establish and develop their own business: trainings, tutoring, language centers, courses, etc.
Pedagogical activities in higher education and research
Ensuring continuing education at the next stage of the vocational education system (doctoral studies)
Management in the field of education with strategic thinking and application of cutting-edge technologies and management tools
Organization of the teaching process in the field of education applying technologies that reflect specifics of a subject area and correspond to the age and psychophysical characteristics of students
Analysis of information necessary to solve linguistic and pedagogical problems
English proficiency at C2 level
Arabic language skills at C2 level (optional)
French language skills at C2 level (optional)
German language skills at C2 level (optional)
Iskakova Laura
Director of the branch of JSC NCCE "Orleu" ICEPE in the Turkestan region, Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Shomanbaeva Almira
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences (IAPscSc) of the Russian Federation, Certified Trainer - NLP Practitioner, Gestalt Psychology, Art Therapy, Psychodrama
Kystaubaeva Dana
Super Ego Business Trainer
The Autonomous Organization of Education "Nazarbayev Intellectual School"
Joint-stock company "National center of formation of qualifications" Orleu"
"Turjan" private gymnasium
School-gymnasium No. 1 named after A.S. Pushkin
Preschool institutions
Research centers
Educational centers
International companies
Higher education institutions
From 97 000 to 450 000 KZT
Second higher education
- Documents:
Diploma, ID
- Entrance tests:
Comprehensive testing
Name of disciplines | Cycle of disciplines | ECTS | Brief description of the disciplines |
History and Philosophy of Science | BD | 3 | Issues under study: the subject and basic concepts of modern philosophy of science; science in the culture of modern civilization; the emergence of science and the main stages of its historical evolution; the structure of scientific knowledge; the dynamics of science as a process of generating new knowledge; scientific traditions and scientific revolutions, historical types of scientific rationality; features of the modern stage of science development; prospects of scientific progress; science as a social institution; natural sciences in the structure of modern scientific knowledge; history of pedagogical science.Formed competencies: knowledge of the main features of science as a special type of knowledge, activity and social institution; knowledge of the main historical stages of the development of science and the variety of scientific method; ability to navigate the main ideological and methodological problems arising at the present stage of the development of science; possession of the terminological apparatus of the philosophy of science; possession of methods and techniques of logical analysis. | Philosophical Problems of Linguistics | BD | 5 | Issues under study: fundamentals of philosophical problems of linguistics; genesis and structure of philosophical knowledge. Formed competencies: the ability to see, identify and explore the philosophical context of linguistic research, to understand the importance of language as a tool for the formation of socio-political and cultural cooperation in the professional sphere; the formation of skills for an objective assessment of the place and role of linguistics in the formation of methodology and philosophy of science; the ability to analyze and use the knowledge gained in the development of educational complexes and teaching disciplines of linguistic orientation. | "Critical issues of linguistics | BD | 5 | Issues under study: the main achievements in the field of linguistics, methodological support of linguistics. Formed competencies: the formation of competencies that ensure further independent research in the field of the language system in synchronic and diachronic aspects, in the field of oral, written and virtual communications within the framework of the multi-paradigm organization of modern linguistics; possession of skills of analysis, evaluation and use of acquired knowledge in research work. | "Foreign language (professional) | BD | 3 | Issues under study: grammatical material, special vocabulary, terminological material; educational material corresponding to the main disciplines of the specialty; reading, speaking, listening and writing in the professional sphere.Formed competencies: mastering the skills of intercultural and communicative competencies of students; integration into the international professional environment; the use of a professional foreign language as a means of intercultural, scientific and professional communication. | Pedagogy in Higher Education | BD | 5 | Issues under study: higher school pedagogy as a science, its methodological foundations; general theoretical foundations of higher school didactics; professional and communicative competence of a higher school teacher; driving forces and principles of teaching in higher school; the content of higher education; modern educational technologies in higher school; higher school as a social institution of education and personality formation; the essence of education in higher school.Formed competencies: knowledge of the basics of higher education; forms, methods, educational technologies and the specifics of the professional and pedagogical activity of a university teacher; knowledge of the forms and methods of conducting classes in higher school. | Contemporary Methodology of Foreign Language Education | PD | 5 | Issues under study: goals and objectives of foreign language education; current trends in language education; intercultural and communicative theory of foreign language education; language communication as a sociolinguistic phenomenon; competence-methodological integration of the modern foreign language educational paradigm. Formed competencies: formation of creative competencies for the use of scientific and theoretical baggage on the course and other related scientific-based disciplines; formation and development of professionally significant competencies for modeling and formation of basic mechanisms of professional activity of a foreign language teacher; formation of skills for analyzing and evaluating their professional activities. | "Lingua-country Study | BD | 5 | Issues under study: sociocultural features of the countries of the English language; linguistic and cultural theory of the word; onomastics and its sections; toponymy as a science; names of English pubs; anthroponymy as a science; features of English surnames; linguistic and cultural lexicography. Formed competencies: possession of the ability to use a foreign language as a communication tool in the dialogue of cultures and civilizations of the modern world; possession of research and analysis skills, the ability to determine methods and forms of the educational process taking into account the national priorities of the country; formation of the ability to interrelated communicative and socio-cultural development of students by means of a foreign language and the ability to use a foreign language as a means of self-education in areas of human knowledge of interest to a person, and as a tool for individual and personal penetration into the cultures of other peoples. | "Linguodidactic fundamentals of teaching a foreign language | BD | 5 | Issues under study: theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages and cultures based on the integrative inclusion in this process of developments in such academic disciplines as linguistics (linguistics), pedagogy, consisting of two sections - teaching and upbringing, and methods of teaching foreign languages, interpreted as an independent scientific and academic discipline; the content of teaching a specific language; means and methods of teaching; lesson organization, types of exercises, etc. Formed competencies: knowledge of scientific concepts represented by terms that are the framework of linguodidactic competence; knowledge of the basics of modern information and bibliographic culture; possession of the necessary international and contextual knowledge that allows overcoming the influence of stereotypes and adapting to changing conditions when contacting representatives of different cultures; formation of the ability to explore, identify and analyze the patterns of functioning of modern foreign languages in global, regional and local spaces. | "Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis, conducted without interruption from theoretical training | Additional cycle of disciplines | 4 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | "Stylistics of a Foreing Language | PD | 5 | Issues under study: relationships, connections and interactions of different correlative particular systems of forms, words, word series and constructions within a single structure of the language as a ""system of systems""; historically changing trends or types of correlations of language styles characterized by a complex of typical features; forms and types of expressive and semantic coloring. Formed competencies: formation of stylistic analysis skills; mastery of stylistic analysis methods that affect the linguistic and socio-cultural competence of students; formation of analytical reading skills, the ability to explore and use systematized theoretical and practical knowledge to implement the language needs of students in pedagogical activity. | "Psychology of Management | BD | 5 | Issues under study: psychology of management in the system of scientific knowledge; basic approaches to the study of the management system; individual professional concept of the head; managerial interaction and decision-making process as an aspect of managerial activity; psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions; psychology of the subject of managerial activity; psychology of individual management styles.Formed competencies: knowledge of the psychological content of managerial activity, the individual managerial concept of the head, the theoretical foundations of managerial interaction, the psychological features of the implementation of the main managerial functions, the psychology of the subject of managerial activity; knowledge of the methods of psychological research in the field of managerial activity and interaction. | Leadership in Education | PD | 6 | Issues under study: theory and practice of leadership, psychology of leadership, the main problems of leadership in education; the system of modern learning technologies. Formed competencies: formation of professional qualities and skills to build and manage a leadership system; possession of skills of analysis, introspection, self-assessment and application of the latest proposals on the effectiveness of the education sector, taking into account national needs. | "Leadership and Personality | PD | 6 | Issues under study: modern concepts of leadership, psychology of leadership. Formed competencies: formation of leadership qualities necessary for the implementation of innovative tasks in the professional field; formation of team building skills, managerial decision-making based on analytical materials based on research results, self-analysis and self-assessment of their activities. | "Organizational forms and methods of studies at university | PD | 6 | Issues under study: professional educational programs and curricula in future pedagogical activity at a level that meets the accepted educational standards of higher education; a system of ideas about the forms, methods and methods of organizing classes at universities. Formed competencies: skills and skills of professional communication and tolerance; formation of skills of designing, research and organization of the educational process at the university, organization and implementation of scientific and pedagogical activities; formation of the ability to critically analyze and evaluate modern scientific achievements, skills of generating new ideas in solving research and practical problems, including in interdisciplinary fields; formation of readiness for teaching activities in the main educational programs of higher education. | "Methodological problems of teaching a foreign language at a university | PD | 6 | Issues under study: theory and practice of modern foreign language education; connection of foreign language education methodology with other sciences; methods of scientific research in the methodology of foreign language education; linguistic means of intercultural communication; modeling of foreign language communication. Formed competencies: mastering the skills of general cultural and professional competencies within the framework of the formation of a scientific and methodological base as the basis of future professional and pedagogical activity; mastering the content of the discipline and practical skills of teaching a foreign language course in a general and higher school; the ability to analyze domestic and foreign experience; the ability to conduct self-analysis and self-assessment of their activities. | "Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis [UA] 1 | Additional cycle of disciplines | 4 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | "Research work of a master's student (scientific internship) | Additional cycle of disciplines | 4 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | "Stylistics of a Second Foreign Language | PD | 3 | Issues under study: methods of text organization, theoretical foundations of the discipline. Formed competencies: knowledge of research methods and stylistic analysis of the second foreign language, affecting the linguistic and socio-cultural competence of students; formation of analytical reading skills, the ability to use systematized theoretical and practical knowledge to implement the language needs of students in the second foreign language in pedagogical activity. | "Specialized Course for Foreign Language Research Purposes | PD | 6 | Issues under study: the basics of logical knowledge necessary for scientific research; theoretical and experimental methods in the design and development of the latest methods of teaching a foreign language. Formed competencies: the formation of skills and abilities necessary for the independent performance of scientific research, their analysis and evaluation; the application of knowledge about modern research methods in pedagogy. | "Modern educational technologies in the methodology of teaching a foreign language | BD | 5 | Issues under study: professional terminology; problems of teaching foreign languages in the modern innovative educational space; features of the implementation of modern educational technologies in the methodology of teaching foreign languages at various levels of education. Formed competencies: skills of using modern educational technologies in the methodology of teaching a foreign language, the formation of skills for analyzing and evaluating one's pedagogical activity. | "Innovative technologies in education | BD | 5 | Issues under study: cost-effective modern technologies in education; issues of modern educational policy, innovative practice; building the educational process through the use of new educational technologies. Formed competencies: formation of the ability to apply in practice the latest achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience; possession of skills for reforming higher and postgraduate professional education; formation of skills for analyzing and evaluating one's pedagogical activity; the ability to build an educational process using new educational technologies. | "Digital technologies in teaching a second foreign language | BD | 5 | Issues under study: theoretical issues of the methodology of teaching the second language being studied, taking into account the use of digital learning technologies in their direct connection with traditional methods. Formed competencies: the ability to use digital technologies as the latest methods of teaching a second foreign language; the formation of the ability to apply methods of teaching a second foreign language in practice; the ability to apply methods of analysis, introspection when teaching a second foreign language. | "Distance Teaching a Foreign Language | PD | 6 | Issues under study: problems of methodological preparation of future specialists for the use of new technologies in the educational process; analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the use of remote technologies in the field of foreign language teaching; the need and promising opportunities of remote forms of foreign language teaching. Formed competencies: formation of information and communication competencies; proficiency in the use of new technologies in the educational process; formation of skills for analyzing the possibility of distance learning of a foreign language; formation of skills of introspection and self-assessment when using innovative forms of learning. | "Education system and digital technologies in teaching a foreign language | PD | 6 | Issues under study: issues of development and use of educational methods and digital technologies in teaching a foreign language; problems of improving the pedagogical skills of foreign language teachers through the development of their information technology competence based on the use of digital information technologies in the educational process. Formed competencies: possession of skills in the use of digital and information technologies in teaching a foreign language; formation of skills in the use of information technologies, skills of introspection and self-assessment in improving pedagogical skills. | "Modern problems of professionally-oriented foreign language education | PD | 6 | Issues under study: modern problems of professionally-oriented foreign language education; methods and methods of training a qualified specialist who is fluent in at least three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. Formed competencies: formation of the ability to work effectively in the specialty at the level of world standards; readiness for constant professional growth, social and professional mobility; readiness for constant introspection and self-evaluation of their teaching activities. | "Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis, conducted without interruption from theoretical training | Additional cycle of disciplines | 10 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | "Pedagogical Practice | BD | 4 | Pedagogical practice is aimed at deepening, improving and consolidating the acquired theoretical knowledge, the ability to apply them in pedagogical activity. Pedagogical practice is designed to provide a close link between the scientific-theoretical and practical training of undergraduates, to give them initial experience of pedagogical activity and certain skills of scientific-psychological and pedagogical research. | Research Practice | PD | 16 | The research practice is aimed at the formation and development of professional knowledge in the field of the chosen specialty, consolidation of the theoretical knowledge obtained in the disciplines of the direction and special disciplines of the master's program, mastering the necessary professional competencies in the chosen direction of specialized training. | Research work of a master's student, including the implementation of a master's thesis [UA] 2 | Additional cycle of disciplines | 2 | Issues under study: scientific research; practice in the form of research of a real object, based on the approved research topic and the topic of the master's thesis. Formed competencies: formation of skills to implement scientific research; solve tasks; select information sources on the topic of work; conduct analytical work to identify practically significant moments. | "Design and Protection of the Master's Thesis | Additional cycle of disciplines | 8 |